ДБР перевіряє дії податківців, що не помітили зловживань на півтора мільйони гривень

Державна бюро розслідувань повідомило про початок розслідування щодо ймовірних зловживань в управлінні Дердавної фіскальної служби на Дніпропетровщині.

За інформацією ДБР, дії податківців спричинили ухилення від сплати підприємством акцизного податку на суму 1 мільйон 637 тисяч гривень.

«Відбулися санкціоновані обшуки в приміщеннях Головного управління ДФС в Дніпропетровській області та за місцем ведення господарської діяльності підприємства. Процесуальне керівництво у кримінальному провадженні здійснює Генеральна прокуратура України. Оперативний супровід – Головне управління по боротьбі з корупцією та організованою злочинністю СБУ та оперативне управління Головного управління Державної фіскальної служби у м. Києві», – мовиться у повідомленні на сайті відомства.

У бюро кваліфікували інцидент як зловживання службовим становищем, що спричинило тяжкі наслідки.

У ДФС ситуацію наразі не коментували.

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Зеленський зобов’язав уряд до кінця року розробити нові правила для ФОП, залізниці та бурштину

Президент України Володмир Зеленський підписав указ «Про невідкладні заходи з проведення реформ та зміцнення держави», повідомляється на сайті глави держави.

Як повідомляється, серед іншого,очікується розробка урядом проектів законів щодо створення сприятливих умов для діяльності підприємців, зокрема запровадження дворічного мораторію на проведення перевірок фізичних осіб – підприємців (ФОП) та пом’якшення їхньої відповідальності за порушення порядку подання звітності, пов’язаної із застосуванням реєстраторів розрахункових операцій.

Також уряд зобов’язується розробити ще низку документів.

«Зокрема, до кінця поточного року в економічній, фінансовій та енергетичній сферах Кабінет Міністрів повинен вжити заходів щодо розробки, внесення на розгляд Верховної Ради та супроводу законопроектів щодо створення умов для функціонування конкурентного ринку залізничних перевезень в Україні та покращення якості й доступності відповідних послуг, функціонування внутрішнього водного транспорту, управління відходами, протидії незаконному видобутку бурштину, погашення заборгованості на оптовому ринку електроенергії, що утворилася до 1 липня 2019 року, лібералізації діяльності у сфері виробництва спирту етилового та лібералізації трудових відносин і оновлення законодавства про працю», – йдеться у повідомленні на сайті глави держави.

Окрім того, зазначається, що до 31 грудня 2019 року уряд має забезпечити початок масштабної приватизації, зокрема визначення 5 об’єктів великої приватизації.

20 вересня Верховна Рада ухвалила закон №1053-1 «Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про застосування реєстраторів розрахункових операцій у сфері торгівлі, громадського харчування та послуг» щодо детінізації розрахунків в сфері торгівлі і послуг та закон №1073 «Про внесення змін до Податкового кодексу України щодо детінізації розрахунків в сфері торгівлі і послуг».

Незабаром після ухвалених парламентом законів в окремих регіонах відбулися протести дрібних підприємців, які вимагали, аби президент їх ветував. Серед причин вказували – збільшення вартості різних категорій товарів і унеможливлення організації роботи певних категорій підприємців. До дрібних підприємців долучилися і деякі великі компанії – керівники «Розетки» і «Нової пошти» заявили, що підписання президентом законів 1053-1 і 1073 є загрозою для їхнього бізнесу.

Після цього у жовтні Володимир Зеленський підписав указ № 761/2019 «Про невідкладні заходи щодо забезпечення сприятливих умов для діяльності фізичних осіб – підприємців». Як ідеться в повідомленні на сайті глави держави, указ «спрямований на покращення умов для розвитку підприємництва, здійснення фізичними особами підприємницької діяльності».


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Strange Creatures on Danish Beach Turn Out to be Art, Not a Space Invasion

Artists from around the world have created fanciful, strange, beautiful and huge sculptures at a beach on Denmark’s west coast.  It is a blend of science fiction, technical skill and about 1,200 tons of sand.  VOA’s Jim Randle narrates our story. 

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Facebook Is Deleting the Name of the Potential Whistleblower

Facebook says it is deleting the name of the person who has been identified in conservative circles as the whistleblower who triggered a congressional impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s actions.The company said Friday that mention of the potential whistleblower’s name violates Facebook’s “coordinating harm policy,” which prohibits material that could identify a “witness, informant, or activist.”Facebook says it is removing mentions of the alleged whistleblower’s name and will revisit this decision if the name is widely published in the media or used by public figures in debate.On Twitter, though, the alleged whistleblower’s name was circulating widely on Friday. The company does not have a policy against identifying whistleblowers by name and is not removing the posts.Some of the stories identifying the person came from the conservative news site Breitbart, which Facebook counts as one of its news partners in a newly launched news section on its app. However, the company said it was also removing identifying posts on the whistleblower from Breitbart.In a statement, Twitter said it prohibits the sharing of “personally identifiable information about any individual, including the alleged whistleblower.” But the company’s policy on such information does not consider a person’s name to be private information, a category that does include details such as a person’s address, contact information or medical records.U.S. whistleblower laws exist to protect the identity and careers of people who bring forward accusations of wrongdoing by government officials. Lawmakers in both parties have historically backed those protections.The Associated Press typically does not reveal the identity of whistleblowers.So far, President Donald Trump has avoided identifying the whistleblower by name. Exposing whistleblowers can be dicey, even for a president. For one thing, doing so could be a violation of federal law.While there’s little chance Trump could face charges, revealing the name could give Democrats more impeachment fodder. It could also prompt a backlash among some Senate Republicans who have long defended whistleblowers.

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Світовий банк може придбати частину державного «Укргазбанку» – НБУ

Міжнародна фінансова корпорація (IFC), яка входить до структури Світового банку, може придбати частину державного «Укргазбанку», повідомила заступниця голови Національного банку України Катерина Рожкова.

«Мінфін працює на сьогодні з IFC щодо її входження в капітал «Укргазбанку». Це дійсно подія, яка має відбутися найближчим часом. Це буде перша операція і перший реалізований крок щодо того, як держава скорочує свою частку в банківському секторі», – сказала Рожкова.

За її словами, триває робота над залученням приватних інвесторів і до інших державних банків.

Держава володіє 94,9% акцій «Укргазбанку».

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Apple Rolls Out Health Records on iPhones for US Military Veterans

Apple Inc on Wednesday said that U.S. military veterans who use its iOS devices and get medical care from the Veterans Health Administration will be able to access their health records on the devices.The Department of Veterans Affairs runs the largest integrated health care system in the United States, with 9 million veterans enrolled and more than 1,200 facilities. Apple began working with the department this summer to allow access to health records from the system on iPhones and other Apple mobile devices running its iOS operating system.Apple has been working on partnerships with health care organizations to allow access to health records on its devices, promoting their privacy and security features. Data stored in the health app on iPhones is encrypted in such a way that Apple cannot read the data, even if the data is backed up to Apple’s iCloud service.Apple has also worked out similar health record access arrangements with about 400 groups in the health care industry, including Johns Hopkins, the University of California San Diego, Quest Diagnostics and Allscripts, the company said. Apple’s system allows the user to access records from all of those providers in one place on their device.

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People Puzzled by Peculiar Texts, and No One Can Say Why

If you woke up Thursday to a weird text that seemed totally out of place, you aren’t alone. A mysterious wave of missives swept America’s phones overnight, delivering largely unintelligible messages from friends, family and the occasional ex.Friends who hadn’t talked to each other in months were jolted into chatting. Others briefly panicked.The best explanation seems to be that old texts sent in the spring suddenly went through. Two people said they figured out the original messages were never received. It’s not clear why this months-long delay happened. Phone companies blamed others and offered no further explanations.Stephanie Bovee, a 28-year-old from Portland, woke up at 5 a.m. to a text from her sister that said just “omg.” She immediately thought something had happened to her newborn nephew at the hospital.She started calling everyone. Her sister and her sister’s husband didn’t answer. She woke up her mom, freaking her out. It was three hours before she learned that everything was fine and the text was an odd anomaly.”Now it’s funny,” she said. “But out of context, it was not cool.”Bovee figured out that people were getting some of her old texts that failed to go through when her sister and a co-worker both got texts that she had sent in February. The text her sister received wished her a happy Valentine’s Day.Vague explanationsMobile carriers offered unhelpful explanations for the weird-text phenomenon, which appeared to be widespread, at least according to social media.A Sprint spokeswoman said it resulted from a “maintenance update” for messaging platforms at multiple U.S. carriers and would not explain further. T-Mobile called it a “third party vendor issue.” Verizon and AT&T did not answer questions.Marissa Figueroa, a 25-year-old from California, got an unwanted message from an ex she had stopped talking to — and then he got one from her as well. Neither actually sent them last night, both said. Figueroa couldn’t figure it out, even worrying that her ex was messing with her, until she saw reports of this happening to others.”It didn’t feel great,” she said. “It just was not good for me and my mental health to be in contact with him.”Confusion and awkwardnessA friend who’d just re-entered his life got a mystifying message from Joseph Gomez at 5:32 a.m. Thursday. In that text, Gomez seemed to assume she was on her way over to his house so they could order a Lyft.It took a half hour of back-and-forth texting and help from a screenshot to clear up the situation. Can their relationship recover? Gomez, 22, said it was “confusion, then awkward, and then funny.” No mixed messages there.

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Bugs Are Good For You if You Can Stomach Them

They’re baked, not fried, and already for sale at major convenience stores. They are crunchy and high in protein, vitamins and minerals, but for some people, none of that will be enough to overcome the idea of eating insects.  VOA’s Arash Arabasadi reports on this story out of Thailand.

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In Post-Cold War Berlin, Arts Scene Paves Way for Reunification

In the 30 years that have passed since the Berlin Wall came down and ended a decades-long division between the eastern and western parts of the city, it is artists who have injected new life into the abandoned buildings in what was communist East Berlin. And as Charles Maynes reports, this cultural scene became a driving force behind the reconciliation of East and West – a process that continues to this day.

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US Raises Security Concerns Over Chinese-Owned TikTok

The social media application, TikTok, is booming in popularity especially with kids who use it to share short, usually funny videos.  But TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, is owned by China, and this is raising concerns by U.S. lawmakers worried about the security of the app’s American users. In Washington, Esha Sarai has more.

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Original, Barbecue, and Tom Yam Flavors for Your Favorite Insect Snacks

They’re baked, not fried, and already for sale at major convenience stores. They are crunchy and high in protein, vitamins and minerals, but for some people, none of that will be enough to overcome the idea of eating insects.  VOA’s Arash Arabasadi reports on this story out of Thailand.

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US: Saudis Recruited Twitter Workers to Spy on Critics

Saudi Arabia, frustrated by growing criticism of its leaders and policies on social media, recruited two Twitter employees to spy on thousands of accounts that included prominent opponents, prosecutors alleged Wednesday.
The complaint unsealed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco detailed a coordinated effort by Saudi government officials to recruit employees at the social media giant to look up the private data of Twitter accounts, including email addresses linked to the accounts and internet protocol addresses that can give up a user’s location. It appeared to link Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the powerful 34-year-son of King Salman, to the effort.
The accounts included those of a popular critic of the government with more than 1 million followers and a news personality. Neither was named.
The complaint also alleged that the employees – whose jobs did not require access to Twitter users’ private information – were rewarded with a designer watch and tens of thousands of dollars funneled into secret bank accounts. Ahmad Abouammo, a U.S. citizen, and Ali Alzabarah, a Saudi citizen, were charged with acting as agents of Saudi Arabia without registering with the U.S. government.
The Saudi government had no immediate comment through its embassy in Washington. Its state-run media did not immediately acknowledge the charges.
The complaint marks the first time that the kingdom, long linked to the U.S. through its massive oil reserves and regional security arrangements, has been accused of spying in America.
The allegations against two former Twitter employees and a third man who ran a social media marketing company that did work for the Saudi royal family comes a little more than a year after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. The Washington Post columnist and prominent critic of the Saudi government was slain and dismembered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Saudi Arabia under King Salman and Prince Mohammed has aggressively silenced and detained government critics even as it allows women to drive and opens movie theaters in the conservative kingdom.
Prince Mohammed also has been implicated by U.S. officials and a United Nations investigative report in the assassination of Khashoggi. The prince has said he bears ultimate responsibility for what happens in the kingdom’s name, though he denies orchestrating the slaying.
The criminal allegations reveal the extent the Saudi government went to control the flow of information on Twitter, said Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher with Human Rights Watch.
The platform is the main place for Saudis to express their views, and about a third of the nation’s 30 million people are active users. But the free-wheeling nature of Twitter is a major source of concern for its authoritarian government, Coogle said.
The kingdom has used different tactics to control speech and keep reformers and others from organizing, including employing troll armies to harass and intimidate users online. It has even arrested and imprisoned Twitter users.
The crown prince’s former top adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, who also served as director of the cyber security federation, started the “Black List” hashtag to target critics of the government. He ominously tweeted in 2017 that the government had ways of unmasking anonymous Twitter users.
“If you combine that with what we know about at least these two individuals and what went on in 2014 and into 2015, it’s pretty chilling,” Coogle said.
Al-Qahtani has been sanctioned for his suspected role in orchestrating the brutal killing of Khashoggi. His Twitter account was suspended in September for violating the platform’s manipulation policy.
Twitter acknowledged that it cooperated in the criminal investigation and said in a statement that it restricts access to sensitive account information “to a limited group of trained and vetted employees.”
“We understand the incredible risks faced by many who use Twitter to share their perspectives with the world and to hold those in power accountable,” the statement said. “We have tools in place to protect their privacy and their ability to do their vital work.”
A critic said Twitter didn’t live up to its principle of restricting access to information about private individuals to the smallest possible number of employees.
“If Twitter had implemented this principle, this misappropriation of information would not have been possible,” said Mike Chapple, who teaches cybersecurity at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. “Social media companies must understand the sensitivity of this information and restrict access to the smallest possible number of employees. Failing to do so puts the privacy, and even the physical safety, of social media users at risk.”
Abouammo was also charged with falsifying documents and making false statements to obstruct FBI investigators – offenses that carry a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison if convicted.
At his appearance in Seattle federal court Wednesday, Abouammo was ordered to remain in custody pending a detention hearing set for Friday.
His lawyer, Christopher Black, declined to comment, as did Abouammo’s wife, who did not give her name.
The complaint said Abouammo, a media partnership manager for Twitter’s Middle East region, and Alzabarah, a site reliability engineer at Twitter, worked with an unnamed Saudi official who leads a charitable organization belonging to a person named Royal Family Member 1.
Prosecutors said a third defendant, a Saudi named Ahmed Almutairi who worked as a social media adviser for the Saudi royal family, acted as an intermediary with the Twitter employees.
The complaint said Almutairi recruited Alzabarah and flew him to Washington, D.C., in the spring of 2015, when a Saudi delegation visited the White House. Based on the context and times mentioned in the complaint, including Alzabarah taking a selfie with the royal while in Washington, it appears Prince Mohammed is that royal. The crown prince had traveled there as part of the delegation when he served as deputy crown prince.
“Within one week of returning to San Francisco, Alzabarah began to access without authorization private data of Twitter users en masse,” the complaint said.
The effort included the user data of over 6,000 Twitter users, including at least 33 usernames for which Saudi Arabian law enforcement had submitted emergency disclosure requests to Twitter, investigators said.
After being confronted by his supervisors at Twitter, Alzabarah acknowledged accessing user data and said he did it out of curiosity, authorities said.
Alzabarah was placed on administrative leave, his work-owned laptop was seized, and he was escorted out of the office. The next day, he flew to Saudi Arabia with his wife and daughter and has not returned to the United States, investigators said.
A warrant for his and Almutairi’s arrests were issued as part of the complaint. 

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Курс валют на 8 листопада: гривня зміцнішала ще на 14 копійок щодо долара

Гривня зміцнішала ще на 14 копійок щодо долара, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України.

Офіційна вартість долара на 8 листопада встановлена на рівні 24,52 гривні.

Євро втратив 19 копійок і коштуватиме 27,16 гривні.

Від 5 листопада американська валюта знецінилася на 28 копійок, євро – на 51.

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Зеленський підписав закон про правки до держбюджету

Президент України Володимир Зеленський підписав закон «Про внесення змін до Закону України Про «Державний бюджет України на 2019 рік». Про це повідомляється на сайті парламенту.

Зазначається, що 7 листопада закон повернуто з підписом президента.

Законопроєкт, який зокрема передбачає виділення 1 млрд гривень на вугледобувну галузь, Верховна Рада схвалила 31 жовтня.

15 вересня у Верховній Раді зареєстрували проєкт державного бюджету. Парламент схвалив його у першому читанні. Остаточно законопроєкт про державний бюджет мають ухвалити до 1 грудня.

Доходи кошторису передбачені у сумі 1 079,5 мільярда гривень, видатки – 1,17 трильйона гривень. Видатки на безпеку і оборону – 245,8 мільярда гривень, на розвиток дорожньої інфраструктури – 74,4 мільярда гривень, на охорону здоров’я – 108 мільярдів гривень. Мінімальна зарплата, згідно з проєктом бюджету, становитиме 4723 гривень. Фінансування Пенсійного фонду складе 172,6 мільярда гривень.

Прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук повідомив, що Україна востаннє буде ухвалювати державний бюджет на один рік, оскільки надалі ухваленню кошторису передуватиме ухвалення «повноцінної трирічної декларації».

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Долар за 24,5 гривні: пропозиція переважає попит

На українському міжбанківському валютному котирування дійшли до позначки 24 гривні 50 копійок за долар США, але на цьому посилення гривні призупинилося, і станом на 13:00 котирування зросли до 24 гривень 54–57 копійок, інформує сайт Finance.ua.

Відбиваючи ранкові тенденції міжбанку, Національний банк України опівдні оприлюднив довідкове значення курсу 24 гривні 52 копійки за долар.

«На торгах по долару перед обідом пожвавився попит на валюту. Це підтягнуло котирування вгору. Відбуваються операції по лотах до 1 млн доларів. НБУ викуповував надлишок валюти в резерви», – повідомляє про перебіг торгів сайт «Мінфін».

Свого найвищого за понад три з половиною роки курсу 24,08 за долар гривня досягла 30 вересня 2019 року. Після цього відбулося послаблення національної валюти, але впродовж останніх тижнів поновилася тенденція до посилення гривні.

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У торговельній війні з Україною Росія завдає шкоди цілому регіону – Качка

Ініційований Росією торговельний конфлікт з Україною шкодить цілому регіону, заявив заступник міністра економічного розвитку, торгівлі та сільського господарства, торговий представник України Тарас Качка. За його словами, взаємні обмеження у торгівлі між Україною та Росією є наслідком саме дій Кремля, а також санкцій, накладених в інтересах національної безпеки України.

«В цій боротьбі Росія зайшла задалеко, і це вже вплинуло на загальну ситуацію в ЄврАзЕС. Це призвело до досить наполегливої позиції деяких наших партнерів про скасування частини обмежень, які вже завдають шкоди нашій торгівлі з ними. Ця ситуація не повинна шкодити торгівлі України з Білоруссю та Казахстаном», – наголосив Качка, вказавши, що цієї осені триває «складна розмова» з Білоруссю та Казахстаном про поліпшення умов їхньої торгівлі з Україною, попри шкоду, яку заподіяли у цьому секторі російські обмеження.

Качка запевнив, що влада працює «реактивно» і реагує на заходи, які вживає щодо України Росія.

«Більшість її (Росії – ред.) заходів ми вважаємо протиправними. Тому ми продовжуємо торговельні обмеження у відповідь на це. Плюс є санкційна політика, в інтересах безпеки, яка відповідає закону про санкції. Цієї стратегії ми й далі дотримуватимемося», – повідомив заступник міністра економічного розвитку, торгівлі та сільського господарства.

Росія посилила торговельні обмеження щодо України з початком своєї гібридної агресії, з весни 2014 року. Це, зокрема, завдало великої шкоди транзитові українських товарів російською територією до третіх країн. Україна запроваджує зустрічні обмеження, а також обмежує торгівлю з Росією в рамках політики санкцій.

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Study: Russia’s Web-censoring Tool Sets Pace for Imitators

Russia is succeeding in imposing a highly effective internet censorship regime across thousands of disparate, privately owned providers in an effort also aimed at making government snooping pervasive, according to a study released Wednesday.The study by University of Michigan researchers says the model can be easily exported to other nations, and it challenges the notion that decentralized internet service can prevent large-scale censorship of the types imposed by Iran and China.“What this study shows is that Russia has created a blueprint for censoring the internet on top of a network of internet service providers that is very much like the networks found in Western democracies,” said J. Alex Halderman, a leading computer scientist at the university who was not involved in the study. “As other governments decide to crack down on the free flow of information online, they may follow Russia’s game plan.”Seven years of data used by researchersSeven years of publicly available data reviewed by the researchers, who call their lab Censored Planet, attests to the Russian government’s increasing success at getting privately owned internet providers to block online addresses used by critics of President Vladimir Putin and independent news outlets.Previously, Censored Planet’s discovery of efforts by Kazakhstan’s government to surveil internet traffic led Mozilla, Apple and Google to add protections to their browsers. Its latest study comes as a new Russian law formalizes Kremlin censorship and seeks to further tighten information control.Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny attends a rally against authorities’ move to block parts of the internet in Russia, in Moscow, April 30, 2018.Under the law, devices known as “middleboxes” that surgically filter web content are required, and the state will buy the deep-packet inspection technology and provide it to the internet service providers, effectively assuming direct control over internet traffic. The boxes must be configured so that the Kremlin can access and manage internet traffic.“When the government controls this filtering equipment they can do anything, and civil society can’t scrutinize it. In China and Iran people don’t know what’s being blocked,” said Alexander Isavnin, who lives in Moscow and works withNew law may stifle dessentArtyom Kozlyuk, founder of the Roskosvoboda online free speech group, said authorities could use the new law, which took effect Nov. 1, to stifle dissent.“It gives the government new instruments that would allow it to limit internet traffic the authorities view as negative,” he said in remarks published in the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta.Kozlyuk said the law gives Russia’s state communications regulator, Roskomnadzor, broad powers to control the internet.“If mass protests erupt in some regions, we may see shutdowns of mobile internet, or even entire internet access,” Kozlyuk said.Russian media have reported that it may take another year to install the deep-packet inspection equipment needed to implement the new “sovereign internet” law. Experts predict diminished internet quality in Russia.The use of “middleboxes” has grown globally. Much of the equipment is sold by U.S. companies like Cisco Systems, Inc. and Procera Networks, Inc. Other providers include Russia’s EcoFilter and VAS Experts, China’s Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and Israel’s Allot Communications, Ltd.$8,000 for ‘middlebox’Censored Planet founder Roya Ensafi, a University of Michigan computer scientist, said the boxes can be found for as little as $8,000. The technology is often used, especially in the United States, by telecoms and businesses for analyzing online customer behavior and protecting users from phishing attacks.Deep-packet inspection is a dual-use technology that can be used beneficially for security purposes but also abused for population-scale information-access control, Halderman said.Under Putin, the Russian state has been steadily tightening censorship against what the government calls “external threats.” It has tried to block the messaging service Telegram, which has refused to hand over users’ encrypted messages in defiance of a court order.That effort caused unintended blockages, temporarily knocking offline unrelated apps — including Volvo car repair services — leading the Kremlin to pause that effort.The study released Wednesday, aided by on-the-ground activists in Russia, reviewed seven years of content blocking by internet providers, who daily are given an updated copy of a centralized blocklist maintained by Roskomnadzor. By April 2019, the list had grown to 132,798 internet domains, roughly 63% in Russian and 28% in English.Virtual private network technology that can hide users’ web activity from their internet provider is used globally to circumvent such blocking, though Russian law requires domestic VPNs to connect to the regulated network.VPN apps provide work-aroundPlenty of VPN apps continue to allow Russians to circumvent the censorship, according to Valentin Weber, an Oxford University researcher who recently authored a study on efforts by the Russian and Chinese states to control information online.The website blocking is transparent. Internet providers even notify customers when a site is blocked by government order. In many cases, those pages now also carry ads, Ensafi said.Weber said the deep-packet inspection technology used by the middleboxes “increases not only your ability to filter and do censorship but to do increased surveillance capabilities.”Ensafi said she is worried about other countries — she named India, Indonesia, Portugal and Britain — with decentralized internet service adopting the same technology. Russian-sold filtering equipment is already deployed in former Soviet republics like Belarus and Ukraine and farther afield in Algeria, Cuba and Mexico, according to the Oxford study.Britain uses a similar “censorship architecture,” with the government asking internet providers to block child sexual abuse, which is primarily done using deep-packet inspection technology.“It would only be a matter of programming to repurpose it to block other kinds of content,” Halderman said.In the U.S., meanwhile, the repeal of net neutrality allows internet service providers to favor certain content over others — the same technical starting point for the use of deep-packet inspection in Russia and what has since allowed the jump to greater censorship there, the report says.Isavnin said the trend in Russia should be a wake-up call for engineers, hardware and software developers at internet service providers who often prefer to stay in their geeky world and not get into politics.“You cannot be just an engineer,” he said. “You have to understand the consequences of what you’re doing in the real world.”

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Former Twitter Employees Charged With Spying for Saudi Arabia

The U.S. Justice Department has charged two former Twitter employees of spying on users on behalf of Saudi Arabia.The charges unsealed in a San Francisco court said Ali Alzabarah and Ahmad Abouammo used their employee credentials to access information about specific Twitter users.Abouammo, a U.S. citizen, was arrested Tuesday. Alzabarah, a Saudi citizen, remains at large.A third person, Saudi citizen Ahmed Almutairi, is accused of spying and acting as an intermediary between the Twitter workers and Saudi officials.Prosecutors said Abouammo falsified documents and lied to FBI agents.Alzabarah is accused of accessing the personal data of more than 6,000 Twitter users in 2015, including a Saudi national who was a friend of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post journalist allegedly slain in October 2018 by men with ties to Saudi government officials.Alzabarah and Almutairi are both believed to be in Saudi Arabia.

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CGI James Dean Cast in New Film, Sparking Outcry

James Dean hasn’t been alive in 64 years, but the “Rebel Without a Cause” actor has been cast in a new film about the Vietnam War.The filmmakers behind the independent film “Finding Jack” said Wednesday that a computer-generated Dean will play a co-starring role in the upcoming production. The digital Dean is to be assembled through old footage and photos and voiced by another actor.Digitally manipulated posthumous performances have made some inroads into films. But those have been largely roles the actors already played, including Carrie Fisher and Peter Cushing, who first appeared together in “Star Wars” and were prominently featured in the 2016 spinoff “Rogue One.”But the prospect of one of the movies’ most beloved former stars being digitally resurrected was met with widespread criticism after the news was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter. Chris Evans, the “Captain America”actor, was among those who called the plans disrespectful and wrongheaded.“Maybe we can get a computer to paint us a new Picasso. Or write a couple new John Lennon tunes,” said Evans on Twitter. “The complete lack of understanding here is shameful.”Rights to Dean’s likeness were acquired by the filmmakers and the production company Magic City Films through CMG Worldwide. The company represents Dean’s family along with the intellectual property rights associated with many other deceased personalities including Neil Armstrong, Bette Davis and Burt Reynolds.Mark Roesler, chairman and chief executive of CMG, defended the usage of Dean and said the company has represented his family for decades. Noting that Dean has more than 183,000 followers on Instagram, Roesler said he still resonates today.“James Dean was known as Hollywood’s ‘rebel’ and he famously said ‘if a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live after he’s died, then maybe he was a great man. Immortality is the only true success,’” said Roesler. “What was considered rebellious in the `50s is very different than what is rebellious today, and we feel confident that he would support this modern day act of rebellion.”Adapted from Gareth Crocker’s novel, “Finding Jack” is a live-action movie about the U.S. military’s abandonment of canine units following the Vietnam War. Directors Anton Ernst and Tati Golykh are to begin shooting Nov. 17. In an email, Ernst said they “tremendously” respect Dean’s legacy.“The movie subject matter is one of hope and love, and he is still relevant like the theme of the film we are portraying,” said Ernst. “There is still a lot of James Dean fans worldwide who would love to see their favorite icon back on screen. There would always be critics, and all we can do is tell a great story with humanity and grace.”Dean had just three leading roles before he died in a car crash in 1955 at the age of 24: “Rebel Without a Cause,” “East of Eden” and “Giant.”

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Twitter to Give Users Option to Follow Topics

Twitter said Wednesday that it was rolling out a feature that lets users follow topics the way they do people, starting with sports and K-pop, as part of its efforts to bring in and keep more users on the service. 
The new “Topics” option was expected to be available to Twitter users on mobile devices powered by Android or Apple software or through web browsers by Nov. 13. 
“We are starting with topics that have the most volume on Twitter for now — sports, K-pop — and you’ll see us add in even more on a week-to-week basis,” Twitter told AFP. 
Twitter earlier this year disclosed plans to provide users the option of following any of a small number of interests. Accent on conversations
The feature was to be rolled out internationally as the messaging platform prioritizes being an online venue for conversations rather than a pulpit for one-way broadcasting to the masses. 
“We are basically rewriting the entire conversation service,” Twitter product team leader Kayvon Beykpour said during a briefing at the company’s San Francisco headquarters in August. 
Twitter has always let users follow accounts, but the new feature will let users opt into following certain sports teams or categories on a curated list. 
For example, sending or interacting with tweets about a team might prompt a query over whether the user wants to “follow” that team or be kept in the know about what is being said on Twitter on the topics, the company explained at the briefing. ‘Mute’ option
There will be an ability to “mute” topics to avoid seeing the score of a sporting match, for example. 
Topics people follow will show up in their profiles as long as they are signed up for the interest. 
Subjects designated “interests” by Twitter are meant to be lasting — such as football or cricket — rather than passing hot topics, according to Twitter. 

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