A Big Turnout in Bethlehem for Christmas

The Christian faithful flocked to Palestinian-governed Bethlehem in the West Bank to celebrate Christmas.Christmas Eve celebrations got off to a festive start at Manger Square.Palestinian Boy and Girl Scouts marched past a giant Christmas tree in front of the ancient Church of the Nativity, the traditional birthplace of Jesus.Local Palestinians watched the parade along with pilgrims from around the world.“I’m happy to be here and see the different sites and how each culture interprets devotion to God in different ways,”  said  Michael  Aliprandini from the  U.S. state of Arizona.The atmosphere was more solemn inside the church, where pilgrims visited the Grotto of the Nativity. Sylvia   Nakazibwe came from Uganda.  “It’s quite a very life-changing experience for me because since childhood I’ve always read the Bible, I’ve read about where Jesus was born, but sometimes you just keep imagining and not being sure. But coming here has increased my faith,” said Nakazibwe.It was a big turnout this year thanks to a lull in West Bank violence.“The message of Bethlehem always was a message of peace, hope and justice for everybody,” said Bethlehem’s Palestinian Mayor Anton Salman.But  Salman told VOA that he is pessimistic about the prospects for peace with Israel. He blamed U.S. President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and moving the American Embassy there from Tel   Aviv last year.
“Trump, instead of bringing peace to the region, he made it more complicated. And with that, he didn’t serve the peace process or the meaning of peace,” he said.President Trump has said his announcement regarding Jerusalem does not mean the   U.S. is taking a position on “any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders.”  He said the  U.S. remained committed to a two-state solution if the parties want one.

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«Нафтогаз» і «Газпром» 26 грудня почнуть узгоджувати договори про транзит газу

Завершити погодження договорів планують 27 грудня, але за необхідності продовжать роботу на вихідних – Вітренко

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НКРЕКП ухвалила рішення про сертифікацію оператора ГТС України

Національна комісія, що здійснює регулювання у сферах енергетики та комунальних послуг (НКРЕКП), 24 грудня ухвалила остаточне рішення про сертифікацію оператора української газотранспортної системи. Про це повідомляє агентство «Інтерфакс-Україна».

Планується, що ТОВ «Оператор газотранспортної системи України» почне повноцінно працювати з 1 січня 2020 року.

9 грудня президент України Володимир Зеленський підписав останній закон, необхідний для завершення процесу створення незалежного оператора газотранспортної системи, згідно з європейськими правилами.

31 жовтня Верховна Рада ухвалила законопроєкт про анбандлінг «Нафтогазу». Документ передбачає, що ГТС залишиться у державній власності, однак для управління нею буде створено окрему компанію-оператора, на яку «Нафтогаз» впливати не зможе.

Анбандлінг «Нафтогазу» одна з умов, які дадуть можливість Україні могла укласти новий контракт про транзит газу з Росією за європейськими правилами, зазначав раніше глава Міненерго Олексій Оржель.

Наразі «Нафтогаз України» здійснює повний цикл операцій розвідки та розробки родовищ, експлуатаційного та розвідувального буріння, транспортування та зберігання нафти і газу, постачання природного і скрапленого газу споживачам. Відокремлення функцій, зокрема, транспортування газу вимагає, серед іншого, так званий Третій енергопакет нормативних актів Європейського союзу, втілити які зобов’язалася й Україна.

«Нафтогаз України» є одноособовим акціонером компанії «Укртрансгаз», яка займається транспортуванням газу. Реформа «Нафтогазу» передбачає проведення демонополізації компанії. Оператор української ГТС має бути виділений в юридичну особу, не пов’язану ні з «Нафтогазом», ні з іншими підприємствами, які займаються видобутком і генерацією енергії.

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НБУ: курс гривні повертається в 2015 рік

Національний банк України встановив опівдні довідкове значення курсу 23 гривні 26 копійок за долар, це на дві копійки менше за офіційний курс на 24 грудня.

Нинішнє значення курсу є найнижчим із кінця грудня 2015 року, гривня на торгах у вівторок подолала позначку 23 гривні 26 копійок за долар, яка для української валюти була найвищою в 2016 році. Значення, оприлюднене НБУ о 12:00, ще не є остаточним, але зазвичай офіційний курс незначно відрізняється від проміжного, довідкового курсу.

Національний банк України з 13 грудня встановив облікову ставку на рівні 13,5%, знизивши її одразу на 2%. Також регулятор збільшив обсяг щоденного викупу валюти на міжбанку до 50 мільйонів доларів з попереднього рівня 30 мільйонів доларів.


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Гривня оновлює ще один рекорд 2016 року

Українська національна валюта на торгах міжбанківського валютного ринку 24 грудня проходить ще один орієнтир 2016 року. За даними сайту Finance.ua, станом на 11:45 котирування становлять 23 гривні 25–27 копійок за долар.

Це нижче за офіційний курс 23 гривні 27 копійок, встановлений на 13 січня 2016 року. Наступний орієнтир – уже з 2015 року. Тоді на 28 грудня НБУ встановив курс 23 гривні 14 копійок за долар. У разі проходження цієї позначки гривня оновить чотирирічний рекорд щодо долара США.

Національний банк України з 13 грудня встановив облікову ставку на рівні 13,5%, знизивши її одразу на 2%. Також регулятор збільшив обсяг щоденного викупу валюти на міжбанку до 50 мільйонів доларів з попереднього рівня 30 мільйонів доларів.


У грудні котирування пройшли один із орієнтирів січня 2016 року. Тоді 14 січня офіційний курс складав 23 гривні 64 копійки за долар. Наступний орієнтир – 23 копійки 26 копійок за долар, це курс на 13 січня 2016 року.

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American Town Wows Christmas Visitors

The Christmas spirit encompassing the old and the new is alive in historic Williamsburg, Virginia. The colonial town dates back to the 1600s, while nearby Busch Gardens amusement park opened in the 1970s. Both places are displaying different but unique holiday decorations, making Williamsburg one of the best places in the United States to visit during the Christmas season. VOA’s Deborah Block takes us on a tour.

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Baba Ram Dass, Spiritual Guru and LSD Pioneer, Dies at 88

Baba Ram Dass, the 1960s counterculture spiritual leader who experimented with LSD and traveled to India to find enlightenment, returning to share it with Americans, has died. He was 88.Dass’ foundation, Love Serve Remember, announced late Sunday that the author and spiritual leader died peacefully at his home earlier in the day. No cause of death was given.He had suffered a severe stroke in 1997 that left him paralyzed on the right side and, for a time, unable to speak. More recently, he underwent hip surgery after he was injured in a fall in November 2008, according to his website.“I had really thought about checking out, but your love and your prayers convinced me not to do it. … It’s just beautiful,” he told followers in a videotaped message at the time from his hospital bed in Hawaii.Over the years, Ram Dass — born Richard Alpert — associated with the likes of Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg. He wrote about his experiences with drugs, set up projects to help prisoners and those facing terminal illness and sought to enlighten others about the universal struggle with aging.But he was best known for the 1971 book “Be Here Now,” written after his trip to India. The spiritual primer found its way into thousands of backpacks around the world.“I want to share with you the parts of the internal journey that never get written up in the mass media,” he wrote. “I’m not interested in what you read in the Saturday Evening Post about LSD. This is the story of what goes on inside a human being who is undergoing all these experiences.”Among his other books were “How Can I Help?” and “Compassion in Action” and “Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying.”“In the ’60s, I was an uncle for a movement,” he told The Associated Press in 1998. “I was always showing people where they could go. I went east, and then there was a big movement east.”Now, he said, “the baby boomers are getting old — and I’m learning how to get old for them. That’s my role.”The Boston-born son of a prominent attorney, Ram Dass entered the public sphere in the early 1960s as a young Harvard psychology professor. Alpert, as he was then known, earned a doctorate at Stanford University.He and Leary, a Harvard colleague, began a series of experiments with hallucinogenic mushrooms and LSD, giving the drugs to prisoners, philosophers and students to study their effects.Ram Dass later wrote that he tried psilocybin, the compound found in hallucinogenic mushrooms, in Leary’s living room.“I peered into the semidarkness and recognized none other than myself in cap and gown and hood,” he wrote. “It was as if that part of me, which was a Harvard professor, had separated or dissociated itself from me.”The experiments got him and Leary kicked out of Harvard in 1963.“It was a little too sensational,” Ram Dass said in 1998. “We were the starters of it.”He and Leary retreated to an upstate New York mansion that drew Beat Generation figures Ginsberg, William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac.By the late 1960s, LSD and other hallucinogens had become part of pop culture and a rite of passage for many young Americans.But Alpert eventually sought a way to reach a state of enlightenment without drugs. Following Ginsberg’s advice, he headed to India in 1967, where he met the man who became his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.There, his guru introduced him to yoga, meditation, Buddhism and Sufism, and gave him the name Ram Dass, Hindi for “servant of God.” (He is often called Baba Ram Dass; “baba” is an honorary title.)Ram Dass wrote “Be Here Now” when he returned to the United States. Around the same time, he told The New York Times that he had turned away from drugs, saying: “I don’t want to break the law, since that leads to fear and paranoia.”In 1974, Ram Dass founded the Hanuman Foundation, which set up programs such as the Prison Ashram Project to introduce inmates to spirituality. He also helped create the Seva Foundation, which works to prevent blindness and helps community groups in developing countries. His Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedication to preserving his teachings and those of Neem Karoli Baba.Ram Dass lived for many years in the quiet town of San Anselmo, California, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) north of San Francisco, surrounded by the markers of his life straddling East and West: Japanese prints and statues of Buddha, seashells from the South Pacific and a well-used player piano.In later years, he moved to Woodside, California. More recently, he was based in Maui.He said his 1997 stroke brought physical and spiritual suffering, but that he came to see the suffering as a source of insight that he could share with others facing their own battles with illness and aging.“It’s brought out new aspects of myself and aspects of my relationship to the world,” he said in 1998. The stroke has gotten me into a stage of life – this is a stage close to death, a stage which is inward.”After regaining his speech, Ram Dass returned to the lecture circuit, starting by touring Northern California sharing tales of what he called his state of “heavy grace.”“All illnesses are part of the passing show,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle in 2004. “You are not just your body. You are the witness of your body.”He had a falling out with Leary in the 1970s after rumors surfaced that the latter, jailed on drug and prison-break charges, offered to provide authorities with information on others involved in the drug culture in exchange for a lighter sentence.But the pair had reconciled in the years before Leary’s death in 1996, joking back and forth and praising one another as they made joint appearances at lectures. When Leary was on his deathbed, Ram Dass came to visit after Leary asked for advice on how best to let go of life.“The mythic level that Timothy and I lived at was that we were adventurers,” he said in the 2014 documentary, “Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary.”Although speaking of Leary, Ram Dass added an epithet that also could be his own: “If you have identified with your soul when you are alive, death is just another moment.” 

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Church of England Questions Ethics of Investment in AI

The Church of England has launched a study into an existential question: do its investments in big-tech giants contradict the Christian faith?The Church’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) will determine whether some of the new technologies undermine “the very idea of God”, a spokesman for the Church told AFP on Monday.The year-long review was first reported by The Daily Telegraph newspaper.EIAG was set up in the early 1990s to help make sure that more than £12 billion ($15.5 billion, 14 billion Euros) in assets held by the Church’s various institutions are put to ethical use.”Artificial intelligence [AI] is an important element of this review,” the spokesman said.The EIAG is in talks with technology experts as well as politicians and theologians “to try to make sense of the issues”, the spokesman said.It wants to reach a conclusion “that is not only grounded in theology and distinctly Anglican but is also practical”, he added.EIAG did not specify how much money the Church has invested in the likes of Google’s parent company Alphabet and Amazon.The Church’s 2018 annual report also reported investments in drugs development companies AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline.”Some argue that tech has brought enormous benefits to society but others note a growing realization of the limitations and downsides of technology,” the spokesman said.

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НБУ: посилення гривні щодо долара триває

Національний банк України опівдні оприлюднив довідкове значення курсу 23 гривні 27 копійок за долар США, це на дві копійки менше за офіційний курс на 23 грудня.

На міжбанківському валютному ринку торги відбуваються за приблизної рівноваги попиту і пропозиції, відзначають фахівці сайту «Мінфін». Станом на 12:35 котирування становили 23 гривні 27–28,5 копійки за долар, вказує сайт Finance.ua.

Національний банк України з 13 грудня встановив облікову ставку на рівні 13,5%, знизивши її одразу на 2%. Також регулятор збільшив обсяг щоденного викупу валюти на міжбанку до 50 мільйонів доларів з попереднього рівня 30 мільйонів доларів.


У грудні котирування пройшли один із орієнтирів січня 2016 року. Тоді 14 січня офіційний курс складав 23 гривні 64 копійки за долар. Наступний орієнтир – 23 копійки 26 копійок за долар, це курс на 13 січня 2016 року.

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Huge Christmas Display Lights Up Washington’s Baseball Stadium

A huge Christmas display is lighting up the Washington Nationals baseball stadium in the nation’s capital. Some two and a half million Christmas lights, a 30 meter high artificial Christmas tree, and an ice skating trail have turned the stadium into a glowing winter wonderland. Visitors can also go through what is being touted as the world’s largest light maze.  VOA’s Deborah Block takes us to Enchant Christmas DC.

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‘Bull’s-Eye’ Landing in New Mexico for Boeing’s Starliner Astronaut Capsule

Boeing Co’s Starliner astronaut spacecraft landed in the New Mexico desert on Sunday, the company said, after faulty software forced officials to cut short an unmanned mission aimed at taking it to the International Space Station.The landing at 7:58 a.m. ET (1258 GMT) in the White Sands desert capped a turbulent 48 hours for Boeing’s botched milestone test of an astronaut capsule that is designed to help NASA regain its human spaceflight capabilities.
“We hit the bull’s-eye,” a Boeing spokesman said on a livestream of the landing.
The landing will yield the mission’s most valuable test data after failing to meet its core objective of docking to the space station.
After Starliner’s touchdown, teams of engineers in trucks raced to inspect the vehicle, whose six airbags cushioned its impact on the desert surface as planned, a live video feed showed.
The spacecraft was in an apparently stable condition after landing, according to images posted by officials from the U.S. space agency NASA.
The CST-100 Starliner’s debut launch to orbit was a milestone test for Boeing. The company is vying with SpaceX, the privately held rocket company of billionaire high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, to revive NASA’s human spaceflight capabilities.  SpaceX carried out a successful unmanned flight of its Crew Dragon capsule to the space station in March.
The Starliner capsule was successfully launched from Florida on Friday, but an automated timer error prevented it from attaining the right orbit to meet and dock with the space station. That failure came as Boeing sought an engineering and public relations victory in a year that has seen corporate crisis over
the grounding of its 737 MAX jetliner following two fatal crashes of the aircraft. The company’s shares dropped 1.6% on Friday.Parachute challenge
Ahead of Sunday’s landing, Starliner’s three main parachutes deployed just over one mile (1,600 metres) from the Earth’s surface after enduring intense heat from the violent reentry through the atmosphere, plummeting at 25 times the speed of sound.
The parachute deployment, one of the most challenging procedures under the program to develop a commercial manned space capsule, earned Boeing a fresh win after a previous mishap where one parachute failed to deploy during a November test of Starliner’s abort thrusters.
That test tossed the capsule miles into the sky to demonstrate its ability to land a crew safely back on the ground in the event of a launch failure.
For the current mission, Boeing and NASA officials said they still do not understand why software caused the craft to miss the orbit required.
Sunday’s landing marked the first time a U.S. orbital space capsule designed for humans landed on land.
All past U.S. capsules, including SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, splashed down in the ocean. Russia’s Soyuz capsules and China’s past crew capsules made land landings.

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Skywalker Saga of ‘Star Wars’ a Lifelong Journey for Fans

Moviegoers in the U.S. and much of the world can now see “Star Wars, Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker.” The final installment of the “Skywalker Saga” ends a story that spawned the most successful movie franchise of all time, with more than $9 billion in global box office receipts – and counting. The film’s release is bittersweet for those who look back and see “Star Wars” woven throughout their lives.Born exactly one month after its theatrical debut in May of 1977, I grew up on a steady diet of “Star Wars” films like many other American kids of that era. Through toys and merchandise, I charted the journey of Luke Skywalker from desert farm boy to galactic hero.One of many storylines that filled my imagination.”It’s become this one enormous story, and you can take from it the thrill of the battle scenes, you can take from it the affection of the human characters for one another – the love indeed,” said actor Anthony Daniels.No Stars Wars movies were released from the mid-80s to the late 90s, depriving me of new space battles or love stories in my teenage years. Undaunted, I wrote my own “Star Wars” screenplays, which I sent to the man I admired – creator George Lucas himself. All were politely returned, unread.Even so, my love for “Star Wars” never faded.”Star Wars to me has been really important in sort of looking beyond just a hero and a villain to larger questions of culture and identity,” said Blair Davis, DePaul University Cinema Studies Professor.Media and cinema studies professor Blair Davis has a simple explanation for people’s fascination with “Star Wars” and devotion to the franchise.”It is telling us stories about who we are and who we seek to become,” Davis said.While youthful dreams of collaborating on “Star Wars” projects never came true, they set me on a communications path and are a continuing part of my identity as a fan, and a reporter.”You are certainly not alone in having “Star Wars” being so key into who you are, because so many of my students share the same story about what it means to them as fans and then becoming media scholars,” Davis said.It tells stories that are uniquely human despite all of the aliens on display.  They are about family, about finding family, losing family.”Family is central to my “Star Wars” story today, where a love of the saga is passed on to my children. I see their imaginations fueled, as mine was and continues to be.07:35″It is sort of the end of an era of one part of the saga, but I look forward to the fact that “Star Wars” will live on hopefully longer than I will, and certainly longer than George Lucas,” Davis said.Although George Lucas turned “Star Wars” over to Disney in 2012, he is still intimately connected to his creation.  Although he never read my screenplays many years ago, I did have an opportunity to finally speak to him at a London “Star Wars” film premiere in 2005.VOA’s Kane Farabaugh: “What do you want them to take away, from the whole saga?””Well, ultimately what it is that caused you to turn to the dark side, and what the consequences are,” said George Lucas, “Star Wars” Creator and Director.While the Skywalker saga is ending, fans can take solace – at least three more “Star Wars” movies are planned for the coming decade with new characters and plotlines sure to emerge. For now, I doubt waiting in line with my children to see “Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker,” or this very report, will be the end of my continuing “Star Wars” journey.

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Skywalker Saga of ‘Star Wars’ a Lifelong Journey for Fans

Moviegoers in the U.S. and much of the world can now see “Star Wars, Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker.” The final installment of the “Skywalker Saga” ends a story that spawned the most successful movie franchise of all time, with more than $9 billion in global box office receipts – and counting. The film’s release is bittersweet for those who look back and see “Star Wars” woven throughout their lives. Among them is VOA’s Midwest Correspondent, Kane Farabaugh

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Queen Elizabeth Mixes Puddings, and Sends Message of Continuity

At the end of a difficult year, Queen Elizabeth has posed for photographs with her son Prince Charles, grandson Prince William and great-grandson Prince George in an apparent message about the continuity of the British royal family.Buckingham Palace released photographs on Saturday of the Queen and the three immediate members of the line of succession as they prepared traditional Christmas puddings.Prince George, 6, is the focus of attention for his older relatives as he stirs pudding mixture in a bowl.The palace said the four generations of royals represented a cross-section of people helped by a charity for serving and former members of the armed forces – the Royal British Legion – which the queen has supported since 1952.The family scene struck a happy note for Queen Elizabeth, 93, after a difficult year.Over the past 12 months, her husband Prince Philip got a police warning for his involvement in a car crash, grandsons Princes William and Harry publicly fell out and her second son Prince Andrew became more entangled in the furor over his links to disgraced U.S. financier Jeffrey Epstein.On Friday, 98-year-old Philip was taken to hospital for treatment of an existing condition, Buckingham Palace said.

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Вищий антикорсуд утричі зменшив заставу для Гримчака

Вищий антикорупційний суд частково задовольнив клопотання адвокатів колишнього заступника міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій Юрія Гримчака щодо запобіжного заходу, зменшивши суму застави для нього із 5,9 мільйонів гривень до 1,9 мільйнів.

Гримчак при цьому залишиться під арештом у Чернігівському СІЗО, засідання 19 грудня із ним відбувалося у форматі відеоконференції, йдеться у повідомленні пресслужби суду.

Водночас, як там же зазначається, 11 грудня слідчий суддя ВАКС змінив міру запобіжного заходу з тримання під вартою на цілодобовий домашній арешт «помічникові» ексзаступнику міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій, якого слідство вважає співучасником кримінального провадження.

Юрія Гримчака і брата його дружини Ігоря Овдієнка затримали 14 серпня у справі про вимагання 1,1 мільйона доларів хабарів за нібито сприяння в ухвалені рішень особами, уповноваженими на виконання функцій держави. Затримані наразі перебувають в ІТТ. Перед затриманням вдома у заступника міністра пройшов обшук. Їм інкримінують злочин, передбачений статтею 190 Кримінального кодексу України (шахрайство).

15 серпня Юрію Гримчаку та Ігорю Овдієнку оголосили підозру. За версією слідства, «бралися кошти на погодження проєктів будівництва та реконструкції будівель та споруд» і «вирішення цивільного позову у Верховному суді».

22 жовтня Гримчаку змінили підозру на частину 2 статті 28, частину 3 статті 369-2 (зловживання впливом). 

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Уряд оприлюднив протокол газових переговорів у Мінську

На сайті Кабінету міністрів України опублікували протокол зустрічі представників Європейського Союзу, України та Російської Федерації, а також компаній цих країн (ООО «Оператор газотранспортної системи України», НАК «Нафтогаз України», ПАО «Газпром»).

За цим документом, передбачається виплата «Газпромом» до 29 грудня 2,9 мільярдів доларів США  пені, присуджена Стокгольмським арбітражем, відкликання сторонами усіх позовів, поданих одне проти одного, щодо яких станом на зараз немає рішення, зняття арештів з майна «Газпрому», а також відмову від претензій у майбутньому щодо контрактів на поставку і транзит газу від 19 січня 2009 року.

Після цього планується укласти договір між «Газпромом» та «Оператором газотранспортної системи України» про транзит газу через Україну.

«За умови виконання у повному обсязі домовленостей, передбачених пунктами 1-3 цього протоколу сторони розглянуть можливість поставок газу в Україну із урахуванням принципу формування ціни на базі ціни європейського хаба (NCG) за винятком обґрунтованої знижки з огляду на обсяг таких поставок», – йдеться у документі.

Раніше сьогодні на пресконференції міністр енергетики України Олексій Оржель запевнив, що прямих поставок газу з Росії ухвалені 20 грудня домовленості між трьома сторонами не передбачає.

Газові переговори України і Росії пройшли в атмосфері секретності, брифінг для преси за їхніми підсумками був скасований. Хоча біля спортивно-стрілкового центру «Сябри» за 20 кілометрів від Мінська учасників переговорів чекали близько 20 журналістів із Росії та України.

Переговори тривали 6 годин, від України в них брав участь міністр енергетики Олексій Оржель, від Росії – голова «Газпрому» Олексій Міллер.

18 грудня голова НАК «Нафтогаз України» Андрій Коболєв назвав дуже низькою імовірність підписання нового контракту щодо транзиту з російським «Газпромом». Якщо контракту з 1 січня 2020 року не буде, то сторони можуть відновити переговори лише у квітні 2020-го, додав він. Україна, за його словами, має близько 20 мільярдів кубометрів газу у підземних сховищах, чого достатньо, щоб пережити зиму.

Термін дії укладеного 2009 року контракту на постачання газу спливає 1 січня 2020 року. Україна, Росія та Європейський союз досі не домовилися щодо умов транзиту російського газу українськими газогонами до ЄС.


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Швейцарська компанія призупинила участь у будівництві «Північного потоку-2» через можливі санкції США

Allseas діятиме відповідно до норм законодавства та очікує вказівок…» – заява компанії

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Facebook Says Group Used Computer-generated Faces to Push Pro-Trump Message

Facebook Inc has taken down a well-financed campaign that used dozens of artificially generated faces to spread pro-Trump and anti-Chinese government messages, the company and outside researchers said on Friday.Researchers from New York-based Graphika and the Digitial Forensics Research Lab, an arm of the Washington-based Atlantic Council, said it was the first time they had seen the large-scale use of computer-generated faces to spread disinformation on social media.Tell-tale signsThe researchers said in a report that while tell-tale signs such as misshapen ears and distorted backgrounds had helped them identify the fakes, “this technology is rapidly evolving toward generating more believable pictures.”Facebook said 610 Facebook accounts, 89 Pages, 156 Groups and 72 Instagram accounts were involved in the network.The social media giant said those behind the operation had spent upward of $9 million on advertising to promote their content, which touched on hot-button issues such as “impeachment, conservative ideology, political candidates, elections, trade, family values and freedom of religion.”Activity traced to Vietnam The amount is almost 100 times what Facebook said Russia’s infamous troll farm spent in the run-up to and shortly after the 2016 U.S. presidential election.Facebook said its investigation linked the activity to U.S.-based Epoch Media Group and individuals in Vietnam working on its behalf, though the accounts more openly associated with The BL, for the Beauty of Life.In a statement, Epoch said it had “no connection with the website BL.””The BL was founded by a former employee, and employs some of our former employees,” publisher Stephen Gregory said in a post to the Epoch Times website. He called on Facebook to withdraw its allegation and lift a pre-existing ban on Epoch Media’s advertising.Facebook respondsFacebook fired back, saying that BL executives “were active admins on Epoch Media Group Pages as recently as this morning when their accounts were deactivated and the BL was removed.”The BL, whose website lists its headquarters as a single-family home in Middletown, New York, did not immediately return emails seeking comment. Its listed phone number rang unanswered.The Epoch Times was set up as a print publication by followers of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, banned in China, before moving heavily online. Its output has tended to steer toward support for Trump and attacks on his opponents.The content removed by Facebook had the same tilt. Groups identified by the outside researchers bore names such as “America Needs President Trump,” “TRUMP MAGA 2020,” or “WE STAND WITH TRUMP & PENCE!””Alongside pro-Trump material, these assets posted large quantities of material attacking his critics and rivals, often presenting users with a partisan statement and urging them to respond if they agreed,” the researchers wrote in their report.’Moral standards and values’The BL’s now-removed Facebook page said it would “focus on content that represents fundamental moral standards and values, to enlighten all who prefer to be inspired,” according to the researchers.While the page said it rejected misinformation, Facebook said, “The BL-focused network repeatedly violated a number of our policies, including our policies against coordinated inauthentic behavior, spam and misrepresentation.”The takedown followed investigative stories by NBC on the Epoch Times’ heavy use  of Facebook and by the fact-checking website Snopes.com  on The BL.

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US Agency, GM Discuss Deployment of Self-Driving Cars

The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is holding talks with General Motors Co. on the automaker’s petition to deploy a limited number of self-driving vehicles on American roads without 
steering wheels or other human controls, the head of the agency 
said Friday. Acting NHTSA Administrator James Owens said his agency aims to decide soon on GM’s January 2018 petition as well as on a request by Nuro, a driverless delivery startup backed by Softbank Corp., to deploy a limited number of low-speed, highly automated delivery vehicles without human occupants. The agency’s review comes at a time of heightened concerns 
about the safety of automated piloting systems in vehicles and 
aircraft, a potential revolution in ground and air transportation. “I expect we’re going to be able to move forward with these 
petitions soon — as soon as we can,” Owens told Reuters, adding 
action “definitely” would come next year. “This will be a big deal because this will be the first such action that will be taken,” Owens said. GM, the No. 1 U.S. automaker, confirmed it has been in talks with NHTSA about the petition. Nuro also confirmed it is in talks with NHTSA. Still work to doGM Chief Executive Mary Barra and U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao last week met and discussed the petition, officials said, but significant work remains at the technical level. Owens said NHTSA officials are “crawling through these petitions because we want to make sure” the driverless vehicles are at least as safe as other cars on the roads. “There’s a lot of back and forth between us and the companies,” Owens said during a Reuters interview that also included Chao and other Transportation Department officials. “We’re sharing with them thoughts and ideas and concerns. They come back to us with additional information.” Chao said it is important that NHTSA take its time in reviewing the GM petition. Chao suggested that some auto industry officials and analysts were too optimistic about the timing for deployment of fully autonomous vehicles. “I think the complexity was far greater than what a lot of very optimistic advocates were thinking,” Chao said.  FILE – In this Aug. 16, 2018, photo a self-driving Nuro vehicle parks outside a Fry’s supermarket, which is owned by Kroger, as part of a pilot program for grocery deliveries in Scottsdale, Ariz.In GM’s petition, NHTSA is for the first time looking at a vehicle in which all driving decisions are made by a computer rather than a human driver. Nuro, which partnered with Kroger Co. last year to deliver groceries, seeks approval not to include a windshield in the vehicle. The petitions — formal applications for action by the agency — seek exemptions from U.S. vehicle safety rules largely written decades ago that assumed human drivers would be in control of a vehicle. The petitions are for up to 2,500 vehicles per manufacturer. GM initially said it hoped to win approval to deploy the vehicles by the end of this year. But in July its self-driving unit, Cruise, said it was delaying commercial deployment of cars as more testing of the vehicles was required. A new target date wasn’t specified. Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo unit this year began offering some rides with no human driver in its limited autonomous ride-hailing service in Arizona, but with steering wheels and employees watching remote feeds of the vehicles’ cameras. “We’re in communication with them about how they are ensuring the safe operation of the vehicle,” Owens said. “We will continue having a back-and-forth with them.” 

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Junior Johnson, ‘Last American Hero,’ Dies at 88

Robert Glenn “Junior” Johnson, the moonshine runner turned NASCAR driver described as “The Last American Hero” by author Tom Wolfe in a 1965 article for Esquire, died Friday. He was 88.NASCAR announced the death of Johnson, the winner of 50 races as a driver and 132 as an owner. He was a member of the inaugural class inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2010.NASCAR is America’s Fastest-Growing Spectator Sport

A small city in North Carolina has been transformed from an old lumber mill and textile manufacturing center into the home for automobile racing teams that compete in America’s fastest growing spectator sport known as NASCAR. VOA’s Chris Simkins takes a look at the growing phenomenon of NASCAR, and why the sport is attracting thousands of auto racing fans each year.
This is NASCAR, the popular American sport of stock car racing.

“From his early days running moonshine through the end of his life, Junior wholly embodied the NASCAR spirit,” NASCAR Chairman Jim France said in a statement. “He was an inaugural NASCAR Hall of Famer, a nod to an extraordinary career as both a driver and team owner. Between his on-track accomplishments and his introduction of (sponsor) Winston to the sport, few have contributed to the success of NASCAR as Junior has.“The entire NASCAR family is saddened by the loss of a true giant of our sport, and we offer our deepest condolences to Junior’s family and friends during this difficult time.”From North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, Johnson was named one of NASCAR’s greatest drivers in 1998 after a 14-year career that ended in 1966 and included a win in the 1960 Daytona 500. He honed his driving skills running moonshine through the North Carolina hills, a crime for which he received a federal conviction in 1956 and a full presidential pardon in 1986 from President Ronald Reagan.His was first immortalized by Wolfe in 1965 and later in a 1973 movie adaptation starring Jeff Bridges.As a car owner for drivers that included Darrell Waltrip, Cale Yarborough, Bill Elliott and Terry Labonte, Johnson claimed six Cup championships. His last race win as an owner was the 1994 Southern 500 with Elliott.Waltrip said he grew up only dreaming of one day meeting Johnson, but surpassed that by getting to drive for his hero.“He became my boss and made me a champion, I loved that man, God Bless Jr and his family. You were the greatest!” Waltrip said on Twitter.Johnson also is credited with bringing the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company to NASCAR, which then led to Winston sponsoring its premier series from 1971-2003.“The Last American Hero is gone and so leaves a huge dent in NASCAR racing. Junior Johnson was one of American sports’ great characters and one of the best racer and car owners ever. His mountain man drawl and tricks were legendary,” former race promoter Humpy Wheeler said. “He’ll go down as one of racing’s great ticket sellers.”Johnson is credited with discovering drafting — using the slipstream of the car in front of you on the track to keep up or slingshot past. Using that maneuver, he won the 1960 Daytona 500, outrunning several cars that were about 10 mph faster.As a young man, Johnson built a reputation as a moonshiner who could outrun the law on the mountain roads like no one else. He’s credited with inventing the Bootleg Turn, a maneuver that spins the car into a quick 180-degree turn and sends it speeding off in the opposite direction.Johnson began driving at age 8, long before he had a license.“I didn’t need one anyway,” he often said with a laugh. “They weren’t going to catch me.”At 24, Johnson turned that talent to racing and became a superstar in NASCAR in the 1950s and 1960s. He walked away from the sport in 1996 to concentrate on his other businesses, including a line of fried pork skins and country ham.“I had done just about everything in racing that I wanted to do,” Johnson said in an interview with The Associated Press before driving the pace car for the start of the 2008 Daytona 500, the 50th running of that event. “I do miss being in the garage sometimes, but I just wasn’t excited about going racing anymore.”Johnson was never caught on the roads during his moonshining days, but he was arrested by federal authorities in 1956 when he was caught working at his father’s still. He was sentenced to 20 months but was released after 11 months in federal prison in Chillicothe, Ohio.Although a lifelong Democrat, Johnson was pardoned by Reagan. In his later years, Johnson often said that the pardon in December 1986 was “the greatest thing in my life.”Johnson is survived by wife Lisa, daughter Meredith and son Robert Glenn Johnson III.“The Last American Hero is gone and so leaves a huge dent in NASCAR racing. Junior Johnson was one of American sports’ great characters and one of the best racer and car owners ever. His mountain man drawl and tricks were legendary,” former race promoter Humpy Wheeler said. “He’ll go down as one of racing’s great ticket sellers.”

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