«ВОДНОЕ ПЕРЕМИРИЕ» С ПУТИНЫМ? Пока живы крымские татары, его не будет!

У меня — дежа-вю с 2015-м годом. Тогда всякие «эксперты»/«политики» угрожали Украине разными катастрофами из-за торгово-энергетической Гражданской блокады оккупированного Крыма. Результат: ни одна из апокалиптических угроз не сбылась, абсолютно всё оказались ложью.

Где теперь эти «политики» и «эксперты»? А снова при деле! Теперь, по команде Кремля, хором с российской пропагандой, врущей, что воды в Крыму «осталось на 100 дней», они поют на все лады: Украины должна «сжалиться» над «своими гражданами»… возобновить поставку днепровской воды Северокрымским каналом…

Без прелюдий. Это — преднамеренная манипуляция, направленная не столько на поставку воды, сколько на раскачку ситуации внутри Украины. Правда в том, что в Крыму гражданам Украины, оказавшимся в оккупации, любых природных ресурсов достаточно. И света, и воды, и всего. Но вот беда… по всей видимости, не стало хватать оккупантам.

Это значит — блокада как главная экономическая санкция государства Украина против государства-агрессора работает и через 5 лет.

Это значит — не стало хватать ресурсов монструозным военным базам, авиабазам, многотысячным контингентам карателей в форме «Росгвардии»/ФСБ, завезенным в Крым для издевательств над крымскими татарами и другими патриотами Украины.

Это значит — не стало хватать «имперским» проектам, призванным «утвердить Крым российским навсегда».

«Не хватает воды» — сотням тысяч военных, полицаев, чиновников, всему оккупантскому отродью. И мы снова слышим давно знакомые стоны: «SOS! Гуманитарная катастрофа! Что делать?».

Что делать? Рецепт простой. Его озвучивала как та, Порошенко, так и эта, Зеленого, украинская власть. Убирайтесь из Крыма. Возвращайте Украине её законную территории, выплачивайте контрибуции за ущерб. И в ту же секунду — к Ванге не ходи — всего всем сразу станет хватать!

А вот «нагнуть» Украину путем (не)дешевого шантажа с привлечением продажных СМИ и «политиков» не получится с гарантией 100%. Пока есть крымские татары, пока рядом с ними — украинские патриоты, стоявшие 5 лет тому Гражданской блокадой Крыма, воды оккупанты не получат. Есть и другие причины, почему «нет», но именно эта — базовая.

Чтоб вы понимали, предатели, кормящиеся с путинской руки, работающие под ним ртами, зарубите это себе на любой части тела, которую вам не жаль

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Британия открывает охоту на вороватых иностранцев

Британия открывает охоту на вороватых иностранцев

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Конец «романа» Кремля с мадам Ле Пен

Конец «романа» Кремля с мадам Ле Пен.

Кремль совсем неожиданно потребовал от Марин Ле Пен и её партии вернуть ему 9 млн. евро

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Фиаско слуг: падение рейтинга в турборежиме

Фиаско слуг: падение рейтинга в турборежиме.

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Либеральные кумиры «русского мира» Гельман, Соловей и Прилепин ничем не отличаются друг от друга

Либеральные кумиры «русского мира» Гельман, Соловей и Прилепин ничем не отличаются друг от друга!

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Эпоха “прорывов”: рогозин готовится добить “роскосмос”…

Эпоха “прорывов”: рогозин готовится добить “роскосмос”…

Россия покоряет космос в “специальном режиме”…

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Водонаева ответила скарабеевой и всем ведущим федеральных каналов россии

Водонаева ответила скарабеевой и всем ведущим федеральных каналов россии.

Алена Водонаева, рассказывая о своем опыте общения с журналистами федеральных телеканалов. Последние новости России и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Снайперы и актеры для пиара Путина в Череповце

Снайперы и актеры для пиара Путина в Череповце.

Кремлевским PR-технологам пора бы уже сменить стратегию. Вся эта показуха с выходом Путина к людям во время его визита – уже не просто смешна, а отвратительна. Он выходит, ему уже показывают место, где стоит несколько СМИ и десятки ФСОшников, а местный житель, в звании наверное лейтенанта, нахваливает губернатора. На крышах снайперы. Хотя Путин приехал в Череповец совсем по другим целям, но решил таким дешевым пиаром набрать очки

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Cyborgs, Trolls and Bots: A Guide to Online Misinformation

Cyborgs, trolls and bots can fill the internet with lies and half-truths. Understanding them is key to learning how misinformation spreads online.As the 2016 election showed, social media is increasingly used to amplify false claims and divide Americans over hot-button issues including race and immigration. Researchers who study misinformation predict it will get worse leading up to this year’s presidential vote. Here’s a guide to understanding the problem:MISINFORMATION VS. DISINFORMATIONPolitical misinformation has been around since before the printing press, but the internet has allowed falsehoods, conspiracy theories and exaggerations to spread faster and farther than ever.Misinformation is defined as any false information, regardless of intent, including honest mistakes or misunderstandings of the facts. Disinformation, on the other hand, typically refers to misinformation created and spread intentionally as a way to confuse or mislead.Misinformation and disinformation can appear in political ads or social media posts. They can include fake news stories or doctored videos. One egregious example of disinformation from last year was a video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that was slowed down to make her sound as if she were slurring her words.Research indicates that false claims spread more easily than accurate ones, possibly because they are crafted to grab attention.Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology analyzed more than 126,000 stories, some true and some false, that were tweeted millions of times from 2006 through the end of 2016. They found that misleading or incorrect stories traveled six times faster — and reached more people.Online misinformation has been blamed for deepening America’s political polarization and contributing to distrust in government. The risks were highlighted in 2016 when Russian trolls created fake accounts to spread and amplify social media posts about controversial issues.WAR OF THE BOTS AND CYBORGSThe disposable foot soldiers in this digital conflict are bots. In the social media context, these autonomous programs can run accounts to spread content without human involvement.Many are harmless, tweeting out random poems or pet photos. But others are up to no good and designed to resemble actual users.One study by researchers at the University of Southern California analyzed election-related tweets sent in September and October 2016 and found that 1 in 5 were sent by a bot. The Pew Research Center concluded in a 2018 study that accounts suspected of being bots are responsible for as many as two-thirds of all tweets that link to popular websites.While flesh-and-blood Twitter users will often post a few times a day, about a variety of subjects, the most obvious bots will tweet hundreds of times a day, day and night, and often only on a specific topic. They are more likely to repost content rather than create something original.And then there’s the cyborg, a kind of hybrid account that combines a bot’s tirelessness with human subtlety. Cyborg accounts are those in which a human periodically takes over a bot account to respond to other users and to post original content. They are more expensive and time consuming to operate, but they don’t give themselves away as robots.“You can get a lot from a bot, but maybe it’s not the best quality,” said Emilio Ferrara, a data science researcher at the University of Southern California who co-wrote the study on Twitter bots. “The problem with cyborgs is they are much harder to catch and detect.”SPOT THE BOTSBots can be hard to spot, even for the best researchers.“We have 12 ways that we spot a bot, and if we hit seven or eight of them we have pretty high confidence,” said Graham Brookie, director of the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, a Washington, D.C.-based organization that studies connections between social media, cybersecurity and government.Nonetheless, Brookie recalled the case of a Twitter account from Brazil that was posting almost constantly — sometimes once per minute — and displayed other bot-like characteristics. And yet, “It was a little grandma, who said, ‘This is me!’”Their prevalence and the difficulty of identifying them has made bots into a kind of digital bogeyman and transformed the term into an insult, used to dismiss other social media users with different opinions.Michael Watsey, a 43-year-old New Jersey man who often tweets his support for President Donald Trump, said he has been repeatedly called a Russian bot by people he argues with online. The accusations prompted Twitter to temporarily suspend his account more than once, forcing him to verify he is a human.“All I’m trying to do is uses my First Amendment right to free speech,” he said. “It’s crazy that it’s come to this.”TROLLS AND SOCK PUPPETSThe word troll once referred to beasts of Scandinavian mythology who hid under bridges and attacked travelers. Now it also refers to people who post online to provoke others, sometimes for their own amusement and sometimes as part of a coordinated campaign.Sock puppets are another oddly named denizen of social media, in this case a type of imposter account. While some users may use anonymous accounts simply to avoid identifying themselves, sock-puppet accounts are used by the owner to attack their critics or praise themselves. In October, Utah Sen. Mitt Romney acknowledged operating a secret Twitter account under the name “Pierre Delecto,” which he used to defend himself against criticism.FAKED VIDEOS: DEEP, CHEAP AND SHALLOWDeepfakes are videos that have been digitally created with artificial intelligence or machine learning to make it appear something happened that did not. They are seen as an emerging threat, as improvements in video editing software make it possible for tricksters to create increasingly realistic footage of, say, former President Barack Obama delivering a speech he never made, in a setting he never visited. They are expensive and difficult to create — especially in a convincing way.Facebook announced last month that it would ban deepfake videos — with exceptions for satire. Beginning in March, Twitter will prohibit doctored videos, photography and audio recordings “likely to cause harm.” Material that is manipulated but isn’t necessarily harmful may get a warning label. And YouTube bans “deceptive uses of manipulated media” that could pose serious risk of harm.By contrast, shallowfakes, cheapfakes or dumbfakes are videos that have been doctored using more basic techniques, such as slowing down or speeding up footage or cutting it.Examples include a doctored video posted by Britain’s Conservative Party before December’s U.K. election that made it seem like a Labour Party official was struggling to respond to a question about Brexit.Because they’re easy and inexpensive to make, cheapfakes can be every bit as dangerous as their fancier cousin, the deepfake.“Deepfakes are getting more realistic and easier to do,” said John Pavlik, a journalism professor at Rutgers University who studies how technology and the internet are changing communication habits. “But you don’t have to have special software to make these simpler ones.”Researchers who study Americans’ changing media habits recommend that people turn to a variety of sources and perspectives for their news, use critical thinking when evaluating information on social media, and think twice about reposting viral claims. Otherwise, they say, misinformation will continue to flow, and users will continue to spread it.“The only solution,” Ferrara said, “is education.” 

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Even With ‘Irishman’ Nominations, Could Netflix Wind Up an Oscars Bridesmaid Again?

Netflix Inc will storm into Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony boasting more nominations than any other movie distributor, but can the streaming service finally take home the film industry’s most coveted prize?Netflix’s Mafia epic “The Irishman” has a shot at the best picture Oscar, according to awards experts, but faces tough competition from Warner Bros’ World War One drama “1917,” Sony Corp’s Quentin Tarantino film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” and South Korean genre-bending movie “Parasite” from privately held company Neon.Winning the best picture statuette for the first time would burnish Netflix’s reputation in the film business and give it new bragging rights in the increasingly competitive fight for streaming video viewers.The decades-spanning “Irishman,” playing in theaters and streaming on Netflix, features an A-list creative team of previous Oscar winners. It was directed by Martin Scorsese and stars Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci, and was among the company’s most expensive films to date with a production budget of roughly $160 million. Critics raved after the film was released in November.Whether it is named the year’s best picture is up to the roughly 8,000 voting members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Experts surveyed by awards website Gold Derby as of Monday favored “1917,” giving it 11-2 odds to win, while “Irishman” stood at 17-2.“Irishman” landed few of the top awards from groups such as the Screen Actors Guild and Producers Guild of America, the usual tipoffs to the best picture favorites.“The fact they have not won any of the major precursor awards is notable,” said Scott Feinberg, awards columnist for The Hollywood Reporter. “This doesn’t mean they won’t be competitive in other categories.”Netflix scored 24 nominations overall, including for “Klaus” and “I Lost My Body” in the animated feature category, and two feature-length documentaries.And stars of Netflix films are competing in the acting contests. Laura Dern is considered a front-runner for her supporting role in the streaming service’s movie “Marriage Story,” a divorce drama also in the best picture race. Jonathan Pryce and Anthony Hopkins were nominated leading actor and supporting actor respectively for Netflix’s biographical film “The Two Popes.”Netflix began releasing original movies in 2015 and has been working to build a library of prestige films alongside its dozens of comedies, thrillers and action flicks. The company now debuts more films per year than any Hollywood studio.But the digital video pioneer clashed with theater owners by insisting that its films stream at the same time, or a few weeks after, their big-screen debuts. Major theater chains refused to show Netflix films, including “Irishman.”Last year, Netflix’s “Roma” won Oscars for director, cinematography and foreign-language film but not best picture. The movie had stirred a debate about whether a film seen mostly via streaming should even qualify for an Academy Award, a controversy that have might influenced voters at the time.Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief creative officer, said he believes academy members have moved past that issue.“It is hard to sit here with 24 Academy Award nominations across feature films, animated films, documentary films, short documentary films, and say there is any bias against streaming,” Sarandos said in an interview.“We are really thrilled that the academy recognized the quality of the work just for quality of the work.”

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Крымское табу Зе: как в Украине реализуется план Путина

Крымское табу Зе: как в Украине реализуется план Путина.

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Кремль в недоумении. Беларусь больше не хочет в СССР 2.0

Кремль в недоумении. Беларусь больше не хочет в СССР 2.0

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Пять окладов для бубочки

Пять окладов для бубочки

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Дубінський проти Зеленського, у ригів істерика та інші підсумки обшуку на 1+1

Дубінський проти Зеленського, у ригів істерика та інші підсумки обшуку на 1+1.

Обшуки на каналі 1+1 викликали пожежу у Дубінського та купи регіоналів. А що там Аваков?

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Сутички в Раді напередодні розгляду законопроєкту про ринок землі

Сутички в Раді напередодні розгляду законопроєкту про ринок землі.

Напередодні розгляду законопроєкту про ринок землі у Раді відбувались сутички. Нардеп Сергій Власенко намагався із силою прорватися до президії.

Верховна Рада України розглядає в другому читанні законопроєкт про запровадження ринку землі сільськогосподарського призначення.

Як очікує голова фракції «Слуга народу» Давид Арахамія процес ухвалення суперечливого закону може затягнутися до глибокої ночі, а можливо, й до ранку

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Last-Minute Preparations Ahead of Oscars Night

The 92nd Academy Awards Ceremony takes place in Los Angeles Sunday — and the city is finishing up the last minute preparations for the event. Angelina Bagdasaryan has the story, narrated by Anna Rice.

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Harvey Weinstein Trial: The Defense Off to a Rocky Start

Their defense off to a rocky start, Harvey Weinstein’s lawyers look to rebound Friday by bringing in a film director in hopes of dashing the credibility of a rape accuser who acknowledged abusing prescription drugs during a movie shoot before the alleged assault.
Warren Leight wrote and directed “The Night We Never Met,” a 1993 romantic comedy starring Annabella Sciorra, the actress who testified early in the trial that Weinstein barged into her apartment and raped her in the mid-1990s.
But that isn’t Leight’s only connection to the case.
Now the showrunner and executive producer on “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” Leight wrote a (hash)MeToo-themed episode of the show, based on the Weinstein saga.
In the episode titled “I’m Going to Make You a Star,” the head of a big media studio is arrested after he’s accused of raping young actresses and forcing one to watch him masturbate at an audition. In a line evoking what accusers have said of Weinstein, the mogul character tells a victim: “You want this part, don’t you?”
“I thought, go big,” Leight told People magazine after the episode aired in September.
Sciorra, the first of six accusers to take the witness stand, was friends with Leight and testified that she brought his “The Night We Never Met” script to Weinstein’s attention, even staging a reading with her theater company so the once-revered Hollywood honcho could hear it acted out.
Sciorra, now 59, said Weinstein agreed to make the film, but only if she starred in it _ something she resisted because she already had back-to-back movie shoots booked and didn’t want a third.
To help her cope with the grueling schedule, Sciorra said Weinstein sent her a care package that included a bottle of Valium and that, by the time The Night We Never Met started filming, she was hooked on the drug. She said it was around the same time that she started drinking alcohol.
On cross-examination, defense lawyer Donna Rotunno questioned if Sciorra was on Valium or drunk the night she alleges Weinstein raped her. The actress denied both, saying she had weaned herself off the drug by then and didn’t have much to drink that night.
 “I realized I was addicted to the Valium and I was taking it during the day a lot, at nighttime,” Sciorra testified. “I also knew it wasn’t good for me.”
“The Night We Never Met” finished filming in December 1992, according to the Internet Movie Database. Sciorra alleges Weinstein raped her in late 1993 or early 1994 after giving her a ride home from a dinner with people in the film industry.
The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they have been victims of sexual assault, unless they come forward publicly.
Rotunno foreshadowed Leight’s appearance on the witness stand as she grilled Sciorra about her use of Valium and her behavior on the set of “The Night We Never Met.” At one point, the lawyer asked if Leight ever spoke to her “about the fact you were intoxicated.”
Sciorra said no, but later said, “He might have, I don’t recall.”
Leight, 63, went on to write the play Side Man,'' a 1999 Pulitzer Prize finalist, and was a top producer on the HBO seriesIn Treatment.” He started in television as a writer on “100 Centre Street,” a short-lived 2002 drama series about the very New York City courthouse where Weinstein is on trial.
Prosecutors rested their case against Weinstein on Thursday after more than two weeks of testimony from about two dozen witnesses.
Weinstein is charged with raping a woman in a Manhattan hotel room in March 2013 and forcibly performing oral sex on a different woman in 2006. Sciorra’s allegations, too old for criminal charges on their own, are the basis for a charge alleging Weinstein is a serial predator who has committed multiple assaults over the years.
Weinstein, 67, has maintained any sexual encounters were consensual.
Weinstein’s lawyers on Friday are also expected to call to the witness stand cognitive psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, who specializes in human memory. They are looking to raise doubts about the accusers’ recollections of encounters that, in some cases, are more than a decade or two old.
The first defense witness, an industry executive who remains a Weinstein ally, seemed blindsided on Thursday when a prosecutor confronted him with text messages that appeared to justify Weinstein’s behavior and bash his accusers.
Paul Feldsher, a former agent who once knew Sciorra, scolded Weinstein in November 2018 for “behaving like a cad.” But in another message shown to the jury, he stuck up for Weinstein, telling him: I think the dog pile of actresses who are suddenly brave and recalling repressed memories is hideous.''
The defense had hoped Feldsher would discredit Sciorra by recounting a conversation he had with her in the early 1990s in which she supposedly told him she had
done this crazy thing with Harvey” but didn’t say she had been assaulted.
“My understanding was that she fooled around with him,” Feldsher testified.

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Hollywood Costumes Get Their Close Up

Costume Design is a big deal when it comes to Hollywood. That’s why the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising put together an annual exhibition that features costumes from the Oscar-nominated movies. The exhibition is free, and anyone can take a look at the costumes that made their favorite movies feel real. Angelina Bagdasaryan has the story narrated by Anna Rice.

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Oscars Nite is Nearly Here and ‘1917’ Leads the Charge

Hollywood’s award season reaches its extravagant finale at the Oscars on Sunday, with war epic “1917” tipped to dispatch a brigade of winners to the stage at the movie industry’s biggest night.Impeccably dressed A-listers and upstart documentary filmmakers will brush shoulders on the red carpet at Los Angeles’ Dolby Theatre, as months of campaigning for 24 gold statuettes boil down to a single night.The event comes as Hollywood mourns the death of Kirk Douglas, one of cinema’s greats, who died Wednesday aged 103.Sam Mendes’s “1917” launched a late assault on this year’s Academy Awards — it was first shown to voters barely two months ago — but experts predict it could outflank all rivals.The World War I odyssey about two soldiers crossing no-man’s-land — filmed to appear like one continuous shot — has conquered nearly all in its path in the award shows building up to Sunday.It is the favorite for multiple Oscars from best director to cinematography, and the frontrunner for best picture, the night’s top prize.”It falls into traditional Hollywood — it’s what the Oscars like,” Variety awards editor Tim Gray told AFP.”It’s big, it’s epic, but it’s hardly a formula film. It really is a knockout… it’s just filmmaking at its best.”The unique ballot system for best picture — which involves voters ranking films — makes it somewhat tough to predict, and could create an opening for an unlikely candidate.Despite the best efforts of star filmmakers Martin Scorsese (“The Irishman”) and Quentin Tarantino (“Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood”), Mendes’ main rival appears to be Bong Joon-ho.The charismatic South Korean director has become Hollywood’s darling in recent weeks, drawing unrivalled crowds at campaign events for his black comedy “Parasite.”The film about a poor family infiltrating a wealthy household looks to be a shoo-in for best international feature — but could also triumph in some of the top categories. ‘No scenario’ The Oscars in the acting categories — usually a subject of agonizing deliberation for industry pundits — appear settled, with the same four stars sweeping up rave reviews and awards all season.Joaquin Phoenix and Renee Zellweger are believed to be far ahead of the competition for best actor and best actress.Phoenix underwent a striking transformation to portray the title comic book supervillain in “Joker” — as did Zellweger to play legendary Hollywood diva Judy Garland in “Judy.”Actor Brad Pitt attends a special screening of “Ad Astra” at the National Geographic Museum, Sept. 16, 2019, in Washington.Tinseltown favorites Brad Pitt and Laura Dern have their fingertips on the supporting acting prizes, for their work as a laid-back stuntman (“Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood”) and a cutthroat divorce lawyer (“Marriage Story”).”I see no scenario where any one of them loses,” Deadline awards columnist Pete Hammond told AFP.”People will say ‘there’s always an Oscars surprise’… but I think those four are going to win it,” agreed Gray.More fiercely contested will be the awards for best screenplay, editing and visual effects, with movies from Nazi satire “Jojo Rabbit” to period drama “Little Women” and even superhero epic “Avengers: Endgame” all in the mix.#OscarsAsUsual The ceremony will go on without a host for a second consecutive time, after last year’s batch of bright guest presenters caused a trend-bucking uplift in TV ratings.This year’s presenter lineup is equally star-studded: Tom Hanks, Jane Fonda and Diane Keaton will appear alongside previous winners Brie Larson, Olivia Colman and Rami Malek.Elton John, tipped to win the best original song Oscar for “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from “Rocketman,” will perform, as will big Grammys winner and upcoming James Bond songstress Billie Eilish.In a possible tip to the ongoing controversy over the lack of female nominees, Irish maestro Eimear Noone will become the first woman to conduct a segment of music during an Oscars telecast.Still, diversity among guest hosts and performers is unlikely to assuage anger over this year’s nominations.Cynthia Erivo arrives at the 92nd Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon at the Loews Hotel on Jan. 27, 2020, in Los Angeles.Cynthia Erivo was the only non-white acting nominee, for anti-slavery biopic “Harriet,” and no women made the best director list.”I wouldn’t call it #OscarsSoWhite but I’d say it’s #OscarsAsUsual,” said Hammond.”A British picture comes in at the end and wins a traditional kind of win, four white actors again… It looks like the Oscars could have been 30 years ago.” 

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Как карликовый царь путин встречался с народом! Недвижимость кабаевой перевалила за один миллиард

Как карликовый царь путин встречался с народом! Недвижимость кабаевой перевалила за один миллиард.

Путин остановил кортеж и пообщался с жителями Череповца. А стоимость недвижимости семьи Кабаевой достигла 1,25 млрд рублей!!!

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