Лукашенко готов отбиваться: “нефтяной рычаг” Кремля дал обратный эффект…

Лукашенко готов отбиваться: “нефтяной рычаг” Кремля дал обратный эффект…

Теперь статус “Великого собирателя земель СССР” для путина смотрится уже в качестве анекдота…

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О слугах, собаках, пирожных и масле

О слугах, собаках, пирожных и масле

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Любите девушки простых роВатников. сюткина не пустили в Украину

Любите девушки простых роВатников. сюткина не пустили в Украину.

Российский певец-путинофил валерий сюткин не даст концерт в Киеве, поскольку ему за любовь к “собирательству земель” запрещен въезд в Украину

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Лукашенко ставит точку с россией и выбирает союз с США

Лукашенко ставит точку с россией и выбирает союз с США.

После того, как Россия отказалась прокачивать нефть на заводы в Беларуси, на помощь Минску пришли Соединенные Штаты. В США заверили, что готовы на сто процентов обеспечить потребности Беларуси в энергоресурсах. Об этом говорилось на встрече госсекретаря США Майкла Помпео с президентом Беларуси Александром Лукашенко.

В США обещают, что цены для Беларуси будут конкурентными. «Мы самый крупный производитель энергоресурсов в мире, и все, что вам нужно — сказать нам и обратиться к нам».

Последние новости России и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Держбюджет у січні недоотримав 13,8 мільярда гривень – Мінфін

Доходи загального фонду державного бюджету склали 42,6 млрд грн та були на 13,8 млрд грн меншими за розпис, повідомляє Міністерство фінансів України.

«Головною причиною недовиконання доходів стали суттєві зміни макроекономічних показників порівняно з прогнозом уряду, затвердженим у жовтні 2019 року. Це, зокрема, міцніший обмінний курс гривні (середній курс січня становив 24,1 грн/дол США, тоді як в бюджеті враховано середньорічний курс 27 грн/дол США), менший обсяг імпорту (на 2,5% р/р) та нижчі ціни на газ», – зазначається у повідомленні.

Водночас, у міністерстві наголосили, що у січні було профінансовано видатки відповідно до розпису на підставі відкритих асигнувань. 

Державний бюджет на 2020 рік Верховна Рада ухвалила 14 листопада 2019-го. Доходи держбюджету затверджені на рівні 1 трильйон 79 мільярдів гривень, видатки становитимуть 1 трильйон 170 мільярдів гривень. Бюджет передбачає мінімальну зарплату на рівні 4 тисяч 723 гривні. Мінімальний прожитковий мінімум упродовж року зросте з 2 тисяч 27 до 2 тисяч 189 гривень. Мінімальна пенсія має зрости з 1 тисячі 638 гривень до 1 тисячі 769 гривень.

Президент підписав закон про бюджет на 2020-й 11 грудня.

Прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук повідомив, що Україна востаннє буде ухвалювати державний бюджет на один рік, оскільки надалі ухваленню кошторису передуватиме ухвалення «повноцінної трирічної декларації».

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Punxsutawney Phil Declares Early Spring

Punxsutawney Phil, the American groundhog famous for predicting the end of winter in the United States, did not see his shadow Sunday morning, indicating that spring will come early this year.”Hear ye, hear ye!” a member of Phil’s “inner circle” yelled to cheering crowds after presenting the furry rodent.”There is no shadow of me, spring will be early — it’s a certainty!” he screamed as the audience around Gobbler’s Knob clapped.Feb. 2 marks Groundhog Day, when traditionally a Pennsylvania groundhog known as Punxsutawney Phil makes an appearance above ground, near the cozy tree stump he calls home. Legend has it that if he sees his shadow, North America is in for six more weeks of winter weather.The event traces roots back to legends in Germany, which indicate that if a rodent sees its shadow on February 2nd, winter continues.A crowd gathered around Phil’s tree stump on Sunday morning before sunrise to behold the traditional prediction, as a group of top-hat wearing handlers surrounded the groundhog and lifted him up for the crowd to see.2020 marks Phil’s 134th Groundhog Day ceremony, according to the Pennsylvania Tourism office.Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous of the furry prognosticators. Generations of groundhogs, which are members of the marmot family known as woodchucks, have been predicting the weather since 1887.Records going back to 1887 show Phil has predicted many more winters than an early spring. But his predictions are, understandably, dubious.

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‘Parasite,’ ‘Jojo Rabbit’ Win Top Writers Guild Awards

“Parasite” has continued its march through Hollywood’s awards season by winning the best original screenplay honor at Saturday’s Writers Guild Awards.The Nazi satire “Jojo Rabbit” took home the best adapted screenplay honor.The Writers Guild Awards were roughly a week before the Academy Awards, where both films will compete in the best picture category.The “Parasite” win went to Bong Joon Ho, who is also the film’s director and Han Jin Won. Taika Waititi won for “Jojo Rabbit,” a film he also directed and starred in.HBO swept the top television awards, winning the drama category for “Succession,”the comedy category for ”Barry” and the best new series honor of “Watchmen.”The premium cable network’s limited series also won the original long form prize, while FX’s ”Fosse/Verdon” won the adapted long form award.Saturday’s awards were handed out in concurrent ceremonies in New York and Beverly Hills, California. 

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10 Ads to Watch for on Super Bowl Sunday

This year’s Super Bowl won’t be a politics-free zone, as both President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg will air campaign ads during the game.But most other advertisers will offer escape  from impeachment and the upcoming presidential election by stuffing multiple celebrities in their ads, appropriating iconic songs, going for inoffensive humor, and trying to tug at people’s heartstrings.Here are 10 ads to watch for during Sunday’s game in Miami:AMAZONAmazon’s ad stars Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, actress Portia de Rossi, imagining life before the company’s voice assistant Alexa. A maid named Alexa throws some burning firewood out a window when she is asked to turn the temperature down; an Old West pioneer asks his companion Al to “play that song I like.” In one of the few political allusions of the night, a newsboy says his newspaper has “fake news” and a character resembling Richard Nixon asks his secretary to remind him to delete his tapes (although she tells the camera she won’t do it).AUDIArya can sing as well as stab, it turns out. “Game of Thrones” actress Maisie Williams belts out the hit song “Let it Go” from “Frozen” as she promotes Audi’s e-tron family of electric vehicles. The ad airs in the second quarter.BUDWEISERThe Anheuser-Busch brand enlisted Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow for a 60-second ad that contrasts a voiceover of “typical American” behavior with real-life video of Americans doing heartwarming things. For instance, the narration says typical Americans are “always so competitive” while the ad shows Hannah Gavios, who is partially paralyzed, completing a marathon.CHEETOSThe MC Hammer classic “U Can’t Touch This” is 30 years old this year, but that’s not keeping Cheetos from embracing it. The snack-food ad features a man with bright orange Cheetos dust on his hands who can’t stop moving furniture or performing office tasks. Hammer himself — “Hammer pants” and all — also keeps popping up to utter his iconic catchphrase.DORITOSThe snack chip is betting people will connect with “Old Town Road,” the smash hit of the summer by Lil Nas X. In the Western-themed ad, Lil Nas has a dance off with grizzled character actor Sam Elliott. Billy Cyrus, who features in the song’s remix, also makes a cameo.FACEBOOKThe social media site hasn’t unveiled its first-ever Super Bowl ad but it will star Rocky himself, Sylvester Stallone, with comedian Chris Rock to promote the site’s Groups feature. The 60-second ad airs late in the game during the fourth quarter.GOOGLEGoogle’s 90-second ad is one of the few ads this year that doesn’t use humor or celebrities. It features a man reminiscing about his wife, using the Google Assistant feature to pull up old photos of her and past vacations. The ad is set to an instrumental version of “Say Something” by Great Big World.HYUNDAIThe automaker pokes fun at Boston accents with a 60-second ad in the second quarter that uses Boston-affiliated celebrities including actor Chris Evans, John Krasinski, Saturday Night Live alum Rachel Dratch and Boston Red Sox manager David Ortiz. They discuss Hyundai’s feature that lets car owners park remotely with exaggerated accents that make “Smart Park” sound like “smaht pahk.”MICHELOBWrestler-turned-actor John Cena tries to convince Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon that there’s a “lighter side” to working out, with cameos by Tonight show band The Roots and Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt. The ad ultimately hawks Michelob Ultra, which Anheuser-Busch promotes as a lower calorie beer.PEPSIPepsi tries to reignite the Cola Wars with Missy Elliott and H.E.R. performing an updated version of the Rolling Stones’ classic tune “Paint It Black.” As singers intone the lyrics “I see a red door and I want it painted black,” a red cola can resembling a Coke changes into a black can of Pepsi.

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В Кремле опять чешут репу. Польша уходит в 5-е поколение

В Кремле опять чешут репу. Польша уходит в 5-е поколение

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Нефтегазовый гостинец Помпео: Беларусь может начать поставки нефти из США

Нефтегазовый гостинец Помпео: Беларусь может начать поставки нефти из США

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«Исторический спор» с Европой больно ударит по Путину…

«Исторический спор» с Европой больно ударит по Путину…

Путин после таких заявочек, Кремль вполне может огрести не послабление санкций, а их ужесточение

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«Я навіть не встиг в пікет стати» – у Росії затримали активістів проти змін до Конституції

«Я навіть не встиг в пікет стати» – у Росії затримали активістів проти змін до Конституції.

У російському Санкт-Петербурзі в суботу поліція затримала учасників акції проти внесення змін до Конституції Росії. Згідно з повідомленнями, вісьмох людей затримали на Сенатській площі, ще одного учасника на Невському проспекті, вже після завершення акції. Про план змінити Конституцію Росії Володимир Путін заявив 15 січня. Деякі оглядачі підозрюють, що конституційні зміни Путіна можуть допомогти 67-річному колишньому офіцеру КДБ утриматися при владі після закінчення його четвертого президентського терміну в 2024 році

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Модернизация деградации. Путин при смерти?

Модернизация деградации. Путин при смерти?

15 января народу России стало ясно, что у него больше никогда не будет возможности проголосовать за Путина. Также стало ясно, что он будет с ними пока смерть не разлучит их

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Безоговорочная капитуляция Газпрома: “Нафтогаз” добивает “национальное достояние” ценами на транзит

Безоговорочная капитуляция Газпрома: “Нафтогаз” добивает “национальное достояние” ценами на транзит.

«Нафтогаз» поднял тариф за транзит российского газа

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Рейтинг путина ВСЁ! Новая зарплата медведева! За сколько блогерам предлагают хвалить поправки путина!


Последние новости России и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Фатальное падение Газпрома: даже “братушки-болгары” готовятся перейти на СПГ…

Фатальное падение Газпрома: даже “братушки-болгары” готовятся перейти на СПГ…

Кремль, используя свои углеводороды как инструмент политического шантажа, неизбежно должны был получить ответ

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Помпео вшанував полеглих на Донбасі військових

Помпео вшанував полеглих на Донбасі військових.

Державний секретар США Майк Помпео вранці в п’ятницю поклав квіту до меморіалу «Стіна пам’яті загиблих за Україну» біля Михайлівського монастиря у Києві

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Напуганные Роттердамом

Напуганные Роттердамом

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McDonald’s Marks 30 Years in Russia

American fast-food icon McDonald’s Friday marked 30 years since it first opened its doors in Moscow, an occasion with deep resonance here since the transition from the communist Soviet Union.Yet, marring the celebration were city authorities’ concerns over an outbreak of the coronavirus in neighboring China.   
The restaurant had marketed a day of Soviet-era pricing, with hamburgers costing their original 1990 3 ruble price tag, but canceled the event amid government fears a Soviet-era line would pose a health hazard.   Coupons were issued instead for the thousands who arrived anyway.   Pushkin Square McDonald’s, Jan. 31, 2020, the 30th anniversary of the fast-food restaurant in Russia. (C. Maynes/VOA)Burgers of ChangeThe McDonald’s ‘Golden Arches’ first lit up on Moscow’s Pushkin Square to great fanfare on January 31, 1990.An estimated 38,000 Soviets lined up for hours for what they might have heard of but never tasted, a McDonald’s hamburger. “All I remember is we waited a long time,” Elena Nikolaevna, 78, a former factory worker who came to attend the 30th anniversary celebrations, said. “I felt like I was eating America itself,”  Andrey, 53, said, recalling his first bite, a month after the initial opening.  “The lines were huge,” he said.    The Moscow launch set company records at the time, with the most customers ever served in one day.   The event was intrinsically linked to Russians’ desire for Western-style market reforms under former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of perestroika, or restructuring.  First introduced in 1986, perestroika brought new openness to Soviet society, but provided few quick paths toward repairing the USSR’s deeply flawed command economy.The scene on Pushkin Square seemed to lay bare those contradictions; while shortages of basic necessities were common in Soviet stores, McDonald’s — almost magically — never ran out of food.The secret was that the company had negotiated to set up a private manufacturing plant within the Soviet Union — unheard of at the time — while importing 80% of whatever else was needed.  It was effective but far from perfect: the company operated at a loss. There were problems from the Soviet customer’s point of view too, as an average meal cost more than a half day’s wages.Calling McCanadaThere was also an open secret about this symbol of America being introduced into the Soviet Union — it was actually Canadian.The CEO of McDonald’s Canada, American-Canadian citizen George Cohen, first latched onto the idea of opening a McDonald’s in the Soviet Union after bringing Soviet representatives to a McDonald’s during the 1976 Montreal Olympics.The Soviets liked the food and, even more, they admired the service.   Moscow was gearing up to host its own 1980 Summer Games and looking for ways to feed foreign tourists something quick, familiar, and tasty while maintaining their pride.   “Being a Canadian company was giving a neutral touch to the whole setup,” Marc Carena, the current CEO of McDonald’s Russia, told VOA.  Cold War politics, including the U.S. decision to  boycott the 1980 games over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, ultimately scuttled the deal.Yet, a few years and hundreds of hours of negotiations later, Gorbachev endorsed the Golden Arches as part of his push for change.  “McDonald’s was more than the opening of a simple restaurant,” Carena said,  “It came to symbolize the entire opening of the USSR to the West.”Service with a SmileWatching archival videos, available on YouTube, is like entering a time warp regarding relations between Moscow and Washington then. “They say the West is bad, but I like this food,” says a young customer interviewed at the 1990 opening. “We were interested in another life and what it looked like,” Georgi, a retired army veteran, told VOA.“McDonald’s just made the world just feel wider. That’s not the case now,” he said.  In theory, he was referring to  the current poor state of U.S.-Russian relations, although in reality, he had just finished a Big Mac.McDonald’s’ most lasting Russian legacy may lie in the Western-style services the company pioneered here.After placing a single advertisement in the leading Moskovsky Komsomolets daily, the company fielded 30,000 applications.  Just over 600 finalists were chosen.   “I remember waiting for the bus and looking at the McDonald’s sign and crying,” said Svetlana Polyakova, who was hired to flip hamburgers.“I thought I’d made it,” added Polyakova, now the company’s Russia public relations director.   Those chosen were young and energetic, and had little or no experience.  That was the point.  McDonald’s employees, by design, had none of the bad habits associated with the grim unfriendly service of Soviet cafes, Anna Patrunina, one of the original cashiers but now vice president of operations, said. “Anna Patrunina, one of the original 1990 hires and now VP of Operations of McDonald’s Russia, Jan. 31, 2020. (C. Maynes/VOA)We were asked, can you smile for eight hours straight? We all said yes, of course,” she told VOA,  “but it turns out it’s harder than you think.”Smiling was a warmth easily extended in Soviet home but was not part of public life.  It was foreign.  It was weird.  It was American.New Times, New RulesToday, good service in Russia is common, and so, too, is McDonald’s.The company now has more than 700 stores across the country and 98% of the company’s supplies are now sourced locally.”We’re a Russian company and we always were a Russian company,” according to Carena, a Swiss national and the only foreigner on staff.  Not everyone is happy, though. “I don’t like their fast food. I never have,” said Elchin, 58, a businessman who moved to Moscow from Baku, Azerbaijan, 30 years ago, adding he preferred home-cooked meals. “Ukrainian borscht, Russian dumplings, Armenian barbecue … now that’s food to savor,” he said.   “Nothing against the U.S. but I love the classics,” he said.

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Surprise Package Kenin Stuns Muguruza to Win Australian Open Title

America’s Sofia Kenin stunned two-time Major champion Garbine Muguruza to win the Australian Open on Saturday, completing a surprise run where she has come from nowhere to win her first Grand Slam title.Despite making her debut in a Major final Kenin, 21, showed all her trademark aggression as she fought back from a set down to win 4-6, 6-2, 6-2 in 2hrs 3mins against the shellshocked Spaniard.The 14th seed, who will now jump as high as seventh in the world and usurp Serena Williams as America’s number one, was in tears at the end and headed straight for her father Alexander, who is her coach.It was the final twist in a tournament of upsets, after Williams went out in the third round and Kenin upset Australia’s world number one Ashleigh Barty in the semi-finals.”My dream officially came true, I can’t describe this feeling,” said Moscow-born Kenin. “It’s amazing, dreams come true. If you have dreams, go for it, it’s going to come true.”Spain’s Muguruza, 26, was unseeded for the first time at a Slam since 2014 having suffered a marked loss of form in the last 18 months.She was resurgent in Melbourne over the past fortnight, but after grabbing the first-set lead, her serve failed her spectacularly.She totted up eight double-faults in all, three of them in the final game — including one on the second championship point, handing the title to her younger opponent.Kenin fights backMuguruza drew first blood at Rod Laver Arena, where the roof was closed for rain in Melbourne, getting the first break of serve.Moscow-born Kenin, who ended the fairytale run of 15-year-old Coco Gauff on her way to the final, bounced her American stars-and-stripes racquet on the hardcourt in irritation.The 2016 French Open and 2017 Wimbledon winner Muguruza took the first set in 52 minutes when the young American planted her forehand out.But the aggressive Kenin upped the ante in the second set, breaking her more experienced opponent in the fourth game and easily holding to sprint into a 4-1 lead.Kenin, who won their only previous encounter in three sets, grabbed the second set in an emphatic 32 minutes. A rattled Muguruza was seen briefly by a physio for what appeared to be a lower-back problem.Into the deciding set and the gutsy Kenin saved three game points in a pivotal fifth game, tossing the ball back over her head by way of celebration.Kenin, who was overshadowed in the build-up to Melbourne by the likes of Williams, Osaka and Barty, adds by far the biggest title of her fast-burgeoning career to the three WTA crowns she won last year.”The past two weeks have been the best of my life,” she told Rod Laver Arena, as her father — who left the Soviet Union in 1987 to give the family a better life — filmed her victory speech on his phone.”I love you guys from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much,” she told the crowd.At 21 years and 80 days, Kenin is 22 days younger than Japan’s Naomi Osaka when she won the title last year.Kenin is the youngest Australian Open champion since Maria Sharapova — her idol — won aged 20 in 2008.

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