Cartoonist Reflects On Diversity Through Art

In the almost 100 years The New Yorker magazine has existed, it’s published thousands of cartoons. Yet never in its history had a black female cartoonist published for the magazine – that is, until Liz Montague came on board. For VOA, Karina Bafradzhian spoke with Montague and has more in this report.

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Переговоры с лугандонией: когда зеленский поедет в кремль за премией в “пару миллиардов”?..

Переговоры с лугандонией: когда зеленский поедет в кремль за премией в “пару миллиардов”?..

Минские протоколы являются путем к капитуляции…

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Обвал рынков, капитуляция резидента, пакость портнова и плешивый гарант

Обвал рынков, капитуляция резидента, пакость портнова и плешивый гарант

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Официально: В рф бедных станет больше

Официально: В рф бедных станет больше.

В рф напомним, экономики как таковой нет, а следовательно налоговые поступления без нефти и газа не перекрывают потребности государства

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Аваков может украсть финансовую помощь США для Украины

Аваков может украсть финансовую помощь США для Украины.

США выделяет Украине 38$ млн на кибербезопасность. Арсен аваков может украсть финансовую помощь США

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Зе-власть упала на колени: Госизмена кучмы и ермака в Минске

Зе-власть упала на колени: Госизмена кучмы и ермака в Минске

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Україна перестає визнавати росію агресором!!! Новий договорняк зе-кучми у Мінську

Україна перестає визнавати росію агресором!!! Новий договорняк зе-кучми у Мінську.

В Мінську було підписано нові документи, згідно з якими Україна фактично перестає вважати росію агресором!!!

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Отрицательный рост ВВП: россия признала поражение в нефтяной войне

Отрицательный рост ВВП: россия признала поражение в нефтяной войне

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Пукин и сечин решили уничтожить россию

Пукин и Сечин решили уничтожить россию.

Арабы решили наказать россию по полной, нефть дешевеет, рубль в зоне турбулентности, пропаганда выжимает максимум, мол кризис ерунда, зато с нами вновь пукин. Митинги запретили, кремль даже тут поймал момент, на экономику ему плевать, тут нужно сохранить хотя бы то, что имеет. В общем кажется, что это какой-то розыгрыш большой, но нет, это стабильность

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Гаага, суд, Боинг: В миде рф панически запаниковали…

Гаага, суд, Боинг: В миде рф панически запаниковали…

Первые результаты в суде по делу МН-17: стало четко понятно, почему машка захарова перед началом процесса аж «из платья выпрыгивала» с криками «вы все врете»…

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Трамп дал добро: Американское средство для иранской бороды

Трамп дал добро: Американское средство для иранской бороды

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Зеленському пора обрізати член, одягати кепу і втікати в Ізраїль!

Зеленському пора обрізати член, одягати кепу і втікати в Ізраїль.

У мережі з’явилися фото протоколу, підписаного в ході засідання Тристоронньої контактної групи з врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі в Мінську.

Підписана 11 березня угода по суті фіксує суб’єктність так званої лугандонії, а росія, Німеччина, Франція та ОБСЄ визначаються гарантами-спостерігачами.

В протоколі можна знайти інформацію про створення Консультативної ради, яке заплановано вже на 25 березня. Перед цим сторони повинні будуть провести консультації з Францією, Німеччиною та ОБСЄ.

Виходячи з тексту протоколу, головним завданням нової ради стане встановлення діалогу і вироблення пропозицій щодо врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі у відповідності з Комплексами заходів. По суті, мова йде про проведення виборів на окупованих територіях.

Учасників Консультативної ради обиратимуть як Україна, так і лугандонія, а також росія, Німеччина, Франція та ОБСЄ. Сторони повинні будуть повідомити спецпредставникові голови ОБСЄ в Україні та ТКГ про те, хто буде їх представниками, не пізніше, ніж за три робочих дні до дня першого засідання ради.

Насправді підписання цієї угоди є «державною зрадою» з боку представників зеленського і зе-влади.

Слідчий СБУ, який сьогодні відкриє кримінальну справу за статтею 111 “Державна зрада” проти представників України в Тристоронній контактній групі увійде в історію Війни за Незалежність…

Підписавши угоду в Мінську про створення Консультативної ради з представниками “окремих районів України”, батько корупції леонід кучма, за вказівкою зеленського, прямо порушив Конституцію і закон України “Про особливості державної політики із забезпечення державного суверенітету України на тимчасово окупованих теріторіях у Донецькій та Луганській областях.

Потрібно визначити все коло осіб, які були причетні до зрадницької змови в Мінську і притягнути їх до відповідальності.

Мережа Правди

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Apple to Close Retail Stores Worldwide, Except Greater China, Until March 27

Apple Inc said late on Friday it will close all its retail stores, except those in Greater China, for the next two weeks to minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission.”We will be closing all of our retail stores outside of Greater China until March 27,” Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote in a letter posted on the company’s website.”In all of our offices, we are moving to flexible work arrangements worldwide outside of Greater China,” he added. “That means team members should work remotely if their job allows.”Apple reopened all 42 of its branded stores in China on Friday.The company’s donations to the global coronavirus response, to help treat those who are sick and to help lessen the economic and community impacts, reached $15 million on Friday, Cook wrote in the letter.More than 138,000 people have been infected worldwide and over 5,000 have died, according to a Reuters tally of government announcements.

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Indigenous Languages Showcased at Mother Tongue Film Festival

Every year, the Mother Tongue Film Festival, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, showcases films about indigenous cultures that celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity. Most of these films have been made in indigenous languages from all over the world. VOA’s Penelope Poulou spoke with curators and filmmakers on how these ancient languages are still an integral part of aboriginal cultures today.

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Bill Gates Says He Is Stepping Down From Microsoft Board

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said Friday he is stepping down from the company’s board to focus on philanthropy.Gates was Microsoft’s CEO until 2000 and since then has gradually scaled back his involvement in the company he started with Paul Allen in 1975.He transitioned out of a day-to-day role in Microsoft in 2008 and served as chairman of the board until 2014.The billionaire announced Friday that he’s leaving the Microsoft board entirely as well as his seat on the board of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate headed by fellow billionaire Warren Buffett.Gates said he plans to dedicate more time to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He will also remain a technology adviser to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and other company leaders.

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Pentagon Reconsiders Microsoft Contract After Amazon Protest

The Pentagon is reconsidering its awarding of a major cloud computing contract to Microsoft after rival tech giant Amazon protested what it called a flawed bidding process.U.S. government lawyers said in a court filing this week that the Defense Department “wishes to reconsider its award decision” and take another look at how it evaluated technical aspects of the companies’ proposals to run the $10 billion computing project.The filing doesn’t address Amazon’s broader argument that the bidding was improperly influenced by President Donald Trump’s dislike of Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos. Bezos owns The Washington Post, a news outlet with which Trump has often clashed.Amazon Web Services is a market leader in providing cloud computing services and had long been considered a leading candidate to run the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure project, known as JEDI. The project will store and process vast amounts of classified data, allowing the U.S. military to improve communications with soldiers on the battlefield and use artificial intelligence to speed up its war planning and fighting capabilities.Amazon sued the Pentagon after Microsoft won the contract in October. Work on the project has been halted as the lawsuit proceeds.The judge who is presiding over the bid protest in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims said earlier this month that Amazon’s challenge likely had merit on some technical grounds involving pricing.The Pentagon is asking her for 120 days to reconsider “certain aspects” of its decision. Amazon said in a statement it is pleased the government is taking correction action if it “fully insulates the re-evaluation from political influence and corrects the many issues affecting the initial flawed award.”Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said one possible outcome is that the Pentagon could end up splitting the award between Microsoft and Amazon, or with other vendors. That would move the project forward and get it out of the courts, he said.

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Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson Taking Diagnoses ‘One Day at a Time’

Tom Hanks said he and wife Rita Wilson were taking their new coronavirus infection “one day at a time” while Australian television hosts who had interviewed Wilson were awaiting test results Friday.
Australia has stepped up its response to COVID-19 by recommending people avoid organized, nonessential gatherings of 500 or more from Monday and to reconsider all international travel.
Hanks and Wilson have been isolated in stable conditions in a Gold Coast hospital following their diagnosis.
The couple used a social media post to thank “everyone here Down Under who are taking such good care of us.”
“We have Covid-19 and are in isolation so we do not spread it to anyone else,” Hanks said in a post.
“There are those for whom it could lead to a very serious illness,” he said. “We are taking it one day at a time.”
The virus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough, for most people but can be severe in some cases, especially older adults and people with existing health problems. According to the World Health Organization, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.
Two television hosts who interviewed Wilson in their Nine Network Sydney studio on Monday, David Campbell and Belinda Russell, were in isolation at home on Friday waiting on test results.
“Nine today has taken action in line with our crisis response plan around a visit to our studio by Ms Rita Wilson,” a Nine statement said.
“Our premises is currently being thoroughly cleaned in all areas she visited and we are encouraging our employees to monitor their health and practice good hygiene,” Nine added.
Hanks had announced their diagnoses Thursday, prompting an outpouring of get-well wishes in Australia and Hollywood.
Hanks had been in Queensland state shooting an untitled Elvis Presley biopic directed by Baz Luhrmann. Hanks plays Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker. The film, slated for release in October 2021, has suspended production, Warner Bros. said.

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Thriving ‘Mega’-llennials Leave Struggling Millennials Behind

There’s a millennial divide in the generation of young people that is often stereotyped as entitled, unemployed and more likely to still be living with their parents.  The Great Recession and student loan debt created strong challenges for the generation of young people who today are roughly in their mid-20s to late 30s. Many had a hard time finding jobs in their field. Some accepted lower-paying jobs than they were qualified for. Today, those early setbacks continue to impact millions of millennials.However, while many in the generation stagnated professionally, the so-called “mega-llennials” managed to flourish and succeed.“That’s the portion of the generation that kept working and creating traction and pulling themselves forward in spite of these really crummy economic times,” says says Jason Dorsey, president and lead millennial researcher at the Thirty-year-old Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, 35, are among the millennial generation’s high-achieving “mega”-llennials.There’s a sharp contrast between the mega-llennials and the so-called “me-llennials,” the part of the generation that has struggled to find professional traction and is still working on finding their place in life.“What we think is fascinating is that the group of people that are most offended at work by millennials acting entitled are actually other millennials who do not feel entitled,” Dorsey says. “They think the rest of the generation is giving them a bad reputation.”So why did mega-llennials flourish while other people in their age group floundered?“What we found is they were more resilient oftentimes in their career. That could have been by luck or by intention,” Dorsey says. “They also managed to keep working and building their networks and did whatever they could to keep pushing themselves forward.”While there’s no clear definition in terms of one group versus the other, Dorsey says  millennials tend to sort themselves into one group or the other. And although they are of the same generation and share many experiences, mega-llennials and me-llennials don’t tend to see themselves in each other.

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Висновки з падіння алкаша сівохо. “Внутрішній конфлікт” це тепер позиція зе-влади!!

Висновки з падіння алкаша сівохо. “Внутрішній конфлікт” це тепер позиція зе-влади!!

Про падіння Сівохо на власну платформу та чому він так нічого і не зрозумів.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Раскрошить “Панцирь”: Эрдоган крепко подмочил репутацию российской оборонки…

Раскрошить “Панцирь”: Эрдоган крепко подмочил репутацию российской оборонки…

У потенциальных покупателей возникает простой вопрос: “А какой прок с российских ракетных комплексов, если их из года в год они оказываются удобными целями, демонстрируя нулевую эффективность?..”

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