Нацбанк знизив облікову ставку до 10%

Правління Національного банку вирішило знизити облікову ставку до 10% річних з 13 березня. Як повідомляє пресслужба регулятора, це надасть «необхідний стимул економіці».

«Національний банк продовжує прогнозоване пом’якшення монетарної політики, щоб повернути інфляцію в цільовий діапазон 5% плюс-мінус один відсотковий пункт та підтримати економічне зростання в Україні в умовах охолодження світової економіки… Січневий прогноз Національного банку передбачав інфляцію 4,8% на кінець 2020 року, однак може бути переглянутий у квітні залежно від подальшого розвитку подій», – йдеться в повідомленні НБУ.

У Нацбанку додали, що очікують зниження облікової ставки до 7% до кінця цього року.

З 31 січня НБУ знизив облікову ставку на 2,5% – до 11%.

Облікова ставка є одним із інструментів, за допомогою якого Нацбанк встановлює для комерційних банків орієнтир щодо вартості кредитів і депозитів.


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US Senators Seek to Ban Federal Employees From Using TikTok on Their Phones

Two Republican senators on Thursday introduced a bill aimed at banning federal employees from using Chinese social media app TikTok on their government-issued phones, amid growing national security concerns around the collection and sharing of data on U.S. users with China’s government.The bill by Senators Josh Hawley and Rick Scott comes as several U.S. agencies that deal with national security and intelligence issues including the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security have banned employees from using the app.It is also the latest attempt to rein in technology companies by Hawley, who has repeatedly clashed with big tech companies and has a notably nuanced and aggressive approach when questioning tech executives in congressional hearings.”TikTok is owned by a Chinese company that includes Chinese Communist Party members on its board, and it is required by law to share user data with Beijing,” Hawley said. ”
The app has been rapidly growing in popularity among U.S. teenagers and allows users to create short videos. About 60% of TikTok’s 26.5 million monthly active users in the United States are between the ages of 16 and 24, the company said last year.In November, the U.S. government launched a national security review of TikTok owner Beijing ByteDance Technology Co’s $1 billion acquisition of U.S. social media app Musical.TikTok has been on the defensive as lawmakers and law enforcement agencies  take a closer look at its data security practices amid concerns it engages in censorship at the behest of the Chinese government.  The company previously said U.S. user data is stored in the United States and that China does not have jurisdiction over content that is not in China.A TikTok spokesman told Reuters last week Hawley’s concerns were unfounded and that the company is increasing its dialogue with lawmakers to explain its policies. The spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.In November, Hawley unveiled a bill that would bar companies from China, Russia or other countries that present national security concerns from transferring Americans’ data back within their borders — where it could be used to spy on the United States.The bill also prevented the companies from collecting data that isn’t necessary to the operation of their business, such as phone contacts or location in the case of TikTok.

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Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson Test Positive for Coronavirus

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson are isolated in stable condition in an Australian hospital after contracting the new coronavirus.
The double Oscar winner is easily the most famous person yet to disclose they have COVID-19. Hanks said he and Wilson had felt tired, with colds, aches and slight fevers before testing positive. He added they’ll be “isolated for as long as public health and safety requires.”pic.twitter.com/pgybgIYJdG— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) March 12, 2020
Hanks was in Australia working on an untitled Elvis Presley biopic directed by Baz Luhrmann. It has suspended production. Australian officials say people who’ve been in close contact with Hanks and Wilson will have to self-quarantine. 

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НБУ далі послаблює гривню, на міжбанку зростання долара призупинилося

Національний банк України встановив опівдні 12 березня довідкове значення курсу 25 гривень 81 копійка за долар. Це на 19 копійок більше за офіційний курс на сьогодні.

Також регулятор провів аукціон, задекларувавши намір продати до 200 мільйонів доларів за ціною не менш як 24 гривні 80 копійок. У результаті НБУ продав 75,9 мільйона доларів, заявок було на 86,4 мільйона доларів.

На міжбанківському валютному ринку вперше цього тижня рух відбувається не лише в бік зростання котирувань долара. Після 11:00, за даними Finance.ua, котирування сягнули 25 гривень 83–85 копійок за одиницю американської валюти, але на тлі аукціону НБУ до 12:00 знизилися до 25 гривень 76,5–80 копійок за долар. Згодом зростання поновилося, станом на 12:25 котирування становили 25 гривень 82–84 копійки.

Зростання котирувань долара в Україні відбувається на тлі погіршення світової кон’юнктури в зв’язку з поширенням коронавірусу. Це спричиняє відтік валюти нерезидентів із українських цінних паперів та неможливість для українського уряду оформити нові запозичення за рахунок випуску облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. Експортери за таких обставин воліють притримати валюту, імпортери – купити обсяги, потрібні для оплати за контрактами.

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У Європі стався новий обвал на біржах

На європейських фондових біржах 12 березня відбувається новий обвал. Індекси втрачають від 5,5% до 6,5%. Станом на 11:43 за Києвом німецький DAX просідає на 6,23%, а англійський FTSE100 – на 5,66%. В цьому ж діапазоні падають французький CAC40, швейцарський SMI та інші індикатори.

Другий цього тижня різкий спад спричинило оголошення ВООЗ про пандемію COVID-19 та рішення американського лідера Дональда Трампа про 30-денне закриття США для європейців через коронавірус.

Зосібна навіть на тлі європейського обвалу виглядає російський фондовий ринок. Індекс RTS станом на 11:52 втрачає майже 8%, оскільки до двох названих негативних чинників у Росії додається ще й реакція на падіння ціни на основний експортний товар, нафту. Станом на 11:55 нафта втрачає понад 5% і коштує менш як 34 долари за барель Brent.


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Світові ринки знову різко впали після оголошення ВООЗ про пандемію COVID-19

Світові ринки новим падінням відреагували на повідомлення Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я про те, що захворювання COVID-19 набуло характеру пандемії.

Провідний американський індекс Dow Jones за підсумком торгів 11 березня впав до позначки 23 тисячі 553 пункти або на майже 6%. Це найгірший показник від грудня 2018 року.

Європейські біржі 11 березня вже закрилися на момент оголошення ВООЗ, тому реагуватимуть на ці дані сьогодні.

Котирування нафти не перевершили мінімальних значень, досягнутих 9 березня (тоді барель Brent падав нижче 32 доларів), але наблизилися до них, уночі 12 березня ціна опускалася нижче від 33,5 долара за барель Brent.

Раніше цього тижня, 9 березня, значного падіння зазнали всі провідні світові біржі, ринок пережив найгірший день із 2008 року. Тригерами обвалу стали поширення нового коронавірусу в світі та провал угоди нафтового картеля ОПЕК та його партнерів. У межах ОПЕК+ не лише не домовилися про додаткове скорочення видобутку, але й не продовжили попередні обмеження. Між найбільшими за обсягами учасниками угоди, Росією та Саудівською Аравією, фактично розпочалася цінова війна.

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NBA Suspends Season Until Further Notice, Over Coronavirus

The NBA has suspended its season “until further notice” after a Utah Jazz player tested positive Wednesday for the coronavirus, a move that came only hours after the majority of the league’s owners were leaning toward playing games without fans in arenas.Now there will be no games at all, at least for the time being. A person with knowledge of the situation said the Jazz player who tested positive was center Rudy Gobert. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because neither the league nor the team confirmed the presumptive positive test.”The NBA is suspending game play following the conclusion of tonight’s schedule of games until further notice,” the league said in a statement sent shortly after 9:30 p.m. Eastern. “The NBA will use this hiatus to determine next steps for moving forward in regard to the coronavirus pandemic.’’The test result, the NBA said, was reported shortly before the scheduled tip-off time for the Utah at Oklahoma City game on Wednesday night was called off. Players were on the floor for warmups and tip-off was moments away when they were told to return to their locker rooms. About 30 minutes later, fans were told the game was postponed “due to unforeseen circumstances.”Those circumstances were the league’s worst-case scenario for now – a player testing positive. A second person who spoke to AP on condition of anonymity said the league expects the shutdown to last a minimum of two weeks, but cautioned that timeframe is very fluid.For most people, the coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization, which declared a pandemic on Wednesday, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover. In mainland China, where the virus first exploded, more than 80,000 people have been diagnosed and more than 58,000 have so far recovered.It has been a worldwide issue for several weeks. And now, it has hit the NBA.Charlotte Hornets coach James Borrego, speaking before his team played at Miami on Wednesday – where news of the shutdown broke during the fourth quarter – said “these are scary times.’’The NBA’s movement toward empty arenas in the short term came on the same day that the NCAA announced that the men’s and women’s Division I tournaments would be played without fans – except for a few family members – permitted inside to watch.”People are clearly taking the measures that they feel they need to take for safety,” said Miami Heat guard Duncan Robinson, who played in both the Division I and Division III national championship games during his college days at Michigan and Williams.”There’s people a lot higher up than ourselves in this locker room who have the information and the knowledge to make those types of decisions,” Robinson said. “In terms of if that were to happen here … we love playing in front of our fans and we feel like that gives us an advantage. But at the same time the NBA has to protect its players in the league and the fans.’’Things have clearly been trending toward empty arenas for some time, and it was abundantly clear Wednesday morning when the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told a Congressional committee that he would recommend the NBA not allow fans at games in response to the coronavirus.Dr. Anthony Fauci was responding to a question asked by Rep. Glenn Grothman, a Wisconsin Republican, “is the NBA underreacting or is the Ivy League overreacting?” Grothman was referencing how the Ivy League recently canceled its basketball tournaments, instead of having them without fans or keeping the status quo.”We would recommend that there not be large crowds,” Fauci said. “If that means not having any people in the audience when the NBA plays, so be it. But as a public health official, anything that has crowds is something that would give a risk to spread.”

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НБУ заявив, що «має достатній запас міцності» для згладжування надмірних коливань курсу валют

Національний банк України заявив, що «має достатній запас міцності» для згладжування надмірних коливань курсу валют, «спричинених нервовими настроями».

«Міжнародні резерви України на сьогодні перевищують 26 мільярдів доларів, тож ми готові за необхідності і далі проводити інтервенції з продажу валюти», – запевнили в Нацбанку.

Регулятор повідомив, що Національний банк другий день «активно згладжував курсові коливання» і з цією метою 11 березня продав близько 350 мільйонів доларів. Напередодні регулятор продав 270 мільйонів доларів.

«Як і раніше, ми вважаємо, що погіршення настроїв на фінансових ринках зумовлене радше психологічним чинником, передусім через поширення світом коронавірусу, хоча з точки зору економічних показників його вплив на Україну є нейтральним. Зокрема, певне падіння цін на наш експорт компенсується здешевленням імпорту, передусім енергоносіїв», – розповіли в Нацбанку.

З 9 березня вартість долара зросла з 24 гривень 74 копійок до 25 гривень 62 копійок. За цей же час євро подорожчав з 27 гривень 69 копійок до 29 гривень 4 копійок.

Тоді відбувся найбільший з 1991 року обвал цін нафти. Вартість бареля марки Brent упала на 30 відсотків – до 33 доларів.

Значного падіння зазнали всі провідні світові біржі, ринок пережив найгірший день із 2008 року. Тригерами обвалу стали поширення нового коронавірусу в світі та провал угоди нафтового картеля ОПЕК та його партнерів. У межах ОПЕК+ не лише не домовилися про додаткове скорочення видобутку, але й не продовжили попередні обмеження. Між найбільшими за обсягами учасниками угоди, Росією та Саудівською Аравією, фактично розпочалася цінова війна.

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Ugandan Poet Taking on Politics with Prose

Ugandan poet Stella Nyanzi was released in February after spending over a year in prison for a post she made on Facebook that insulted President Yoweri Museveni.  Defiant, Nyanzi used her time behind bars to write a book and is inspiring others to use poetry to express their political opinions.  But as Halima Athumani reports from Kampala, Uganda’s public prosecutor plans to appeal her acquittal. 

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US Needs Top Cyber Coordinator, Better Hacker ‘Deterrence’: Panel

The US needs a top-level cybersecurity coordinator and a better strategy of “deterrence” to protect against hackers and other cyber threats, a congressionally mandated commission said Wednesday.Defense in cyberspace requires a series of government reforms and policies to strike back at attackers, according to the report by the Cyberspace Solarium Commission.The bipartisan panel which included lawmakers and private sector experts made more than 80 recommendations ranging from reforms in the executive and legislative branches to better cooperation with allies to secure cyberspace.”The reality is that we are dangerously insecure,” said a statement from Senator Angus King and Representative Mike Gallagher, co-chairs of the panel which took its name from an Eisenhower-era foreign policy project.”Your entire life — your paycheck, your health care, your electricity — increasingly relies on networks of digital devices that store, process and analyze data. These networks are vulnerable, if not already compromised.”Panel members described the required effort as equivalent to preventing another 9/11 attack.The panel recommended the establishment of White House cabinet-level “national cyber director” to direct coordination within government and the private sector.Additionally, the panel cited the need for a stronger deterrence strategy to demonstrate that attackers in cyberspace would pay a price.”Deterrence is possible in cyberspace,” the report said.”Today most cyber actors feel undeterred, if not emboldened, to target our personal data and public infrastructure… through our inability or unwillingness to identify and punish our cyber adversaries, we are signaling that interfering in American elections or stealing billions in US intellectual property is acceptable.”It said the US government and private sector must  “defend themselves and strike back with speed and agility.”The commission said cyber defense should rely on a “layered” strategy that imposes costs on attackers.”A key, but not the only, element of cost imposition is the military instrument of power,” the report said.”The United States must maintain the capacity, resilience, and readiness to employ cyber and non-cyber capabilities across the spectrum of engagement from competition to crisis and conflict.”

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Weinstein Sentenced to 23 Years for Sexual Assaults

Harvey Weinstein was sentenced Wednesday to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault, a sight the Hollywood mogul’s multitude of accusers thought they would never see.Weinstein, who has been accused of violating scores of women, was convicted last month of raping a woman in a New York City hotel room in 2013 and forcibly performing oral sex on another woman at his apartment in 2006. He faced a maximum of 29 years in prison.Both women that Weinstein was convicted of assaulting — a once-aspiring actress and a former TV and film production assistant — spoke in court Wednesday before Judge James Burke announced the sentence, confronting Weinstein again after their testimony helped seal his conviction at the landmark #MeToo trial.The once-aspiring actress that Weinstein was convicted of raping in 2013 recalled the moment during the trial when she left the witness stand in tears and then could be heard screaming from an adjacent room.”The day my screams were heard from the witness room was the day my voice came back to its full power,” she said. “Rape is not just one moment of penetration. It is forever.”The Associated Press has a policy of not naming people who have been sexually assaulted without their consent. It is withholding the rape accuser’s name because it is not clear whether she wishes to be identified.Weinstein reactionWeinstein, who has maintained that any sexual activity was consensual, also spoke in court, saying he had fond memories of his accusers.Looking back during the trial at emails they exchanged, he said, he thought they had a good friendship: “I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue.”FILE – A group of women who have spoken out about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct and who refer to themselves as the “Silence Breakers,” face the media during a news conference at Los Angeles City Hall, Feb. 25, 2020.Burke also heard from Weinstein’s lawyers, who pleaded for leniency because of his age and frail health, and prosecutors, who said the man once celebrated as a titan of Hollywood deserved a harsh sentence that would account for allegations of wrongdoing dating to the 1970s.Under state law, Burke was able to consider evidence outside the scope of the trial in forming his sentence.In their sentencing letter, prosecutors outlined 16 examples they said showed Weinstein “trapped women into his exclusive control” so he could sexually assault them, starting when he was working as a music producer in Buffalo in 1978.Weinstein was sentenced a week shy of his 68th birthday, and his lawyers argued that a lengthy prison term would, in effect, be a life sentence. They sought a five-year sentence, the mandatory minimum on the more serious of the two charges that jurors found him guilty of.Weinstein, who used a walker throughout the trial and arrived at the courthouse Wednesday in a wheelchair because of back problems from a car crash last summer, has a condition that requires shots in his eyes and last week had a stent placed to unblock an artery.The agency that runs New York’s state prisons said every inmate is evaluated to determine which facility meets his or her security, medical, mental health and other needs.The New York case was the first criminal matter to arise from accusations of more than 90 women, including actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Salma Hayek and Uma Thurman.Convictions, acquittalsWeinstein was convicted on two counts: criminal sex act for the 2006 assault on the production assistant and rape in the third degree for a 2013 attack on another woman.On the criminal sex act count, he faced a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 25 years in prison, while the third-degree rape count carried a maximum penalty of four years in prison.He was acquitted of the more serious charges against him of first-degree rape and two counts of predatory sexual assault.Weinstein contends that any sexual activity was consensual. After he was convicted, he proclaimed, “I’m innocent. I’m innocent. I’m innocent. How could this happen in America?” according to his lawyer, Arthur Aidala.AppealNow that Weinstein has been sentenced, his lawyers can move forward with a promised appeal.His legal team was upset with Burke’s handling of the case, from his inclusion of a juror who’d written a novel involving predatory older men to his rulings on evidence, witnesses and objections.Just as jury selection was about to get under way in January, authorities in Los Angeles announced new, similar charges stemming from allegations against Weinstein there.His lawyers questioned the timing, suggesting it was meant to influence the New York jury pool, and asked Burke to delay the start of jury selection for a “cooling off” period, which he denied.Weinstein was charged in California with raping a woman at a Los Angeles hotel on Feb. 18, 2013, after pushing his way inside her room, and sexually assaulting a woman in a Beverly Hills hotel suite the next night.Weinstein could get up to 28 years in prison on charges of forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force and sexual battery in the California case. Authorities have not said when he would go there to face those charges.Three more sexual assault cases under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department and Beverly Hills’ police could mean that he’ll face additional charges. No details have been provided on these cases.

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Вартість євро перевищила 29 гривень – Нацбанк

Вартість євро вперше з липня 2019 року перевищила 29 гривень, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України.

12 березня євро стане дорожчим на 26 копійок і коштуватиме 29 гривень 5 копійок. Ще 24 лютого офіційна вартість євро становила 26 гривень 41 копійку.

Долар зріс на 31 копійку – до 25 гривень 62 копійок.

9 березня відбувся найбільший з 1991 року обвал цін нафти. Вартість бареля марки Brent упала на 30 відсотків – до 33 доларів. Значного падіння зазнали всі провідні світові біржі, ринок пережив найгірший день із 2008 року. Тригерами обвалу стали поширення нового коронавірусу в світі та провал угоди нафтового картеля ОПЕК та його партнерів. У межах ОПЕК+ не лише не домовилися про додаткове скорочення видобутку, але й не продовжили попередні обмеження. Між найбільшими за обсягами учасниками угоди, Росією та Саудівською Аравією, фактично розпочалася цінова війна.

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Tokyo Olympic Head Shoots Down Comments About Delaying Games

The president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee said Wednesday he has received an apology from a board member who said the 2020 Games should be delayed a year to two because of the coronavirus.Yoshiro Mori called a news conference at committee headquarters to shoot down the comments.”There is no plan now to change our plans,” Mori said, speaking in Japanese.He was referring to comments form Haruyuki Takahashi reported in the Wall Street Journal.”I have spoken to Mr. Takahashi and he has apologized,” Mori said. “He certainly said an outlandish thing.”Mori said Takahashi was speaking for himself. Takahashi is not involved in the the day-to-day running of the organizing committee, which is directed by Mori and CEO Toshiro Muto.The Tokyo Olympics are being threatened by the spreading coronavirus. Organizers and the IOC have repeatedly said the games will open on July 24 as planned, with the Paralympics opening on Aug. 25. 

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Опзж знову в москві зустрічаються з пукіним. Чому вони не сидять?

Опзж знову в москві зустрічаються з пукіним. Чому вони не сидять?

Про нову поїздку нардепів від опзж в госдуму рф та зустріч медведчука з пукіним.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди,
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Як росЗМІ, шарій та шістки медведчука нового хлопчика в трусиках розпинали

Як росЗМІ, шарій та шістки медведчука нового хлопчика в трусиках розпинали.

Вже кілька днів без перестанку проросійські канали, шарій, страна.юа та представники ОПЗЖ як мантру розповідають про “зацькуваного” хлопчика, який співав “смуглянку”. Показую як працює ця пропаганда і яка у неї мета.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Время суда над россией: кремль в предчувствии Гааги…

Время суда над россией: кремль в предчувствии Гааги…

Европу ждут новые неприятные открытия о политике кремля на международной арене. Не исключено, что помимо основных подозреваемых, на скамье подсудимых будут новые — возможно, и «списанный» кремлем сурков, ответственный за «украинское направление»

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Пукин умножил россию на ноль, а сам остается у руля до 2036 года

Пукин умножил россию на ноль, а сам остается у руля до 2036 года.

Конституционная реформа была нужна только для того, чтобы пукин мог остаться у власти минимум до 2036 года

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Нефть и рубль упали на пукина: готова ли рашка жить с нефтью по $25?..

Нефть и рубль упали на пукина: готова ли рашка жить с нефтью по $25?..

Российские шантажисты наказаны: кремль нарвался на саудовский кулак…

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Loughlin, Giannulli Lawyer is Prosecutors ‘Worst Nightmare’

After winning guilty verdicts against top Enron executives in one of the most high-profile cases of corporate fraud, the lead prosecutor declared: “No matter how rich and powerful you are, you have to play by the rules.”
More than a decade later, that same lawyer, Sean Berkowitz, is fighting to clear “Full House” star Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, of charges that they used their wealth and privilege to skirt the rules in the college admissions process.
And he will be a formidable foe for prosecutors looking to put the famous couple behind bars, former colleagues say.
“Sean is a prosecutor’s worst nightmare,” said Jeffrey Cramer, who was in the U.S. attorney’s office with him in Chicago. “If Sean has anything to work with at trial, he can show reasonable doubt.”
Berkowitz and the couple’s other high-powered attorneys are hoping to help Loughlin and Giannulli avoid the same fate as other prominent parents who’ve landed in prison for participating in a  college admissions cheating scheme that has rocked the world of higher education.
A Chicago-area native who led the special Justice Department task force that investigated the Enron scandal, Berkowitz has a reputation for being fearless yet cool-headed and a master at navigating complex cases. Lawyers who’ve worked with him say he’s meticulous and unflappable with a Midwestern charm that makes him persuasive to juries.
“He’s very comfortable in the courtroom,” said David Hoffman, who worked as a federal prosecutor alongside him and remains a close friend.
“He’s very genuine, he’s very relaxed … and that I think comes across to everyone who’s with him,” said Hoffman, now a white collar lawyer in Chicago.
Berkowitz, 52, now a partner at Latham & Watkins in Chicago, declined to be interviewed by The Associated Press.
Loughlin and Giannulli hired him quickly after they were arrested last March on charges that they paid $500,000 to get their daughters into the University of Southern California as fake crew recruits.
Other prominent attorneys on their defense team include BJ Trach, also from at Latham & Watkins, who previously worked as a federal prosecutor in Boston and now has other big-name clients such as General Electric and tobacco giant Philip Morris. Trach, 42, is known as a savvy young lawyer who’s friendly with the prosecutors at the Boston courthouse, where Loughlin and Giannulli are scheduled to stand trial alongside six other parents in October.
The defense team has their work cut out for them.
Nearly two dozen other parents, including fellow actress Felicity Huffman, have already admitted to paying bribes in the scheme, and several have been sentenced to prison.
Prosecutors have emails and recorded phone calls between Loughlin and Giannulli and the admitted mastermind of the bribery scheme, Rick Singer. Documents that prosecutors have revealed include a bogus resume presented to USC that falsely claims their younger daughter, Olivia Jade, rowed in such prestigious competitions as the Head of the Charles. Singer and the former coach authorities say Singer paid to create the fake athletic profile for Olivia Jade are cooperating with investigators and will likely testify against the couple at trial.
But Loughlin and Giannulli say they believed the checks they wrote were legitimate donations that would support Singer’s charity or go directly to USC as a fundraising gift. Their lawyers have accused prosecutors of withholding information that could support the couple’s claims of innocence, including notes from Singer’s iPhone in which he says the FBI told him to lie and say that he told parents that the payments were bribes.
Berkowitz says that information is exonerating, and Cramer said the defense attorney is an expert at turning any problem with a case into a big advantage.
“With every case there are problems, and this case is no exception,” said Cramer, now executive director of the Berkeley Research Group consulting firm. “And if there are problems in a case, and you have a defense lawyer who is as good as Sean, those little gaps in cases sometimes can become big holes for you to run through.”
Federal prosecutors say calling the payments donations instead of bribes doesn’t make them legal.
Outside the courtroom, Berkowitz is an avid runner who used to be a part owner of a now-shuttered rock club on Chicago’s northwest side. He’s married to journalist Bethany McLean, who co-authored The Smartest Guys in the Room, about Enron’s corruption and downfall.
Berkowitz was tapped in 2005 to be director of the Enron Task Force and was the lead prosecutor in the trial against founder Kenneth Lay and former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling for actions that led to the energy company’s extraordinary meltdown.
His prosecuting partner at the Enron trial, John Hueston, is now defending another high-profile parent in the college admissions case: William McGlashan, who co-founded an investment fund with U2 Singer Bono. McGlashan denies participating in the scheme and is scheduled to go on trial in January.
During the monthslong trial in Houston, Berkowitz impressed even his adversaries with his ability to present the complicated case in a way jurors could grasp. “He was remarkable in his ability to maintain a simple message for the jury,” said Chip Lewis, one of the attorneys for Lay. “It would have been very easy to lose the jury in all those details.”
In his final pitch to jurors, Berkowitz showed them a poster with the words “Truth” and “Lies” written in black and white. “You get to decide whether they told the truth, or they told lies,” he said.
“Don’t go back and let the defendants, with their high-paid experts and their lawyers, buy their way out of this,” he told them. “You can’t buy justice. You have to earn it.”

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Гривня офіційно пройшла позначку 25,5 за долар – довідковий курс НБУ

Національний банк України встановив опівдні 11 березня довідкове значення курсу 25 гривень 58 копійок за долар, це на 27 копійок більше за офіційний курс на сьогодні.

Оприлюднене регулятором значення частково відбиває тенденції, що спостерігаються на міжбанківському валютному ринку. Станом на 12:25 за Києвом котирування сягнули 25 гривень 65–68 копійок за долар, повідомляє Finance.ua.

За даними сайту «Мінфін», регулятор уже двічі виходив із продажем долара, в першу годину торгів це було на рівні 25 гривень 55 копійок, НБУ тоді продав до 100 мільйонів доларів.

Перед 12:00 «НБУ виходив другий раз на ринок з продажем долара по 25,60 гривні». «Покупці поглинули цю пропозицію, і зараз попит знову зростає. Експортери також не поспішають продавати основні обсяги своєї виручки, вичікуючи оптимально високого курсу», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Раніше цього тижня фахівці сайту «Мінфін» у статті «Валюта знову йде вгору: чи буде долар по 30» назвали «ідеальним штормом» ситуацію, що склалася на валютному ринку. На думку аналітиків, обвал котирувань нафти «загрожує певними істотними проблемами і українському експорту, «зав’язаному» на різних видах сировини». Також серед глобальних чинників називають паніку через коронавірус і загострення суперечностей між США, країнами ЄС та Китаєм щодо економічних стимулів.

В Україні ж Міністерство фінансів скасувало традиційний аукціон із продажу ОВДП, «іноземцям зараз не до купівлі наших облігацій». Також на ринок впливає зміна уряду, відбувається зростання обсягів попиту на валюту з боку всіх імпортерів та спекулятивне розгойдування ринку з метою по курсу поки в межах до 26 гривень.

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