Renowned Somali Musician Dies of COVID-19 Complications

A renowned Somali musician and oud player, Mohamud Ismail Hussein, commonly known as Hudeydi, died on Tuesday night in London, as a result of complications of COVID-19.The 92-year-old musician had been popular among Somalis in the Horn of Africa and around the world since the 1950s, when he started performing in theaters and at concerts throughout the region.“He was a musician, poet and songwriter in his nearly six-decade-long career. I cannot sum up his rich music history,” said veteran Somali artist Abdi Dhuh. “I can say he immensely contributed to the Somali arts scene.”He becomes the second high-profile Somali claimed by COVID-19 in London. A week ago, former Somali prime minister Nur Hassan Hussein died of coronavirus at a London hospital.Hudeydi was born in 1928 in Berbera, North West Somalia.  In a recent interview with VOA Somalia’s Qubanaha TV show, he said that he started playing oud, when he was 18 years old. “If there’s an oud lying near me, I couldn’t resist it but grab and play it,” he said.
He made a name for himself in Somalia during the 1950s and 1960s, performing in Somalia’s theaters.Another Somali artist, Mohamed Hassan Barrow, said “Hudeydi was a Somali music and national icon, patriot, and I remember him with the love songs he wrote and how he played oud.” Somali artist Fadum Ali Nakruma, who performed some of the songs Hudeydi wrote, described him as a “father” for many Somali artists.“He was like a father for us, and we remember his love for oud playing. We really [will miss] a legend,” she said.Hudeydi moved to Britain in 1974, where he continued to create music and perform. In 2018, the International Somali Awards honored him with a Lifetime Achievement Award in London.Seynab Abukar contributed to this report.

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Singer-Songwriter John Prine Dies at 73 From Coronavirus

John Prine, an American singer and songwriter whose blend of folk and country  earned him a devoted legion of fans and reverence from music greats such as Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen over a five-decade career, died Tuesday at age 73 from complications of the novel coronavirus.   Prine was admitted for the disease late last month at a hospital in the southeastern city of Nashville, Tennessee.  He had survived two separate bouts of cancer, the first in 1998, and the second as recently as 2013. The Kentucky-born Prine was working as a postman by day and singing in Chicago clubs at night when he was discovered by singer-songwriter Kris Kristofferson in 1970.  Kristofferson was instrumental in securing Prine a record deal with Atlantic Records, releasing an album that contained such songs as “Angel from Montgomery,” about a middle-aged housewife dreaming of a better life, and “Sam Stone,” about a drug-addicted Vietnam war veteran, that would eventually become folk-country standards. Although mainstream success eluded him, Prine’s songs were covered by a cross-section of blues, country and folk singers including Johnny Cash and Bonnie Raitt, who scored a major hit with her version of “Angel from Montgomery” in 1974.  His work earned him two Grammy Awards and scores of other honors, including membership in the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Prine is the latest figure of the U.S. arts community to die from COVID-19. They include Ellis Marsalis, the father of jazz luminaries Wynton, Branford, Jason and Delfayo, and a respected musician and educator in his own right; jazz guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli; jazz trumpeter Wallace Roney; rock singer-songwriter Adam Schlesinger; country singer Joe Diffie; and playwright Terrence McNally, whose groundbreaking plays such as “Love! Valour! Compassion!” focused on the lives of gay men.

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Злив єрмака: інтерв‘ю після допиту з фігурантами плівок Лєроса

Злив єрмака: інтерв‘ю після допиту з фігурантами плівок Лєроса.

Велике інтерв’ю з фігурантами #плівкиєрмака – з Шумським та Штанько. Це партнери дениса єрмака по “співбесідах”. Поговорили про їх зв‘язок з СБУ, про співбесіди, як кидали кандидатів, а потім кинули їх. Ймовірно. Бо це їхня точка зору

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Италию спасал, а россию забыл. Миллионы безработных – итог путинского карантина

Италию спасал, а россию забыл. Миллионы безработных – итог путинского карантина.

Сохранение зарплат на время ” вынужденных выходных” оказалось путинской фикцией. Работодатели в рф сокращают штаты и урезают зарплаты, пока зеленые человечки поливают итальянские улицы всякой гадостью

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Ультиматум кремлю! Мокшандия должна сократить добычу нефти больше всех

Ультиматум кремлю! Мокшандия должна сократить добычу нефти больше всех.

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Мэр Днепра алкаш филатов унизил бродячего слугу толстозадого коломойского

Мэр Днепра алкаш филатов унизил бродячего слугу толстозадого коломойского.

Мэр города Днепр борис филатов сообщил, что начистит лицо депутату александру дубинскому за распространение клеветы

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6 тисяч правок дегенерата полякова: як колишній «слуга народу» загальмував «антиколомойський закон»

6 тисяч правок дегенерата полякова: як колишній «слуга народу» загальмував «антиколомойський закон».

Понад 16 тисяч правок отримав так званий «антиколомойський законопроєкт» про банки перед розглядом у другому читанні. Серед них більше 6 тисяч зауважень від колишнього «слуги народу», а нині позафракційного дегенерата антона полякова. Про що вони і для чого? І чи стоїть за цим олігарх та ексвласник «Приватбанку» товстозадий смердюх коломойський, якого вважають зацікавленим в тому, аби законопроект 2175-д не став законом

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Celebrated Singer-Songwriter John Prine Has Died at 73

John Prine, the ingenious singer-songwriter who explored the heartbreaks, indignities and absurdities of everyday life in “Angel from Montgomery,” “Sam Stone,” “Hello in There” and scores of other indelible tunes, died Tuesday at the age of 73.  His family announced his death from complications from the coronavirus.  Winner of a lifetime achievement Grammy earlier this year, Prine was a virtuoso of the soul, if not the body. He sang his conversational lyrics in a voice roughened by a hard-luck life, particularly after throat cancer left him with a disfigured jaw.  He joked that he fumbled so often on the guitar, taught to him as a teenager by his older brother, that people thought he was inventing a new style. But his open-heartedness, eye for detail and sharp and surreal humor brought him the highest admiration from critics, from such peers as Bob Dylan and Kris Kristofferson, and from such younger stars as Jason Isbell and Kacey Musgraves, who named a song after him. In 2017, Rolling Stone proclaimed him “The Mark Twain of American songwriting.” 

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Smart Thermometer Shows Fevers Dropping in Areas with Sheltering Measure

In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, one sign that social distancing measures may be working is that people’s temperatures — a symptom of the virus — are dropping in some cities in the U.S., according to a smart thermometer company. The data could give health officials an early look into how the virus is progressing. Michelle Quinn takes a look.

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Толстозадый беня коломойский все еще хочет дефолт

Толстозадый беня коломойский все еще хочет дефолт.

При этом нужно понимать, что МВФ готов дать Украине деньги только после принятия одного единственного закона, направленного как раз против крадуна коломойского

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Обиженный карлик пукин и его кремль встали на колени и ждут 9 апреля

Обиженный карлик пукин и его кремль встали на колени и ждут 9 апреля.

Сейчас публика и цена нефти замерли до 9 апреля, когда пройдет расширенное заседание стран экспортеров нефти

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Навчаємо Венедіктову, як подругу путісоса портнова, читати закони та рахувати до двох

Навчаємо Венедіктову, як подругу путісоса портнова, читати закони та рахувати до двох.

Відео про нове шедевральне інтерв’ю генпрокурора Венедіктової та її скандальні заяви, що мені обов’язково повідомлять про підозру.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Началось! Толстозадый мишустин против решений карлика пукина и дегенерата кадырова

Началось! Толстозадый мишустин против решений карлика пукина и дегенерата кадырова.

Бардак в стране продолжается. Обиженный карлик пукин, в своем последнем обращении передал всю ответственность на регионы, а теперь Мишустин их критикует, мол они принимают меры, которые могут вводить только федеральные власти.

Значит нужно критиковать пукина, это же его слова и его попытка переложить ответственность. Хотя уверен, тот же кадыров проигнорирует что там сказал мишустин

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У кремля последняя “скрепа” сломалась: «русские своих бросают»

У кремля последняя “скрепа” сломалась: «русские своих бросают».

Последние события в очередной раз показали, что «русские своих не бросают» — это вовсе не национальная идея…

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Gamers Check Back in to Habbo Hotel as Coronavirus Refuge 

Habbo Hotel, a hit online networking game more than a decade ago, is drawing back hundreds of thousand of players as locked-down millennials look to rediscover a childhood favorite, its Finnish maker said.   “Our traffic has tripled over the past month. The exact user number growth figure is 213% since February 25,” game maker Sulake’s Chief Executive Valtteri Karu told Reuters, adding that this included hundreds of thousands of new and returning users.   Launched 20 years ago, Habbo Hotel gained a strong following among children and teenagers before it was eclipsed by social media sites such as Facebook by 2010.   With a layout reminiscent of classic video games, Habbo Hotel consists of rooms that players can decorate and where they can meet other players to chat or play games. They can also join virtual parties in search of new acquaintances.   One returning user is Pilvi Pitkaranta, a 23-year-old University of Tampere student who was an active player with her classmates about 10 years ago.   With all student events canceled because of the coronavirus, Pitkaranta decided to organize a virtual party at Habbo Hotel. About 30 of her fellow students joined the party at the end of March.   “I thought it was a fun idea to organize a party there, also out of nostalgia,” Pitkaranta said.   “Some people are finding it very distressing that they have to be home alone and are finding it hard to get things done when stuck indoors.”   Habbo Hotel has versions in nine languages, attracting most users in the Americas and Europe, Sulake’s Karu said.   “As the world has shut down, the more users have come along,” he added.   The game’s Finnish maker is jointly owned by private Dutch advertising group Azerion and Finnish telecoms operator Elisa.   It remains to be seen if Habbo’s renewed popularity will last only as long as the virus.   As welcome a diversion as Habbo may be, Pitkaranta and her fellow students are looking forward to when they can enjoy some real-life partying, she said. 

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Dog Fostering Rises While Americans Stay Home

A silver lining of the current pandemic is that rescue dogs are finding foster homes at higher than normal rates right now, according to the Humane Rescue Alliance, an animal welfare organization in Washington, DC.More people have also reached out about adopting than was the case pre-coronavirus, says Ashley Valm, director of adoptions at the organization’s two shelters.  Lucky dog Just ask Tom Drescher and his wife, Becky Nolin, who, after browsing online for a few months, finally settled on a terrier Pitbull mix named Goldie.  “My wife and I had been talking for quite a while about the idea of adopting a dog,” Drescher told VOA during an interview via Zoom. With both now working from home, they decided it was a perfect time to make the move.  “We kept coming back to Goldie’s profile because the photos were charming and there was a streamed video of her and we decided that it would make sense for us to get over to the Humane Rescue Alliance shelter,”  said Drescher. WATCH:Sorry, but your browser cannot support embedded video of this type, you can
A dog waiting to find its forever home in its kennel at a Washington-area shelter operated by the Humane Rescue Alliance. (Courtesy Humane Rescue Alliance)Valm said while the shelters are doing everything they can to prepare for more animals, she hopes people will use this opportunity to help ease that burden.  “I think right now a lot of people are struggling with anxiety, uncertainty, maybe an adjustment in their routine, workload, working from home — there’s a lot to be focused on,” she said. “And adopting an animal – or taking an animal into your home as a foster – can provide some relief just in the form of having something positive to focus on.”    Tom Drescher couldn’t agree more.  “I think for all of us, there’s a lot of uncertainty about how our lives look now, and that continues to be true in lots of ways,” he said. “But having Goldie around and as a companion, it’s given us something to do that feels really rewarding.” Drescher added, “If you’re wondering whether or not it will in fact provide the boost of enjoyment and entertainment and love in your life, for us it definitely does and it’s definitely worth it.”   

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Віктор Трепак про те, як Венедіктова настійливо вимагала повідомити Стерненку про підозру за самозахист

Віктор Трепак про те, як Венедіктова настійливо вимагала повідомити Стерненку про підозру за самозахист

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Провал мокшандии в ООН: «полезные» санкции не отменили – в москве подняли истерику…

Провал мокшандии в ООН: «полезные» санкции не отменили – в москве подняли истерику…

Попытка МИД рф во главе с дебилом лавровым смешать все одну кучу провалилась…

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Этот дебильный пукин сломался, несите нового! Карликовый кощей превратился в тыкву

Этот дебильный пукин сломался, несите нового! Карликовый кощей превратился в тыкву.

Путин сегодня самолично разрушает унитарное государство, которое так упорно выстраивал начиная с сентября 2004 года. Выясняется, что властным и безжалостным он умеет быть лишь в тех случаях, когда надо подгребать под себя власть и отправлять за решетку несогласных граждан

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Истерика толстозадого придурка соловьёва ! Типа кремль не ждёт краха, а готовится к нему!

Истерика толстозадого придурка соловьёва ! Типа кремль не ждёт краха, а готовится к нему!

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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