Мокшандия под замком минимум до середины лета 202? года

Мокшандия под замком минимум до середины лета 202? года.

Обиженный карлик пукин из бункера несет ахинею, а россияне считают дни до выхода из добровольного самозаточения

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Что ждёт нефтесектор мокшандии и почему обиженный карлик пукин прячется в бункере

Что ждёт нефтесектор мокшандии и почему обиженный карлик пукин прячется в бункере.

Тот случай, когда два десятка лет обиженный карлик пукин восстанавливал ссср, а в итоге сумел повторить только сценку с развалом советской империи

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Мокшандия начнет сжигать лишнюю нефть

Мокшандия начнет сжигать лишнюю нефть.

Вот и итог многоходовочки, а именно россия планирует сжигать лишнюю нефть, ведь покупателей нет, а остановка скважин – это очень дорого. Опыт у нас в уничтожении имеется, продукты давим бульдозером, граждан штрафуют по всей стране, теперь и нефть готовы сжигать. Чего только не сделаешь, кроме как помочь гражданам. Мы же не будем перерабатывать на внутреннем рынке, дешевой бензин нам не нужен

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Крым-2020: камней с неба все больше, а уворачиваться все трудней…

Крым-2020: камней с неба все больше, а уворачиваться все трудней…

Но как после падения спроса и цен на нефть мокшандия будет дотировать крымчан – непонятно. Выкрутится ли из этой ситуации окупированный Крым, увидим уже этим летом

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Нефть горит, михо летит, чекисты не унимаются, КВН продолжается

Нефть горит, михо летит, чекисты не унимаются, КВН продолжается

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Причины и следствия: Пекин ушел в глухую несознанку

Причины и следствия: Пекин ушел в глухую несознанку

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Первые фото храма вс мокшандии! Лики так называемых святых: обиженного карлика пукина, сталина, шойгу, матвиенко

Первые фото храма вс мокшандии! Лики так называемых святых: обиженного карлика пукина, сталина, шойгу, матвиенко.

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт.

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Дистанційне навчання, випускні, ЗНО та вступна кампанія – інтерв’ю з в.о. міністра освіти

Дистанційне навчання, випускні, ЗНО та вступна кампанія – інтерв’ю з в.о. міністра освіти.

Терміни вступної кампанії будуть залежати від термінів здачі ЗНО, а ті в свою чергу – від епідеміологічної ситуації. Між тим всі заклади освіти мають бути готові до дистанційного завершення навчального року. Це тези з великого інтерв’ю т.в.о. міністра освіти і науки України Любомири Мандзій.

Що думає очільниця МОН про телеуроки? Якщо вчитель має право на помилку, то як оцінювати учня? Як набиратимуть до школи першокласників і якими будуть карантинні останні дзвоники? На ці та багато інших запитань відповідає т.в.о. міністра освіти і науки України

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The Doctor Will See You Now, But By Phone or Video Chat

Outside of rural areas and some medical practices, telemedicine in the U.S. has been slow to catch on. But the pandemic’s social-distancing requirement has accelerated the use of telemedicine worldwide, particularly primary care visits over video chat. Doctor and patient alike are learning that a lot can be accomplished remotely. Michelle Quinn takes a look.

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Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for ‘Bull Durham’ Character, Dies at 80

Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie “Bull Durham,” has died. He was 80.He died Sunday at the Hospital of Central Connecticut in New Britain. His sister, Patricia Cain, said Friday that he had several pre-existing conditions that were complicated when he became infected with the new coronavirus. Dalkowski had been in assisted living for 26 years because of alcoholic dementia.Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have pitched much faster than 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with precision, he spawned legends that estimated he approached 110 mph or 115 mph — some said even 125 mph.”Fastest I ever saw,” then-retired Ted Williams said after facing Dalkowski during batting practice at spring training in 1963, according to a first-person story by director and writer Ron Shelton.Clyde King, the future big league manager and executive who worked with Dalkowski in the Orioles system, wrote in his 1999 autobiography “A King’s Legacy” that Dalkowski had the best fastball among the thousands of pitchers he saw.But Dalkowski’s location was lacking.Lots of walksHe averaged 17.6 strikeouts and 18.7 walks per nine innings at Class D Kingsport in 1957, throwing 39 wild pitches in 62 innings as he went 1-8. That August 31, he struck out 24 and walked 17 or 18 — records differ — in an 8-4 loss to Bluefield, hitting four and throwing six wild pitches.At Class C Stockton in 1960, he struck out 262 and walked 262 in 170 innings. No matter what he tried or the Orioles suggested, Dalkowski never mastered control.  “What if? But it wasn’t in the cards,” his sister said. “Stevie was wild. That was part of his thing.”Shelton was a minor league infielder with the Orioles from 1967 to 1971 and used the stories he heard about Dalkowski when he wrote and directed the 1988 movie “Bull Durham.”Dalkowski signed with the Orioles in 1957 and remained in their minor league system until 1964. He finished with farm teams of the Pittsburgh Pirates and California Angels in 1965.”They called him ‘Dalko’ and guys liked to hang with him and women wanted to take care of him, and if he walked into a room in those days he was probably drunk,” Shelton wrote in his 2009 story, which appeared in the Los Angeles Times and The Sun in Baltimore.”He had a record 14 feet long inside the Bakersfield, California, police station, all barroom brawls, nothing serious, the cops said. He rode the trucks out at dawn to pick grapes with the migrant farm workers of Kern County — and finally couldn’t even hold that job.”Dalkowski pitched and played quarterback at New Britain High School, setting a Connecticut high school record with 24 strikeouts in a game.Injury diminished velocityHe was with the Orioles for big league spring training in 1963 when he injured his pitching arm. He never regained his former velocity.”He was measured for a uniform in the morning and he was pitching against those damn Yankees in the afternoon and hurt his elbow,” his sister said.Dalkowski’s minor league record was 46-80 with 1,324 strikeouts, 1,236 walks and 145 wild pitches over 956 innings in nine seasons, according to Baseball Reference.Plagued by dementia, Dalkowski had lived since 1994 at New Britain’s Grandview Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, previously known as Walnut Hill Care Center.”He was a piece of work, my brother. Even in the last few years when things are not so great, he still was fun to be around,” Cain said. “He’s going to be sorely missed, by not only myself, but by a lot of other people.”Dalkowski married Virginia Billingsley in 1975, and his wife died in 1994. In addition to his sister, he is survived by nephews Daniel and David Lee, great niece Amanda Lee and great nephew Nicholas Lee.His funeral will be private.

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Нафта уже безкоштовна. Чи будуть гроші на Крим у ображеного карлика пукіна?

Нафта уже безкоштовна. Чи будуть гроші на Крим у ображеного карлика пукіна?

Нафта задарма. У ображеного карлика пукіна не вистачить грошей на Крим! Майже половина федерального бюджету мокшандії – це нафтогазові надходження. Вперше в історії – нафта в мінусі! Обвал цін на нафту. На світових біржах за барель давали мінус 37 доларів.

Аналітики прогнозують новий обвал ринку до мінус 100 доларів. Яка ціна на нафту сьогодні – юралс, бренд Brent, WTI. Чи стане дешевшим бензин? Яким буде курс рубля до долара?

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Ужасный конец всё ближе: пукинский кремль капитулирует и вынужден сжигать добытую нефть

Начало ужасного конца: пукинский кремль капитулирует и вынужден сжигать добытую нефть

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Обиженный карлик пукин обеспечил движение от победобесия до 100 рублей за доллар

Обиженный карлик пукин обеспечил движение от победобесия до 100 рублей за доллар.

Иллюзия стабильного рубля требует от центрального банка мокшандии все новых интервенций на валютный рынок. По последним подсчетам, валютной подушки в банке осталось на полгода, ведь буквально каждый день вливания на внутренний рынок исчисляются десятками миллиардов рублей

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Лицемірку венедіктову викрили на зв’язках з хитрозадим аваковим, а “слуги народу” не бачать підстав для її відставки!

Лицемірку венедіктову викрили на зв’язках з хитрозадим аваковим, а “слуги народу” не бачать підстав для її відставки!

Ми знайшли незакдекларовану квартиру у венедіктової та викрили її брата та чоловіка на зв’язках із Аваковим. Водночас, так званий нардеп потураєв не бачить поки підстав для її відставки попри провали за ключовими справами

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди,
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Даунбас – путь на дно: сказка об «угольной швейцарии» подходит к концу…

Даунбас – путь на дно: сказка об «угольной швейцарии» подходит к концу…

Обиженный карлик пукин принял стратегическое решение и не имеет больше желания содержать нерентабельную, рушащуюся угольную отрасль «лугандонских республик»…

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My Synagogue is Closed

In Israel, all synagogues have been closed for more than a month because of the coronavirus. Linda Gradstein reports for VOA on her synagogue in Jerusalem.

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В мокшандии чёрный день наступил. Такой безработицы даже при печенегах не было

В мокшандии чёрный день наступил. Такой безработицы даже при печенегах не было.

По самым скромным прогнозам, лишиться работы могут больше 10 млн россиян, в основном — жители столиц и городов-миллионников, считают эксперты

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Этапы большого пути краха обиженного карлика пукина: реальная картина откроется позже

Этапы большого пути краха обиженного карлика пукина: реальная картина откроется позже

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Pandemic Brings Gloom to Muslims Marking Month of Ramadan

Millions of Muslims in Asia on Friday started the holiest month on the Islamic calendar under the coronavirus lockdown or strict social restrictions, deepening their anxiety over the disease.
For many, Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, family and community, but the pandemic has upended those traditions. Many face unemployment, travel plans to visit relatives have been canceled and places where they usually break the daytime fast with families such as malls, parks and mosques are locked.
“This is too sad to be remembered in history,” said Belm Febriansyah, a resident in the capital of Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation.  
Social restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus have been extended in Jakarta, the epicenter of the outbreak in Indonesia, which has recorded more COVID-19 fatalities than any other Asian country except China. Indonesia counted 8,211 infections and 689 deaths.  
Passenger flights and rail services have been suspended, preventing people from traveling to their hometowns in an annual exodus to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan. Authorities also banned private cars from leaving Jakarta.
The government of Muslim-majority Malaysia also extended the lockdown by two more weeks to May 12, although its daily virus cases have dropped significantly to double-digits in the past week. The country now has 5,603 cases, including 95 deaths.
Malaysia’s Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said in a televised speech late Thursday on the eve of Ramadan that people’s “jihad” against the COVID-19 pandemic has shown results but needed to be prolonged.  
Malaysia, along with neighboring Singapore and Brunei, has banned popular Ramadan bazaars where food, drinks and clothing are sold in congested open-air markets or roadside stalls. The bazaars are a source of key income for many small traders. Some have shifted their businesses online.  
Pakistan’s southern Sindh province has banned Ramadan prayers after the Pakistan Medical Association pleaded with Prime Minister Imran Khan and the country’s religious leaders to rethink their refusal to close mosques countrywide.  
Even as Pakistan’s confirmed cases of COVID-19 have begun to increase by 600 and 700 a day, compared to earlier daily jumps of about 300, Khan has refused to order mosques closed. Instead he left it to clerics__ some of whom have called for adherents to pack mosques and trust their faith to protect them.  
Pakistan recorded 642 new cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of known infections to 11,155 with 237 deaths. Khan has criticized Sindh’s Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah of being too zealous in his restrictions. Shah’s Pakistan People’s Party is politically opposed to Khan’s Justice Party.  
Sindh province, of which Karachi is the capital and the country’s financial hub, has the second largest number of cases in Pakistan.  
Communal sharing meals have been banned in Turkey during Ramadan.  
The Interior Ministry also barred iftar tents providing food to break the fast, and Ramadan drummers, who mark fasting times by going door-to-door to collect tips.
Health Minister Fahrettin Koca tweeted that the month of Ramadan should not be “an excuse to relax precautions.”  
“The month of blessings should not result in illness,” he said.
Ramadan in India begins on Saturday, but it has been marred by rising vilification of Muslims following accusations that a surge in infections was tied to a three-day meeting in March in New Delhi of an Islamic missionary group, the Tablighi Jamaat.  
Some leaders of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party labeled the meeting as “corona terrorism” and “Talibani crime.”  
As a result, many Muslims have faced renewed stigma, threats and boycott of vendors venturing into Hindu-dominated neighborhoods.
The lockdown in India, the world’s most draconian, has multiplied their troubles. During Ramadan, many would look up for community meals, alms and elaborate rituals giving them a sense of community.  
A group of over two dozen Indian Muslim scholars, in a recent joint message, appealed to their communities to strictly follow the lockdown and offer all prayers at their homes. They also asked Muslims to refrain from organizing large parties held for breaking the fast and taraweeh, the long post-iftar congregational prayer offered in mosques.  
“Families should use this unprecedented situation for spiritual guidance and purification,” they said, while asking local volunteers and elders to look after the needy and destitute.
India’s 200 million Muslims, 14% of the population, are the largest minority group in the Hindu-majority nation, but they are also the poorest. 

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Обиженный карлик пукин лихорадочно выдумывает прожекты, как задержать полный развал экономики мокшандии!

Обиженный карлик пукин лихорадочно выдумывает прожекты, как задержать полный развал экономики мокшандии!

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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