Провал за провалом: у обиженного карлика пукина что-то опять пошло не так…

Провал за провалом: у обиженного карлика пукина что-то опять пошло не так…

Гуманитарная помощь по-пукински: большинство стран на предложения о «мокшандской помощи» говорят: «спасибо, не надо», очень уж дорого, во всех смыслах она выходит, да и бесполезна…

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Гумконвои обиженного карлика пукина не пускают в европейские страны

Гумконвои обиженного карлика пукина не пускают в европейские страны.

Европа “раскусила” так называемую гуманитарную помощь кремля. Желание мокшандии помогать Европе, не находит встречного энтузиазма европейских стран. Судя по всему флегматичная Европа поняла, что в действительности собой представляют пукинские гумконвои с якобы медицинской помощью

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Пока холопы голодают, обиженный карлик пукин покупает своей шлюхе кабаевой Rolls-Royce за 300.000.000!

Пока холопы голодают, обиженный карлик пукин покупает своей шлюхе кабаевой Rolls-Royce за 300.000.000!

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Украинская армия получит новое мощное оружие: ракеты “Нептун” и “Ольха-М”

Украинская армия получит новое мощное оружие.

Ракеты “Нептун” и “Ольха-М” – финальные испытания. Уникальное оружие уже скоро готово оказаться в украинской армии. И мы расскажем – когда. А значит война путляндии и Украины на Донбассе может изменить ход. Но нужно наладить своевременное финансирование

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Воскрешение тирана. Мокшандию переименуют в сталинию

Воскрешение тирана. Мокшандию переименуют в сталинию.

Каждый день победы в пукинской россии – это самый настоящий ритуал вызова духа упыря сталина

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South Korea Resumes Baseball With New Coronavirus Cases Near Zero

South Korea reported just three new coronavirus cases Tuesday, while the country’s professional baseball league returned to action with a slate of games played in stadiums without fans.    Two months ago, South Korea was adding around 500 new cases each day, but used a series of measures, including aggressive testing and a smartphone app alerting people to nearby infections, to push down the spread of the virus.    Sports leagues all over the world were forced to put their seasons on hold amid stay-at-home orders and limits on public gatherings.    The Korea Baseball Organization is one of the first to resume play, and in a sign of the appetite for watching sports at this time, the league struck a deal to have some of its games broadcast on the U.S. cable sports giant ESPN in the middle of the night, U.S. time.    The U.S. National Football League is set to announce its schedule Thursday, but has decided to abandon plans to hold games this season in London and Mexico City.  New Zealand is also reporting promising progress with its second consecutive day of zero new cases.  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Tuesday they were working on a plan to reopen travel between the two countries, but cautioned it would take some time to put in place. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern briefs the media about the COVID-19 coronavirus at the Parliament House in Wellington, April 27, 2020.Monday brought cooperation from all over the globe on a European Union-led effort to raise more than $8 billion to fund the development of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.  About 40 countries, philanthropic organizations and individuals pledged donations, including $1 billion from the European Commission, $1 billion from Norway, $800 million from Japan and more than $500 million each from France, Saudi Arabia and Germany.    The World Health Organization (WHO) praised the effort as a sign of international solidarity in the fight against the virus.    “This virus will be with us for a long time, and we must come together to develop and share the tools to defeat it,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.   Notably absent was any participation from the United States.  French President Emmanuel Macron said he has held talks with President Donald Trump on the issue and that he is confident the United States will join the effort.    A senior State Department official said the United States is closely partnering with European allies, G-20 nations and the G-7 to respond to the coronavirus.  “The United States is in the process of providing $2.4 billion in global health, humanitarian, and economic assistance towards the COVID-19 response, and we continue to ensure that the substantial U.S. funding and scientific efforts on this front remain an essential and coordinated part of this worldwide effort against COVID-19,” the official told reporters in a briefing.    About 3.6 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide, and more than 250,000 have died. Britain’s Office of National Statistics reported the death toll Tuesday had surpassed 30,000.  That is roughly equal to Italy as the highest reported in Europe.  Globally, only the United States has reported more COVID-19 deaths with about 69,000.  In India, a day after the government eased lockdown restrictions in some areas, thousands of people flocked to liquor stores, prompting authorities to institute a special 70% tax starting Tuesday to deter the crowds. 

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Gridlock Gone, Sports Car Collectors Take Over Times Square

Danny Lin cruised his white sports car down Broadway, the bright lights of Times Square gleaming off his sharply detailed Audi R8. He looped through the tourist hotspot again and again, navigating around Corvettes, Mercedes, Mustangs and BMWs — a parade of high-priced vehicles gathered for a rare photo-op.”I never bring my car here,” said the 24-year-old from Queens. “Only for today, to get some cool shots.”From a star turn in “Taxi Driver” to the Naked Cowboy to the million people who crowd its streets on New Year’s Eve, the “Crossroads of the World” has for generations been an iconic New York backdrop in movies, culture and the arts. Now, Times Square has taken a turn toward Tokyo Drift, just without the “Fast and the Furious,” as car-loving New Yorkers flock to the barren streets of the theater district.Car mavens normally wouldn’t dare rev their engines in gridlocked Midtown, but they’re eagerly driving into Manhattan to take photos and show off for sparse crowds walking through the famed streets.  With the weather turning toward summer and restlessness settling in after six weeks of mandated social distancing, hundreds of automobile aficionados rolled down Broadway on Saturday night.”This is the only time we could come down here and take photos,” Lin said.  At least 100 pedestrians were wandering the area when the cars began roaring down Times Square’s main drag Saturday, along with dozens of motorcycles in one crew that created a deafening buzz. Police — some in cars, some on horseback — were mostly patient with the procession and only intervened if cars remained parked for too long.Some families with young children also drove through in minivans and SUVs, taking in Times Square as if touring neighborhood Christmas lights.Onlookers, mostly keeping six feet apart and wearing facemasks, cheered and took video from the sidewalks as suped-up cars and bikes went by.The area maintained some of its touristy quirks. A violinist with a glowing wand and blue hair played for tips, and a salsa-dancing couple put a camera phone on a tripod to record their performance. One woman wearing a leather leotard biked down Broadway a few times, cycling next to a giant van with a cameraman hanging out the passenger window to record as she sang and danced.By 11 p.m., sports cars were backed up for blocks along Broadway, and police closed the road from 47th Street down through Times Square, effectively ending the party.Car collectors have been driving into the area for weeks in smaller packs. Mike Hodurski and Steve Cruz brought their Chevrolet pickup trucks Wednesday night and took photos in front of a light-up American flag at the corner of Broadway and 43rd Street.  It was already Hodurski’s second trip to Midtown amid the outbreak. This time, the MTA bus driver brought a blue 1977 Chevy C10 pickup that he’d purchased earlier that day.”It’s a lot of fun. Might as well take advantage of it now, while nobody’s over here,” Hodurski said. “The streets are dead. You’d never get to see the streets like this. So we said, ‘You know what, screw it,’ and we all got together.”Hodurski is from Queens and Cruz from Brooklyn, and both said they usually avoid Times Square as much as possible — too many tourists and too much traffic. There was hardly anyone in the area when they cruised through Wednesday. They spent about five minutes in front of the flag before a cop asked them to keep moving.Andre Godfrey has driven his 2018 Ford Mustang — with glowing red shark teeth embedded in the grill — into Times Square twice. He and a buddy came around 3 a.m. last Thursday, when the area was completely empty, and pulled his car up onto a sidewalk for a glamour shot.  “Nobody bothered us,” Godfrey said. “There was one police officer down the street, like a crossing agent, and they didn’t really seem bothered by us on the sidewalk.”He came back Saturday after hearing from a friend that a crew of over 100 BMWs was heading toward the area. That caravan never got into Times Square — it arrived in Midtown shortly after police blocked off Broadway.”This is crazy,” Godfrey said. 

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«Зе-команда» подвоїла фінансування податкової міліції, яку зелений карлик обіцяв ліквідувати!

«Зе-команда» подвоїла фінансування податкової міліції, яку зелений карлик обіцяв ліквідувати!

Посеред квітня Верховна Рада зібралася на чергове позачергове засідання, щоб ухвалити зміни до бюджету – аби акумулювати кошти для боротьби з коронавірусом в Україні. Довелось зменшити видатки на науку, культуру, освіту та кіно. Але для декого з-поза системи охорони здоров’я додаткові кошти також знайшлися.

В часи пандемії та жорсткого карантину по всій країні парламент виділив додаткові пів мільярда гривень на ДФС та податкову міліцію в її складі. Це – нереформована структура, яка тримає у страху чимало українських підприємців і яку команда зеленського обіцяла ліквідувати. Ми розповідаємо, як вже друга влада поспіль, попри публічні обіцянки, провалює ліквідацію податкової міліції та створення на її місці Бюро фінансових розслідувань за західними стандартами

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Многоходовщик в бункере: Эрдоган посадил на цепь обиженного карлика пукина

Многоходовщик в бункере: Эрдоган посадил на цепь обиженного карлика пукина.

Что может быть приятнее, чем гниение преступного путинского режима изнутри? Только эффектные пощечины хозяину мокшандии извне. Например, от хорошо знакомого нам президента Турции, который не первый месяц оттачивает военное мастерство на российской технике и отморозках вагнера

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Володя змучився! Володя повинен піти якнайшвидше?

Володя змучився! Володя повинен піти якнайшвидше?

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Обиженный дед дoвоюетcя: “имперcкие aмбиции” кремля выйдут мокшандии бoкoм…

Обиженный дед дoвоюетcя: “имперcкие aмбиции” кремля выйдут мокшандии бoкoм…

Авантюры обиженного карлика пукина терпят крушение: его планы по закреплению позиций в Ближневосточном регионе провалились

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Разгром бюджетных сфер при зелёном карлике

Разгром бюджетных сфер при зелёном карлике.

Обманутые избиратели зеленского, в особенности бюджетники, которым с приходом величайшего лидера современности обещали золотые горы, как мы и предполагали становятся заложниками своего электорального выбора

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US Women’s Team Players have Options After Setback in Court

Players for the U.S. women’s national team may have been dealt a blow by a judge’s ruling in their gender discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Soccer Federation but the case is far from over.  The women have vowed to keep up the fight, encouraged by the likes of Joe Biden, Billie Jean King and even the men’s national team.  “This is just a setback,” King said when asked what she would tell the team. “There’s so many of these ups and downs. Just keep learning from it, keep going for it. You’re still such a great influence, not only in soccer, but for equality for everyone.”  King, who was calling for equitable prize money in tennis in the 1970s, once famously proclaimed: “Everyone thinks women should be thrilled when we get crumbs, and I want women to have the cake, the icing and the cherry on top, too.” The players sued the federation last year, claiming they have not been paid equally under their collective bargaining agreement to what the men’s national team receives under its labor deal. They asked for more than $66 million in damages under the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The federal judge threw out the players’ claim of discriminatory pay Friday in a surprising loss for the defending World Cup champions. U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner said the women rejected a pay-to-play structure like the men’s agreement and accepted greater base salaries and benefits.  But he allowed aspects of their allegations of discriminatory working conditions to go forward. The trial remains scheduled for June 16 in federal court in Los Angeles. Players have vowed to appeal the judge’s decision.  There are several legal options. Players could seek to overturn Friday’s decision at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and could even discuss with the USSF the possibility of a joint application for a stay pending appeal. They could proceed with a trial limited to working conditions such as flights, hotels and medical staff, then appeal Friday’s ruling. Or the sides could seek to settle, perhaps as part of a deal to replace and extend the current collective bargaining agreement, which expires on Dec. 31, 2021. On Feb 7, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA; Mexico defender Jimena Lopez (5) passes the ball while US midfielder Samantha Mewis (3) defends during the second half of the CONCACAF Women’s Olympic Qualifying soccer tournament.Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, went to Twitter this weekend to encourage the players.  “To @USWNT: don’t give up this fight. This is not over yet. To @ussoccer: equal pay, now. Or else when I’m president, you can go elsewhere for World Cup funding,” he posted, referring to the 2026 men’s World Cup, set to be hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada. The players’ association for the men’s national team also released a statement Monday expressing support. “For a year and a half the USMNT players have made proposals to the federation that would achieve equal pay for the USMNT and USWNT players,” the statement said. “We understand the WNT players plan to appeal last week’s decision and we support them.” Steven A. Bank, a professor at UCLA, said he was expecting Klausner’s decision on the summary judgment to focus the case but not to the degree it did.  “Frequently, judges will do that in order to narrow down the issues, but because it also spurs the parties to settle by essentially using a heavy hand and saying, ‘Hey, a lot of these things you have is fluff, so let’s get rid of this, and neither of you have as great a case that you think you do.’ So I’m not surprised that there was some level of summary judgment granted and some level denied,” he said. “But I was surprised that the judge came down with what is a fairly complete victory for U.S. Soccer.” In an appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Monday, Megan Rapinoe said she was shocked by the decision. She pointed out the women’s team was far more successful than the men, winning consecutive World Cup titles and playing more games.  “If I earn $1 every time I play, and a man earns $3, just because I win 10 games and he only wins three games, so I made $10 and he made $9, I’m not sure how that’s me making more money, while having to essentially win everything we could’ve possibly won over these last two years: two World Cups and just about every game we’ve played,” Rapinoe said. “For me, it missed the point, and was very disappointing, to be honest.” Arguments could be made that the team has already made its case in the court of public opinion. Following the U.S. victory in the World Cup final last year in France, the crowd chanted “Equal Pay” as the players celebrated on the field.  The women also drew support from some of U.S. Soccer’s most high-profile sponsors when the federation argued in court documents that the women lacked the skills and responsibilities of their male counterparts. The so-called scorched earth argument led to the resignation of USSF President Carlos Cordeiro, who was replaced by former national team player Cindy Parlow Cone.  “I think it’s great that they brought the case forward, because I think any visibility into this issue is just going to help further the cause, because it’s going to make more people sensitive and aware that the issue of unequal pay persists in all spectrums of our economy,” said Mary Ellen Carter, an associate professor of accounting at Boston College. “I happen to know it well in the executive space, but it’s not only there. So I think the courage that they had to come forward with the suit keeps the issue at the forefront, and I think that that’s important.” 

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Нацист пукіна хоче вчити українців національній пам’яті? Що скаже зелений карлик про дегенерата хржановського?

Нацист пукіна хоче вчити українців національній пам’яті? Що скаже зелений карлик про дегенерата хржановського?

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Зелёный карлик в ступоре: мокшандский кремль и ко ставят на дегенерата портнова

Зелёный карлик в ступоре: мокшандский кремль и ко ставят на дегенерата портнова

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VIP-карантин. Как депутаты, силовики и влиятельные бизнесмены обходят запреты

VIP-карантин. Как депутаты, силовики и влиятельные бизнесмены обходят запреты.

Уже почти полтора месяца Украина живет в условиях жестких карантинных ограничений – почти все заведения, кроме критической инфраструктуры, по всей стране свернули работу или ограничили ее, и рядовые украинцы не имеют возможности воспользоваться их услугами.

Но не все. Мы зафиксировали, как люди «при власти» пренебрегают карантинными правилами, обязательными для всех: проводят встречи в гостиницах и ходят без маски и группой более двух. Даже посещают рестораны, которые в свою очередь утверждают, что работают только «на вынос» – вот только ни один из этих вип-посетителей, которых журналисты фиксировали, не выходил из них с едой в руках. Эти люди в разной степени связаны с властью – они народные депутаты, близкие к авакову бизнесмены, товарищи кличко, силовики и визитеры офиса зеленского. И, похоже, чем ближе человек к власти – тем меньше для него ограничений существует в условиях общего карантина

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Накануне разоблачения: кто выпустил джина из бутылки?

Накануне разоблачения: кто выпустил джина из бутылки?

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Вирусная пандемия стремительно распространяется в мокшандии

Вирусная пандемия стремительно распространяется в мокшандии.

Весь апрель мы слушали от пукина про «каникулы» и про то, что нам удалось остановить развитие пандемии, что он уже стал вирусологом, со слов пескова, правда в мае видим наглядно, китайский сценарий мы с легкостью перешагнули, теперь уже европейский, а может и американский. В общем от создателей: «пенсионный возраст повышаться не будет», теперь можно добавить: «ситуация находится под полным контролем»

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Pulitzer Prize for Coverage of Policing in Alaska Villages 

The Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica won the Pulitzer Prize in public service on Monday for illuminating the sparse policing of many Alaska villages. The New York Times won the investigative reporting prize for an expose of predatory lending in the New York City taxi industry, while the staff of The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky, took the breaking news reporting award for unpacking racial disparities and other issues in a spate of governor’s pardons. And a first-ever award for audio reporting went to “This American Life,” the Los Angeles Times and Vice News for “The Out Crowd,” an examination of the Trump administration’s “remain in Mexico” immigration policy. The Pulitzer Prizes in journalism were first awarded in 1917 and are considered the field’s most prestigious honor in the U.S. The Pulitzer Prizes in journalism and the arts were announced Monday after being postponed by the coronavirus outbreak. The initial Pulitzer ceremony, which was scheduled for April 20, was pushed to give Pulitzer Board members who were busy covering the pandemic more time to evaluate the finalists. The awards luncheon that is traditionally held at Columbia University in May will be postponed as well. Details of a fall celebration will be announced at a later date, the Pulitzer Board said. The Pulitzer Prizes in journalism were first awarded in 1917 and are considered the field’s most prestigious honor in the U.S.  

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Australia Urges Citizens to Download COVID-19 Tracing App

More than four million Australians have downloaded the government’s CovidSafe tracing App, but officials insist many more need to sign on to make it effective. Australia has had 6,800 COVID-19 cases, 5,800 patients have recovered, and 95 people have died with the virus.  The CovidSafe App was launched in Australia just over a week ago.  4.25 million Australians have downloaded it, but officials say a greater uptake of the coronavirus tracing software would give political leaders the ability to be more “bold” in easing restrictions.  The government has said that about 10 million Australians – or 40 % of the population – need to join the program to make it an effective tool to trace COVID-19 cases.   Civil liberties groups say the technology breaches privacy, while some experts have questioned its ability to accurately trace users. But the Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy is urging more Australians to take part. “The other very important precondition we have talked about on many occasions is the App.  4.25 million Australians have now downloaded the App and clearly, we need to keep downloads and registrations increasing.  We think there are about 16 million adults with Smartphones.  They are our target population.  They are the people we want to get to download App because they are the people are likely to be contacts of cases, and we want as many of them as possible to download the App,” Murphy said.Sorry, but your browser cannot support embedded video of this type, you can
download this video to view it offline. Embed” />CopyThe federal government says it will announce later in the week if more COVID-19 controls will be relaxed following moves by some state and territory authorities to ease some public gathering and recreational restrictions. More than 630,000 tests have been carried out across the country. Australia also shut its borders to foreigners in March to stop the spread of imported cases of the disease.   A New Zealand rugby team are the first foreign nationals to be allowed into Australia since international borders were closed.  The New Zealand Warriors will stay in quarantine for 14 days before the planned resumption of the Australian National Rugby League on May 28.  The Auckland-based Warriors are the only overseas side to play in the 16-team competition.  In Sydney, another elderly resident has died at a care home that has become an epicenter for COVID-19 in Australia.  14 people have now died after a staff member caused an outbreak by working several shifts despite having mild coronavirus symptoms.  The New South Wales state government said the situation at the facility was “horrific” and “unacceptable.”   

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