Придурок шкарлет – це нове обличчя в міносвіти, творіння табачника і зеленого карлика

Придурок шкарлет – це нове обличчя в міносвіти, творіння табачника і зеленого карлика

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Тройной удар по путляндии: Эрдоган получает двух важных союзников в Ливии

Тройной удар по путляндии: Эрдоган получает двух важных союзников в Ливии

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Beyoncé Drops Surprise Single ‘Black Parade’ on Juneteenth

Beyoncé did not let Juneteenth pass without dropping one of her signature surprises — a new single called “Black Parade.””I’m going back to the South, I’m going back where my roots ain’t watered down,” Beyoncé sings, opening the track. At several points on Friday’s release, the singer tells listeners to “Follow my parade.”Proceeds from the song will benefit black-owned small businesses, a message entitled “Black Parade Route” on the singer’s website said. The post included links to dozens of black-owned businesses.”Happy Juneteenth. Being Black is your activism. Black excellence is a form of protest. Black joy is your right,” the message said.Juneteenth commemorates when the last enslaved African Americans learned they were free. While the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the South beginning Jan. 1, 1863, it wasn’t enforced in many places until after the end of the Civil War two years later. Confederate soldiers surrendered in April 1865, but word didn’t reach the last enslaved black people until June 19, when Union soldiers brought the news of freedom to Galveston, Texas.”We got rhythm, we got pride, we birth kings, we birth tribes,” Beyoncé sings toward the end of the nearly five-minute song.Juneteenth — typically a day of both joy and pain — was marked with new urgency this year, amid weekslong protests over police brutality and racism sparked by the May 25 death of George Floyd, a black man, in police custody.Beyoncé spoke out on social media in the wake of Floyd’s death.”We’re broken and we’re disgusted. We cannot normalize this pain,” she said in an Instagram video that called for people to sign a petition demanding justice for Floyd.The singer also joined the call for charges against the officers involved in the killing of Breonna Taylor, who was gunned down in March by officers who burst into her Kentucky home. Beyoncé wrote in a letter Sunday to Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron that the three Louisville police officers “must be held accountable for their actions.” Cameron has asked for patience amid a probe, but Louisville’s mayor announced Friday that one of the officers would be fired.The release of “Black Parade” is the singer’s latest philanthropic effort. In April she announced her BeyGOOD charity would partner with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Start Small campaign  to provide $6 million in relief funds to a variety of groups working to provide basic necessities in cities like Detroit, Houston, New York and New Orleans.It’s also the latest surprise release from the singer, who along with husband Jay-Z released the nine-track album “Everything Is Love” in 2018 with no notice. In 2013, Beyoncé released the self-titled album “Beyoncé,” also without any notice.”I hope we continue to share joy and celebrate each other, even in the midst of struggle,” she wrote in an Instagram post announcing the release of “Black Parade.” “Please continue to remember our beauty, strength and power.”  

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Police Use of Facial Recognition Technology Raises Alarm in Wake of George Floyd Death

Activists want to ban police from using facial recognition — and now some big tech companies are scaling back cooperation with law enforcement. Deana Mitchell reports.Camera: Deana Mitchell  Produced by: Deana Mitchell 

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Ветеранов арестовали под видом карантина, ради безопасности обиженного карлика пукина

Ветеранов арестовали под видом карантина, ради безопасности обиженного карлика пукина.

Вот скажите, есть ли предел у лицемерия? Или лучше так, путляндия уже пробила дно или еще есть куда падать? Дно – это не предел, это бесконечность, ведь мало того, что сейчас он проводит парад, ради обнуления Путина, что является преступлением не только как захват власти, но и против здоровья граждан, так еще и оберегает он не ветеранов в первую очередь, а именно «недообнуленного»

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Як Порошенку запобіжний захід намагались обрати та так і не обрали?

Як Порошенку запобіжний захід намагались обрати та так і не обрали?

Петру Порошенку так і не обрали запобіжного заходу. Шльондра-суддя Печерського суду Сергій Вовк, який відомий політично вмотивованими вироками, оголосив перерву у розгляді справи до першого липня. Під стінами суду в цей час зібралось чимало прихильників Порошенка, які називають цей суд «судилищем», а справу «політичним переслідуванням». 10 червня Офіс Генерального прокурора повідомив, що підозрює Порошенка в тому, що він у 2018 році, будучи президентом, «схилив військову службову особу – голову Служби зовнішньої розвідки України до перевищення ним влади та службових повноважень». Захист політика назвав звинувачення «абсурдом».​ Про те, що відбувалося біля і всередині Печерського суду 18 червня

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Украина приближается к НАТО!

Украина приближается к НАТО!

12 июня – в день путляндии – Украина досрочно и неожиданно присоединилась к Программе расширенных возможностей НАТО – «клуба избранных» Альянса, где уже находятся Австралия, Швеция, Финляндия, Иордания и Грузия. По словам экс-министра обороны Андрея Загороднюка, теперь Киев – за шаг до членства в НАТО.

В ответ холуй пукина александр грушко заявил, что «НАТО не заинтересована в разрешении внутриукраинского конфликта».

Почему Германия и Франция таки согласились принять Украину, зная реакцию России? Что дает членство в Программе Киеву? И как на такой шаг Альянса в сторону Украины отреагирует Москва?

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«Ти не один». Нововиявлений бізнес-союз придурка коломойського та путісоса медведчука

«Ти не один». Нововиявлений бізнес-союз придурка коломойського та путісоса медведчука.

Нардеп від ОПЗЖ і кум ображеного карлика пукіна придурок віктор медведчук і збочинець ігор коломойський роками тримали дистанцію на публіці й відгукувалися один про одного не надто приязно. Торік останній навіть називав медведчука «зрадником» і «колаборантом».

Та, як нам вдалося з’ясувати, це ніяк не завадило їм стати бізнес-партнерами в щонайменше чотирьох сферах: медіа, енергетиці, нафтовій логістиці та металургії. Адже, окрім «1+1», як виявили журналісти-розслідувачі, придурок медведчук з родиною є партнером смердюха Коломойського у трьох обленерго і двох металургійних заводах.

Як так вийшло, що дегенерати медведчук і коломойський, які здавалося б, ніколи не мали спільних ні політичних, ні бізнес-інтересів і час від часу вдаються до взаємних звинувачень, поєднані тісними діловими зв’язками в низці сфер? І що вони самі про це кажуть?

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Суд над Порошенко – это угроза для Украины. Этот «бумеранг» ударит по всем украинцам!

Суд над Порошенко – это угроза для Украины. Этот «бумеранг» ударит по всем украинцам!

Не буду про недореформированную при Порошенко судебную систему, тут все и так понятно, но эта «ее месть в виде бумеранга» ударит по Порошенко и всех.

Главной политической ошибкой Порошенко является то, что он (тогда гораздо больше бизнесмен, чем политик) сразу не ввел в Украине настоящее военное положение, не закрыл в соответствии с ним пророссийскую пропаганду, не обезвредил российских наемников в политике, не мобилизовал население страны на ее постоянную защиту. Большинство людей в результате перестала осознавать внешнюю угрозу, переключилась на «обычную жизнь», внутренние ссоры, утратила реальность и бдительность.

Но за эту ошибку Порошенко будет судить история и он себя сам. А никак не суд в мантиях с карманами, пришитыми портным придурка януковича. Нынешний же суд — даже не его результат, а пока только процесс — наносят колоссальный ущерб Украине. Прежде всего во внешней политике. Ведь как это выглядит извне? «Украина судит по какими-то непонятными делам президента, которому мы всячески помогали ассоциацией с ЕС, санкциями против России, оружием. Если так, может быть, Украине это больше не так уж нужно?»

По моему мнению, это очень плохой путь. Не для Порошенко, как возможного политзаключенного, не для зелёного карлика как президента, а для всех нас. Просто, по логике “Запад или Восток», это, очевидно, большой риск снова попасть под влияние путляндии. Если Запад закроет на нас — таких странных, непоследовательных — глаза. Разве кто-то из вменяемых украинцев после Революции Достоинства может желать этого?

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Boy Who Sang of Being Young Black Man Signs Recording Contract

Keedron Bryant, the 12-year-old who grabbed attention on social media with his passionate performance about being a young black man in today’s world, has signed a deal with Warner Records. The song’s official release on Friday coincides with Juneteenth, which commemorates the emancipation of slaves in the U.S. VOA Correspondent Mariama Diallo reports.

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Порошенко показал силу: обиженный карлик пукин утёрся зелеными соплями

Порошенко показал силу: обиженный карлик пукин утёрся зелеными соплями

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Прыгнул на обиженного карлика пукина – сыграл в ящик. Экс-губернатор Чувашии Игнатьев не прийдет в суд

Прыгнул на обиженного карлика пукина – сыграл в ящик. Экс-губернатор Чувашии Игнатьев не прийдет в суд.

Скончался экс-глава Чувашии Игнатьев, подавший в суд на обиженного карлика пукина

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Придурок екс-регіонал шкарлет все одно може очолити міністерство освіти!!!

Придурок екс-регіонал шкарлет все одно може очолити міністерство освіти!!!

Кандидатуру ректора Чернігівського університету сергія шкарлета на посаду міністра освіти внесли до Верховної Ради 17 червня, однак 18 червня профільний комітет Верховної Ради не рекомендував його призначати. Нині ж у коментарі голова фракції «Слуга народу» давид арахамія заявив, що придурок шкарлет все одно стати керівником МОН, в обхід непідтримки депутатів

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Тотальный саботаж: Порошенко сделал важное предупреждение

Тотальный саботаж: Порошенко сделал важное предупреждение

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Парадокс страны-бензоколонки: почему в путляндии растет цена на топливо

Парадокс страны-бензоколонки: почему в путляндии растет цена на топливо.

Потребитель из своего кармана оплачивает провал нефтегазовых доходов ресурсной помойки. Получился вот такой вот забавный парадокс, страна-бензоколонка не может обеспечить доступным бензином сама себя

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или на email: pravdaua@email.cz
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‘Hamilton,’ ‘Phantom’ Will Be Off London Stages Until 2021

Some of London’s biggest West End shows, including “Hamilton” and “The Phantom of the Opera,” won’t reopen until next year, producers announced Wednesday, as arts bodies warned that Britain faces a “cultural catastrophe” because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Producer Cameron Mackintosh, his producing partners and his Delfont Mackintosh Theatres group said “Hamilton,” “The Phantom of the Opera,” Mary Poppins” and “Les Miserables,” would return “as early as practical in 2021.”
The company said it was talking to staff about “potential redundancies.”
Mackintosh, one of Britain’s biggest and wealthiest theater producers, said the decision was “heartbreaking” and criticized Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government for offering stage producers “no tangible practical support beyond offers to go into debt, which I don’t want to do.”
He said the government’s “inability to say when the impossible constraints of social distancing will be lifted makes it equally impossible for us to properly plan for whatever the new future is.”  
Music, theater, art, design, architecture and publishing generate billions for the British economy each year, but the country’s clubs, theaters, cinemas, concert halls and art galleries shut down in March as part of a nationwide lockdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  
Shops and outdoor spaces such as zoos are now starting to reopen, but indoor venues remain closed because of social distancing rules that require people to remain two meters (6 ½ feet) apart.
The government says it’s reviewing the distance rule amid pressure from retailers, restaurateurs and others to cut it to one meter (three feet).
The government has penciled in a July 4 re-opening date for pubs and restaurants, but Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden acknowledged that “it is going to be exceptionally difficult” for theaters to open.
Dowden said at a news conference that he planned to gather representatives from theaters, choirs and orchestras with medical experts in the next week to work on a “road map” for safe performances.
A study released Wednesday by research firm Oxford Economics projected that the U.K.’s creative industries could lose 74 billion pounds ($93 billion) in revenue this year and a fifth of the U.K.’s 2 million creative-sector jobs could disappear.
Chief executive Caroline Norbury of the Creative Industries Federation, which lobbies for arts and culture, said that “without additional government support, we are heading for a cultural catastrophe.”
“Thousands of world-leading creative businesses are set to close their doors, hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost and billions will be lost to our economy,” she said.
Norbury and other culture-sector leaders called on the government to set up a “cultural renewal fund” and continue support programs that have supported self-employed people and furloughed workers during the lockdown. The Treasury plans to scale back the programs in the next few months.
A letter to the government signed by almost 100 theater artists including actors James McAvoy and Wendell Pierce and “Fleabag” creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge warned that “British theater is on the brink of ruin.”
“The pandemic has brought theater to its knees,” the letter said. “Theaters do not have the money to operate viably with physical distancing. It is difficult to see venues opening before the end of the year.”
Dowden said the government was looking at “what further support we can give” to the arts.
“I know how essential our theaters, our music venues and the performing arts are to our wider cultural ecosystem,” he said. “Culture is our calling card.”

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Twitter Labels Trump’s Tweet as ‘Manipulated Media’

Twitter Inc added a ‘manipulated media’ label on a video posted on U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed on Thursday that showed a doctored news clip with a mis-spelled banner flashing “Terrified todler runs from racist baby.”The original video, which went viral on social media in 2019, showed a black toddler and a white toddler running towards each other and hugging. It was published with the headline “These two toddlers are showing us what real-life besties look like” on CNN’s website last year.The clip shared in Trump’s tweet first shows the part where one of those toddlers is seen running ahead of the other. At one point the banner reads: “Racist baby probably a Trump voter.”pic.twitter.com/vnRpk0zl5y— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020The tweeted video, with more than 7.7 million views and 125,000 retweets, then goes on to show the original video and concludes: “America is not the problem. Fake news is.””We may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context,” Twitter says in an explanation of its policies posted on its website.Twitter has been under fierce scrutiny from the Trump administration since it fact-checked Trump’s tweets about unsubstantiated claims of mail-in voting fraud. It also labeled a Trump tweet about protests in Minneapolis as “glorifying violence.”The president, who has battled Twitter and other tech companies over alleged censorship of conservative voices on social media platforms, said in late May he would propose legislation to potentially scrap or weaken the law shielding internet companies, in an extraordinary attempt to regulate outlets where he has been criticized.  

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Dame Vera Lynn, Britain’s World War Two ‘Forces’ Sweetheart,’ Dies at 103

Dame Vera Lynn, the woman whose voice boosted British spirits during the darkest days of World War Two, has died at 103.Her family did not give a cause of death when it announced her passing Thursday in East Sussex.Along with Winston Churchill’s, Lynn’s was the most recognized and renowned British voice of World War Two.She was known as the “Forces’ Sweetheart,” serenading Allied soldiers and the British people with such sentimental but optimistic ballads as “We’ll Meet Again,” “The White Cliffs of Dover” and “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square.”FILE – Singing star Vera Lynn tries on a lampshade in London, Nov. 30, 1961.She also hosted “Sincerely Yours,” a hugely popular BBC radio show during the war that included messages to British soldiers and sailors overseas and songs she sang at their request.Lynn also toured army camps, entertaining British troops in person.”What they needed was a contact from home,” she said. “I entertained audiences from 2,000 to 6,000. And the boys would just come out of the jungle and sit there for hours waiting until we arrived and then slip back in once we’d left.”Her popularity endured after the war.A decade before the Beatles, her 1952 recording of “Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart” made her the first British singer to top the American record charts.She also found renewed fame when director Stanley Kubrick played her vintage recording of “We’ll Meet Again” near the end of his 1964 film “Dr. Strangelove.”Long after she retired, a 2009 compilation album, “We’ll Meet Again — The Very Best of Vera Lynn,” was a top-selling recording in Britain.Prime Minister Boris Johnson said her “charm and magical voice entranced and uplifted our country in some of our darkest hours. Her voice will live on to lift the hearts of generations to come.”Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth plans to send a personal note of condolence to Lynn’s family. Sir Paul McCartney tweeted that he is “so sad to hear of her passing but at the same time so glad to have met her and experienced first-hand her warm, fun-loving personality. Her voice will sing in my heart forever.”Sir Cliff Richard recalled performing with Lynn on the 50th anniversary of VE Day in 1995, calling her “a great singer, a patriotic woman and a genuine icon.” 

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Australia Says it Has Been Target of ‘State-Based’ Cyberattacks

A “sophisticated state-based cyber actor” has been attempting to hack a wide range of Australian organizations for months and had stepped up its efforts recently, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday.The attacks have targeted all levels of the government, political organizations, essential service providers and operators of other critical infrastructure, Morrison said in a news briefing in Canberra.”We know it is a sophisticated state-based cyber actor because of the scale and nature of the targeting,” he said.Morrison said there were not a lot of state actors that could launch this sort of attack, but Australia will not identify which country was responsible.Australia’s Defense Minister Linda Reynolds said advice showed no large-scale personal data breaches from the attack, as she urged businesses and organizations to ensure any web or email servers are fully updated with the latest software and the use of multifactor authentication.An Australian government source said Morrison’s public declaration was an attempt to raise the issue with those who could be targeted.Australia’s chief cyber intelligence agency said its investigations have so far found no evidence that the actor attempted to be “disruptive or destructive” once within the host’s network.Morrison said he spoke with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday about the issue, while briefings to other allies have also been conducted.The revelation comes after Reuters reported Canberra had determined in March last year that China was responsible for a hacking attack on Australia’s parliament. Australia never publicly identified that source of the attack, and China denied it was responsible.A U.S. security ally, Australia strained ties with its largest trading partner, China, by pushing for an international inquiry into the source and spread of the new coronavirus that first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.  

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Dame Vera Lynn, Britain’s World War II ‘Forces’ Sweetheart,’ Dies at 103

Dame Vera Lynn, the woman whose voice boosted British spirits during the darkest days of World War II, has died at 103.Her family did not give a cause of death when it announced her passing Thursday in East Sussex.Along with Winston Churchill’s, Lynn’s was the most recognized and renowned British voice of World War II.She was known as the “Forces’ Sweetheart,” serenading Allied soldiers and the British people with such sentimental but optimistic ballads as “We’ll Meet Again,” “The White Cliffs of Dover” and “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square.”FILE – Singing star Vera Lynn tries on a lampshade in London, Nov. 30, 1961.She also hosted “Sincerely Yours,” a hugely popular BBC radio show during the war that included messages to British soldiers and sailors overseas and songs she sang at their request.Lynn also toured army camps, entertaining British troops in person.”What they needed was a contact from home,” she said. “I entertained audiences from 2,000 to 6,000. And the boys would just come out of the jungle and sit there for hours waiting until we arrived and then slip back in once we’d left.”Her popularity endured after the war.A decade before the Beatles, her 1952 recording of “Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart” made her the first British singer to top the American record charts.She also found renewed fame when director Stanley Kubrick played her vintage recording of “We’ll Meet Again” near the end of his 1964 film “Dr. Strangelove.”Long after she retired, a 2009 compilation album, “We’ll Meet Again — The Very Best of Vera Lynn,” was a top-selling recording in Britain.Prime Minister Boris Johnson said her “charm and magical voice entranced and uplifted our country in some of our darkest hours. Her voice will live on to lift the hearts of generations to come.”Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth plans to send a personal note of condolence to Lynn’s family. 

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