Cанкций мало не бывает: “друга” шрёдера заставили отдуваться за провалы газпрома…

Cанкций мало не бывает: “друга” шрёдера заставили отдуваться за провалы газпрома…

В «газпроме» должны быть частично рады инициативе США ввести новые ограничения против «Северного потока-2». Благодаря им, путляндский монополист оправдает свое оглушительное фиаско в водах Балтийского моря…

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Зелений карлик активно друкує гривню, скоро курс буде 100 гривень за долар!

Зелений карлик активно друкує гривню, скоро курс буде 100 гривень за долар

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Вот это поворот: черноморский флот против опущенного карлика пукина

Вот это поворот: черноморский флот против опущенного карлика пукина

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США и Великобритания готовят ответ опущенному карлику пукину за ликвидацию своих людей

США и Великобритания готовят ответ опущенному карлику пукину за ликвидацию своих людей

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For California Theater Producers, The Show Must Go On, Even During Pandemic

As the number of COVID cases continue to rise in the United States, theater producers seek out ways to stay connected to their art and audience and keep actors employed. Deana Mitchell explores what happens when the show that must go on struggles during a pandemic.
Camera, Producer: Deana Mitchell

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США лишают опущенного карлика пукина последних технологий!

США лишают опущенного карлика пукина последних технологий!

Последние новости путляндии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Порошенко набирает силу: опущенный карлик пукин опять утёрся зелеными соплями

Порошенко набирает силу: опущенный карлик пукин опять утёрся зелеными соплями

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В путляндії ментяра зламав плече журналістові на дільниці для голосування

В путляндії ментяра зламав плече журналістові на дільниці для голосування.

В путляндії сьогодні відбувається так зване основне голосування щодо поправок до Конституції. Рух «Голос» повідомив про численні порушення під час голосування – зокрема, про тиск на організаторів спостереження в регіонах, у тому числі з боку співробітників собак поліції. На одній із виборчих дільниць 30 червня у Санкт-Петербурзі ментяра напав на кореспондента Давида Френкеля і зламав йому руку. Кореспондент приїхав на дільницю через повідомлення про спробу усунути члена виборчої комісії з правом вирішального голосу. Слідчий комітет Санкт-Петербургу почав дослідчу перевірку за фактом заподіяння травми журналістові

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Голосовалище «обнуленца»: опущенный карлик пукин сильно напуган и не доверяет никому…

Голосовалище «обнуленца»: опущенный карлик пукин сильно напуган и не доверяет никому…

И тут возникает вопрос: а зачем ему именно такое решение вопроса о продлении своего правления?

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У опущенного карлика пукина плохие новости: газпром заплатил Польше

У опущенного карлика пукина плохие новости: газпром заплатил Польше

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Twitter Removes Image Tweet by Trump Over Copyright Complaint

Twitter Inc has taken down an image tweet by the U.S. President Donald Trump on June 30, in response to a report from a copyright holder. Twitter now displays the message “This image has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder,” in place of the tweet. News website Axios reported that the tweet was removed after a copyright complaint from the New York Times, which owns the rights to the photo. 

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Без “права на правду”. За что голосуют холопы опущенного карлика пукина 1 июля 2020

Без “права на правду”. За что голосуют холопы опущенного карлика пукина 1 июля 2020.

Принимая участие в голосовании по поправкам к Конституции, путляндцы должны вспомнить о “праве на правду” и миллионах жертв советской эпохи, погибших от пуль СС или НКВД, останки которых так и не были обнаружены и чья память не была почтена

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Мертвая хватка: Трампу поставили вопрос в лоб

Мертвая хватка: Трампу поставили вопрос в лоб

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Эрдоган действует: опущенный карликовый лепрекон теряет Ливию, С-400 отправят на разделку

Эрдоган действует: опущенный карликовый лепрекон теряет Ливию, С-400 отправят на разделку

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У венедіктової та геращенка проблеми з законом. Генпрокурор проти Конституції, а товстозадий за тортури

У венедіктової та геращенка проблеми з законом. Генпрокурор проти Конституції, а товстозадий за тортури.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Опущенный карлик пукин зовёт на обнуление из бункера на фоне хромакея

Опущенный карлик пукин зовёт на обнуление из бункера на фоне хромакея.

Ну что можно сказать, опущенный карлик пукин в своем бункере уже хорошо обжился, помимо всех удобств в виде бассейна и тренажерного зала, ему там установили туннель для дезинфекции, так теперь оказывается еще и хромакей повесили, видимо он решил повторять за мной и записал обращение на фоне Ржевского мемориала

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Richmond Orders Removal of Confederate Statues on City Land

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney on Wednesday ordered the immediate removal of all Confederate statues on city land, saying he was using his emergency powers to speed up the healing process for the former capital of the Confederacy amid weeks of protests over police brutality and racial injustice.Work crews began removing a statue of Gen. Stonewall Jackson early Wednesday afternoon. Flatbed trucks and other equipment were also spotted at several other Confederate monuments along Richmond’s famed Monument Avenue.
Another famous statue on city land is that of Gen. J.E.B. Stuart. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam had previously ordered the most prominent statue along the avenue, that of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which sits on state land. The removal has been stalled pending the resolution of a lawsuit from at least two people who oppose its removal.The statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson stands at the Manassas Battlefield Park in Virginia. (Photo: Diaa Bekheet). Jackson was a commander in the Battle of Manassas, which marked the first major land battle of the Civil War.Stoney said he was also moving quickly because protesters have already toppled several Confederate monuments and is concerned that people could be hurt trying to take down the gigantic statues.
“We have an urgent need to protect the public,” Stoney said in a statement.
Stoney’s move came on the day a new state law took effect granting control of the monuments to the city. The law outlines a removal process that would take at 60 days to unfold.
But during a City Council meeting Wednesday morning, Stoney balked as the council scheduled a special meeting for Thursday to formally vote on a resolution calling for the immediate removal of the statues.
“Today, I have the ability to do this through my emergency powers,” Stoney said. “I think we need to act today.”
About an hour later, work crews were spotted near the Jackson statue.
Videos posted on Twitter showed workers being lifted in a crane to the top of the statue and attempting to attach something to it.
During Wednesday’s meeting, city councilors expressed support for removing the statues, but several councilors said the council needed to follow the proper legal process.
Interim city attorney Haskell Brown said any claim that Stoney has the authority to remove the statues without following the state process would contradict legal advice he has previously given the council and administration.
Stoney and several city councilors said they were concerned that the statues have become a public safety hazard during weeks of protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
In Portsmouth, one man was seriously injured as protesters tried to pull down a Confederate statue. 

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Reliance on Social Media News Amplifies COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories, Report Finds

People who get most of their news from social media like Facebook and YouTube are much more likely to believe conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic, according to research from Kings College London. The report also suggests those reliant on social media for news are much more likely to ignore government messaging on staying safe during the pandemic and more likely to disobey lockdown rules.The research was published earlier this month in the journal A 5G logo is displayed on a screen outside the showroom at Huawei campus in Shenzhen city, China’s Guangdong province.One prominent conspiracy theory is that 5G mobile technology is causing the disease. In recent weeks, dozens of 5G mobile telecom towers have been destroyed across Britain. Police say a belief that the masts are causing the respiratory ailment appears to have motivated many of the attacks. The researchers questioned 2,254 British residents. Overall, 8 percent believed that 5G technology was causing the pandemic. Of those people, 60 percent said they got their information from YouTube. Out of the 92 percent of people who don’t believe the 5G conspiracy theory, only 14 percent said their information came from YouTube.Among people who believe the coronavirus does not exist at all, some 56 percent cited Facebook as their primary source of news. Allington says the most disturbing finding has been the readiness among those who believe in conspiracy theories about the disease to break quarantine and lockdown rules.“We found that people who had gone out, gone outside or gone to work despite having what they knew were possible coronavirus symptoms were much more likely to be getting their information from social media,” Allington told VOA.That presents a health risk that must be addressed, says British lawmaker Damian Collins, co-founder of the group ‘Infotagion’ which aims to fight misinformation about the pandemic.“A lot of this content is still there and a lot of the times when it’s referred to social media companies, they don’t act immediately to take this content down,” Collins told VOA via Skype, adding that he has big concerns over the role social media might play in any vaccination program. “If we get to a position where we’ve got a vaccine and for the vaccine to be effective, we need the vast majority of people to agree to take it. It’s important that people have got confidence in that. And if people are spreading conspiracy theories and lies about the vaccine and trying to persuade people not to take it, then there’s a serious public health risk to that.”FILE – The Twitter and Facebook logos are seen with binary cyber codes in this illustration, Nov. 26, 2019.Facebook, YouTube and Twitter say they have removed hundreds of thousands of videos and posts relating to COVID-19 misinformation that could lead to imminent harm. In written evidence submitted to the British parliament, Facebook said that during the month of April it had “displayed warning labels on around 50 million pieces of content related to COVID-19 on Facebook,” adding, “…When people saw those warning labels, 95% of the time they did not click to view the original content.”Despite such claims, the internal systems in place to deal with misinformation remain opaque, says Allington of Kings College London. “Those systems have got to be opened up for auditing by democratically-accountable bodies,” he told VOA.The social media giants are facing a backlash on multiple fronts. More than 150 companies – including Starbucks and Coca-Cola – have stopped buying advertising on Facebook over concerns around misinformation and hate speech.At the same time, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order in May seeking to strip social media companies of legal immunity for the content posted by users, after Twitter tagged one of his tweets with a fact-check notice. “If Twitter were not honorable and you’re going to have a guy like this being the judge and jury, I think you shut it down, as far as I’m concerned. But I’d have to go through a legal process to do that,” Trump told reporters May 28.

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Turkish President Calls for Tighter Social Media Controls

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday he would tighten controls on social media, days after remarks were made on Twitter about his daughter and son-in-law.“Turkey is not a banana republic,” Erdogan said in a televised address to his party members. “We will snub those who snub this country’s executive and judicial bodies.”Erdogan’s eldest daughter, Esra Erdogan, and his son-in-law, Finance Minister Berat Albayrak reportedly received what were called insulting tweets after the couple announced the birth of their fourth child on social media.Eleven of 19 Twitter users who allegedly insulted Erdogan’s family were detained, Turkish police said in a statement on Wednesday.“Do you understand now why we are against social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Netflix?” Erdogan ask while addressing his party. “These platforms do not suit this nation. We want to shut down, control [them] by bringing [a bill] to parliament as soon as possible.”Rights groups have accused Erdogan of using the coronavirus pandemic as a reason to tighten controls on the media, with only a few independent publications continuing to report on the Turkish president’s handling of the pandemic.Turkey’s communications director, Fahrettin Altun, called Twitter a “propaganda machine” after it recently suspended 7,340 accounts. Twitter said the accounts were “employing coordinated inauthentic activity” promoting favorable narratives to Erdogan and his party. 

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Начались страшные мучения умирания бывшей “энергетической сверхдержавы”

Начались страшные мучения умирания бывшей “энергетической сверхдержавы”

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